require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'stringio' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/syntax/verbatim_symbol' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/syntax/non_terminal' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/syntax/production' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/syntax/grammar_builder' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/parser/token' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/parser/dotted_item' require_relative '../../../lib/rley/parser/gfg_parsing' require_relative '../support/grammar_abc_helper' require_relative '../support/ambiguous_grammar_helper' require_relative '../support/grammar_helper' require_relative '../support/expectation_helper' # Load the class under test require_relative '../../../lib/rley/parser/gfg_earley_parser' module Rley # Open this namespace to avoid module qualifier prefixes module Parser # Open this namespace to avoid module qualifier prefixes describe GFGEarleyParser do include GrammarABCHelper # Mix-in module with builder for grammar abc include GrammarHelper # Mix-in with method for creating token sequence include ExpectationHelper # Mix-in with expectation on parse entry sets # Factory method. Build a production with the given sequence # of symbols as its rhs. let(:grammar_abc) do builder = grammar_abc_builder builder.grammar end let(:grm1_tokens) do build_token_sequence(%w(a a b c c), grammar_abc) end # Grammar 2: A simple arithmetic expression language # (based on example in article on Earley's algorithm in Wikipedia) # P ::= S. # S ::= S "+" M. # S ::= M. # M ::= M "*" T. # M ::= T. # T ::= an integer number token. # Let's create the grammar piece by piece let(:nt_P) {'P') } let(:nt_S) {'S') } let(:nt_M) {'M') } let(:nt_T) {'T') } let(:plus) {'+') } let(:star) {'*') } let(:integer) do integer_pattern = /[-+]?[0-9]+/ # Decimal notation'integer', integer_pattern) end let(:prod_P) {, [nt_S]) } let(:prod_S1) {, [nt_S, plus, nt_M]) } let(:prod_S2) {, [nt_M]) } let(:prod_M1) {, [nt_M, star, nt_T]) } let(:prod_M2) {, [nt_T]) } let(:prod_T) {, [integer]) } let(:grammar_expr) do all_prods = [prod_P, prod_S1, prod_S2, prod_M1, prod_M2, prod_T] end # Helper method that mimicks the output of a tokenizer # for the language specified by grammar_expr def grm2_tokens() input_sequence = [ { '2' => 'integer' }, '+', { '3' => 'integer' }, '*', { '4' => 'integer' } ] return build_token_sequence(input_sequence, grammar_expr) end # Default instantiation rule subject { } context 'Initialization:' do it 'should be created with a grammar' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end it 'should know its grammar' do expect(subject.grammar).to eq(grammar_abc) end it 'should know its dotted items' do expect(subject.dotted_items.size).to eq(8) end it 'should know its flow graph' do expect(subject.gf_graph).to be_kind_of(GFG::GrmFlowGraph) end end # context context 'Parsing: ' do it 'should parse a valid simple input' do parse_result = subject.parse(grm1_tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) # expect(parse_result.ambiguous?).to eq(false) ###################### # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.S | 0', # initialization 'S => . A | 0', # start rule '.A | 0', # call rule 'A => . a A c | 0', # start rule 'A => . b | 0' # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) expected_terminals(parse_result.chart[0], %w(a b)) ###################### # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'A => a . A c | 0', # scan 'a' '.A | 1', # call rule 'A => . a A c | 1', # start rule 'A => . b | 1' # start rule ] entry_set_1 = parse_result.chart[1] expect(entry_set_1.entries.size).to eq(4) compare_entry_texts(entry_set_1, expected) expected_terminals(parse_result.chart[1], %w(a b)) ###################### # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ 'A => a . A c | 1', # scan 'a' '.A | 2', # call rule 'A => . a A c | 2', # start rule 'A => . b | 2' # start rule ] entry_set_2 = parse_result.chart[2] expect(entry_set_2.entries.size).to eq(4) compare_entry_texts(entry_set_2, expected) expected_terminals(parse_result.chart[2], %w(a b)) ###################### # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'A => b . | 2', # scan 'b' 'A. | 2', # exit rule 'A => a A . c | 1', # end rule ] entry_set_3 = parse_result.chart[3] expect(entry_set_3.entries.size).to eq(3) compare_entry_texts(entry_set_3, expected) expected_terminals(parse_result.chart[3], %w(c)) ###################### # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ 'A => a A c . | 1', # scan 'c' 'A. | 1', # exit rule 'A => a A . c | 0' # end rule ] entry_set_4 = parse_result.chart[4] expect(entry_set_4.entries.size).to eq(3) compare_entry_texts(entry_set_4, expected) expected_terminals(parse_result.chart[4], %w(c)) ###################### # Expectation chart[5]: expected = [ 'A => a A c . | 0', # scan 'c' 'A. | 0', # exit rule 'S => A . | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] entry_set_5 = parse_result.chart[5] expect(entry_set_5.entries.size).to eq(4) compare_entry_texts(entry_set_5, expected) end =begin it 'should trace a parse with level 1' do # Substitute temporarily $stdout by a StringIO prev_ostream = $stdout $stdout ='', 'w') trace_level = 1 subject.parse(grm1_tokens, trace_level) expectations = <<-SNIPPET ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c'] |. a . a . b . c . c .| |> . . . . .| [0:0] S => . A |> . . . . .| [0:0] A => . 'a' A 'c' |> . . . . .| [0:0] A => . 'b' |[---] . . . .| [0:1] A => 'a' . A 'c' |. > . . . .| [1:1] A => . 'a' A 'c' |. > . . . .| [1:1] A => . 'b' |. [---] . . .| [1:2] A => 'a' . A 'c' |. . > . . .| [2:2] A => . 'a' A 'c' |. . > . . .| [2:2] A => . 'b' |. . [---] . .| [2:3] A => 'b' . |. [-------> . .| [1:3] A => 'a' A . 'c' |. . . [---] .| [3:4] A => 'a' A 'c' . |[---------------> .| [0:4] A => 'a' A . 'c' |. . . . [---]| [4:5] A => 'a' A 'c' . |[===================]| [0:5] S => A . SNIPPET expect($stdout.string).to eq(expectations) # Restore standard ouput stream $stdout = prev_ostream end =end it 'should parse a valid simple expression' do instance = parse_result = instance.parse(grm2_tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) # expect(parse_result.ambiguous?).to eq(false) ###################### S(0): . 2 + 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.P | 0', # Initialization 'P => . S | 0', # start rule '.S | 0', # call rule "S => . S '+' M | 0", # start rule 'S => . M | 0', # start rule '.M | 0', # call rule "M => . M '*' T | 0", # start rule 'M => . T | 0', # start rule '.T | 0', # call rule 'T => . integer | 0' # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1): 2 . + 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'T => integer . | 0', # scan '2' 'T. | 0', # exit rule 'M => T . | 0', # end rule 'M. | 0', # exit rule 'S => M . | 0', # end rule "M => M . '*' T | 0", # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' M | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2): 2 + . 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ "S => S '+' . M | 0", # scan '+' '.M | 2', # call rule "M => . M '*' T | 2", # start rule 'M => . T | 2', # start rule '.T | 2', # call rule 'T => . integer | 2' # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3): 2 + 3 . * 4 # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'T => integer . | 2', # scan '3' 'T. | 2', # exit rule 'M => T . | 2', # end rule 'M. | 2', # exit rule "S => S '+' M . | 0", # end rule "M => M . '*' T | 2", # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' M | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4): 2 + 3 * . 4 # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ "M => M '*' . T | 2", # scan '*' '.T | 4', # call rule 'T => . integer | 4' # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) ###################### S(5): 2 + 3 * 4 . # Expectation chart[5]: expected = [ 'T => integer . | 4', # scan '4' 'T. | 4', # exit rule "M => M '*' T . | 2", # end rule 'M. | 2', # exit rule "S => S '+' M . | 0", # end rule "M => M . '*' T | 2", # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' M | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0' # end rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[5], expected) end it 'should parse a nullable grammar' do # Simple but problematic grammar for the original Earley parser # (based on example in D. Grune, C. Jacobs "Parsing Techniques" book) # Ss => A A 'x'; # A => ; t_x ='x') builder = builder.add_terminals(t_x) builder.add_production('Ss' => %w(A A x)) builder.add_production('A' => []) tokens = ['x', t_x) ] instance = expect { instance.parse(tokens) }.not_to raise_error parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0): . x # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.Ss | 0', # Initialization "Ss => . A A 'x' | 0", # start rule '.A | 0', # call rule 'A => . | 0', # start rule 'A. | 0', # exit rule "Ss => A . A 'x' | 0", # end rule "Ss => A A . 'x' | 0" # end rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1): x . # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ "Ss => A A 'x' . | 0", # scan 'x' 'Ss. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) end it 'should parse an ambiguous grammar (I)' do # Grammar 3: A ambiguous arithmetic expression language # (based on example in article on Earley's algorithm in Wikipedia) # P => S. # S => S "+" S. # S => S "*" S. # S => L. # L => an integer number token. t_int ='integer', /[-+]?\d+/) t_plus ='+') t_star ='*') builder = do add_terminals(t_int, t_plus, t_star) rule 'P' => 'S' rule 'S' => %w(S + S) rule 'S' => %w(S * S) rule 'S' => 'L' rule 'L' => 'integer' end input_sequence = [ { '2' => 'integer' }, '+', { '3' => 'integer' }, '*', { '4' => 'integer' } ] tokens = build_token_sequence(input_sequence, builder.grammar) instance = expect { instance.parse(tokens) }.not_to raise_error parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) # expect(parse_result.ambiguous?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0): . 2 + 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.P | 0', # Initialization 'P => . S | 0', # start rule '.S | 0', # call rule "S => . S '+' S | 0", # entry rule "S => . S '*' S | 0", # entry rule 'S => . L | 0', # entry rule '.L | 0', # call rule 'L => . integer | 0' # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1): 2 . + 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'L => integer . | 0', # scan '2' 'L. | 0', # exit rule 'S => L . | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 0", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2): 2 + . 3 * 4 # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ "S => S '+' . S | 0", # scan '+' '.S | 2', # call rule "S => . S '+' S | 2", # entry rule "S => . S '*' S | 2", # entry rule 'S => . L | 2', # entry rule '.L | 2', # call rule 'L => . integer | 2' # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3): 2 + 3 . * 4 # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'L => integer . | 2', # scan '3' 'L. | 2', # exit rule 'S => L . | 2', # end rule 'S. | 2', # exit rule "S => S '+' S . | 0", # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 2", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 2", # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 0", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0', # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4): 2 + 3 * . 4 # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ "S => S '*' . S | 2", # scan '*' "S => S '*' . S | 0", # scan '*' '.S | 4', # call rule "S => . S '+' S | 4", # entry rule "S => . S '*' S | 4", # entry rule 'S => . L | 4', # entry rule '.L | 4', # call rule 'L => . integer | 4' # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) ###################### S(5): 2 + 3 * 4 . # Expectation chart[5]: expected = [ 'L => integer . | 4', # scan '4' 'L. | 4', # exit rule 'S => L . | 4', # end rule 'S. | 4', # exit rule "S => S '*' S . | 2", # end rule "S => S '*' S . | 0", # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 4", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 4", # end rule 'S. | 2', # exit rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule "S => S '+' S . | 0", # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 2", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 2", # end rule 'P => S . | 0', # end rule "S => S . '+' S | 0", # end rule "S => S . '*' S | 0", # end rule 'P. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[5], expected) expected_antecedents = { 'L => integer . | 4' => ['L => . integer | 4'], 'L. | 4' => ['L => integer . | 4'], 'S => L . | 4' => ['L. | 4'], 'S. | 4' => ['S => L . | 4'], "S => S '*' S . | 2" => ['S. | 4'], "S => S '*' S . | 0" => ['S. | 4'], "S => S . '+' S | 4" => ['S. | 4'], "S => S . '*' S | 4" => ['S. | 4'], 'S. | 2' => ["S => S '*' S . | 2"], 'S. | 0' => ["S => S '*' S . | 0", "S => S '+' S . | 0"], "S => S '+' S . | 0" => ['S. | 2'], "S => S . '+' S | 2" => ['S. | 2'], "S => S . '*' S | 2" => ['S. | 2'], 'P => S . | 0' => ['S. | 0'], "S => S . '+' S | 0" => ['S. | 0'], "S => S . '*' S | 0" => ['S. | 0'], 'P. | 0' => ['P => S . | 0'] } check_antecedence(parse_result, 5, expected_antecedents) end it 'should parse an ambiguous grammar (II)' do extend(AmbiguousGrammarHelper) grammar = grammar_builder.grammar instance = tokens = tokenize('abc + def + ghi', grammar) expect { instance.parse(tokens) }.not_to raise_error parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) # expect(parse_result.ambiguous?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0): . abc + def + ghi # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.S | 0', # Initialization 'S => . E | 0', # start rule '.E | 0', # call rule 'E => . E + E | 0', # start rule 'E => . id | 0' # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1): abc . + def + ghi # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'E => id . | 0', # scan 'abc' 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . + E | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2): abc + . def + ghi # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ 'E => E + . E | 0', # Scan '+' '.E | 2', # call rule 'E => . E + E | 2', # entry rule 'E => . id | 2' # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3): abc + def . + ghi # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'E => id . | 2', # Scan 'def' 'E. | 2', # exit rule 'E => E + E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . + E | 2', # end rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . + E | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4): abc + def + . ghi # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ 'E => E + . E | 2', # Scan '+' 'E => E + . E | 0', # Scan '+' '.E | 4', # call rule 'E => . E + E | 4', # start rule 'E => . id | 4' # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) ###################### S(5): abc + def + ghi . # Expectation chart[5]: expected = [ 'E => id . | 4', # Scan 'ghi' 'E. | 4', # exit rule 'E => E + E . | 2', # end rule 'E => E + E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . + E | 4', # end rule 'E. | 2', # exit rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'E => E . + E | 2', # end rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . + E | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0', # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[5], expected) end it 'should parse an invalid simple input' do # Parse an erroneous input (b is missing) wrong = build_token_sequence(%w(a a c c), grammar_abc) err_msg = <<-MSG Syntax error at or near token 3>>>c<<<: Expected one of: ['a', 'b'], found a 'c' instead. MSG err = StandardError expect { subject.parse(wrong) } .to raise_error(err, err_msg.chomp) end it 'should parse a common sample' do # Grammar based on example found in paper of K. Pingali, G. Bilardi: # "A Graphical Model for Context-Free Gammar Parsing" t_int ='int', /[-+]?\d+/) t_plus ='+') t_lparen ='(') t_rparen =')') builder = do add_terminals(t_int, t_plus, t_lparen, t_rparen) rule 'S' => 'E' rule 'E' => 'int' rule 'E' => %w(( E + E )) rule 'E' => %w(E + E) end input_sequence = [ { '7' => 'int' }, '+', { '8' => 'int' }, '+', { '9' => 'int' } ] tokens = build_token_sequence(input_sequence, builder.grammar) instance = parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0) == . 7 + 8 + 9 # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.S | 0', # initialization 'S => . E | 0', # start rule '.E | 0', # call rule 'E => . int | 0', # start rule "E => . '(' E '+' E ')' | 0", # start rule "E => . E '+' E | 0" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1) == 7 . + 8 + 9 # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'E => int . | 0', # scan '7' 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule "E => E . '+' E | 0", # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2) == 7 + . 8 + 9 # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ "E => E '+' . E | 0", # scan '+' '.E | 2', # exit rule 'E => . int | 2', # start rule "E => . '(' E '+' E ')' | 2", # start rule "E => . E '+' E | 2" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3) == 7 + 8 . + 9 # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'E => int . | 2', # scan '8' 'E. | 2', # exit rule "E => E '+' E . | 0", # end rule "E => E . '+' E | 2", # end rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule "E => E . '+' E | 0", # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4) == 7 + 8 + . 9 # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ "E => E '+' . E | 2", # scan '+' "E => E '+' . E | 0", # scan '+' '.E | 4', # exit rule 'E => . int | 4', # start rule "E => . '(' E '+' E ')' | 4", # start rule "E => . E '+' E | 4" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) ###################### S(5) == 7 + 8 + 9 . # Expectation chart[5]: expected = [ 'E => int . | 4', # scan '9' 'E. | 4', # exit rule "E => E '+' E . | 2", # end rule "E => E '+' E . | 0", # end rule "E => E . '+' E | 4", # exit rule (not shown in paper) 'E. | 2', # exit rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule "E => E . '+' E | 2", # end rule 'S => E . | 0', # end rule "E => E . '+' E | 0", # end rule 'S. | 0' ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[5], expected) end it 'should parse a grammar with nullable nonterminals' do # Grammar 4: A grammar with nullable nonterminal # based on example from "Parsing Techniques" book # (D. Grune, C. Jabobs) # Z ::= E. # E ::= E Q F. # E ::= F. # F ::= a. # Q ::= *. # Q ::= /. # Q ::=. t_a ='a') t_star ='*') t_slash ='/') builder = do add_terminals(t_a, t_star, t_slash) rule 'Z' => 'E' rule 'E' => %w(E Q F) rule 'E' => 'F' rule 'F' => t_a rule 'Q' => t_star rule 'Q' => t_slash rule 'Q' => [] # Empty production end tokens = build_token_sequence(%w(a a / a), builder.grammar) instance = expect { instance.parse(tokens) }.not_to raise_error parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0) == . a a / a # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.Z | 0', # initialization 'Z => . E | 0', # start rule '.E | 0', # call rule 'E => . E Q F | 0', # start rule 'E => . F | 0', # start rule '.F | 0', # call rule "F => . 'a' | 0" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1) == a . a / a # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ "F => 'a' . | 0", # scan 'a' 'F. | 0', # exit rule 'E => F . | 0', # end rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'Z => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . Q F | 0', # end rule 'Z. | 0', # exit rule '.Q | 1', # call rule "Q => . '*' | 1", # start rule "Q => . '/' | 1", # start rule 'Q => . | 1', # start rule 'Q. | 1', # exit rule 'E => E Q . F | 0', # end rule '.F | 1', # call rule "F => . 'a' | 1" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2) == a a . / a # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ "F => 'a' . | 1", # scan 'a' 'F. | 1', # exit rule 'E => E Q F . | 0', # end rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'Z => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . Q F | 0', # end rule 'Z. | 0', # exit rule '.Q | 2', # call rule "Q => . '*' | 2", # start rule "Q => . '/' | 2", # start rule 'Q => . | 2', # start rule 'Q. | 2', # exit rule 'E => E Q . F | 0', # end rule '.F | 2', # call rule "F => . 'a' | 2" # start rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3) == a a / . a # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ "Q => '/' . | 2", # scan '/' 'Q. | 2', # exit rule 'E => E Q . F | 0', # end rule '.F | 3', # call rule "F => . 'a' | 3" # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4) == a a / a . # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ "F => 'a' . | 3", # scan 'a' 'F. | 3', # exit rule 'E => E Q F . | 0', # end rule 'E. | 0', # exit rule 'Z => E . | 0', # end rule 'E => E . Q F | 0', # end rule 'Z. | 0', # exit rule '.Q | 4', # call rule "Q => . '*' | 4", # start rule "Q => . '/' | 4", # start rule 'Q => . | 4', # start rule 'Q. | 4', # exit rule 'E => E Q . F | 0', # end rule '.F | 4', # call rule "F => . 'a' | 4" # entry rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) end it 'should parse a right recursive grammar' do # Simple right recursive grammar # based on example in D. Grune, C. Jacobs "Parsing Techniques" book # pp. 224 et sq. # S => a S; # S => ; # This grammar requires a time that is quadratic in the number of # input tokens builder = builder.add_terminals('a') builder.add_production('S' => %w(a S)) builder.add_production('S' => []) grammar = builder.grammar tokens = build_token_sequence(%w(a a a a), grammar) instance = parse_result = instance.parse(tokens) expect(parse_result.success?).to eq(true) ###################### S(0): . a a a a # Expectation chart[0]: expected = [ '.S | 0', # Initialization 'S => . a S | 0', # start rule 'S => . | 0', # start rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[0], expected) ###################### S(1): a . a a a # Expectation chart[1]: expected = [ 'S => a . S | 0', # scan 'a' '.S | 1', # call rule 'S => . a S | 1', # start rule 'S => . | 1', # start rule 'S. | 1', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 0' # end rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[1], expected) ###################### S(2): a a . a a # Expectation chart[2]: expected = [ 'S => a . S | 1', # scan 'a' '.S | 2', # call rule 'S => . a S | 2', # start rule 'S => . | 2', # start rule 'S. | 2', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 1', # end rule 'S. | 1', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[2], expected) ###################### S(3): a a a . a # Expectation chart[3]: expected = [ 'S => a . S | 2', # scan 'a' '.S | 3', # call rule 'S => . a S | 3', # start rule 'S => . | 3', # start rule 'S. | 3', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 2', # end rule 'S. | 2', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 1', # end rule 'S. | 1', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[3], expected) ###################### S(4): a a a a . # Expectation chart[4]: expected = [ 'S => a . S | 3', # scan 'a' '.S | 4', # call rule 'S => . a S | 4', # start rule 'S => . | 4', # start rule 'S. | 4', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 3', # end rule 'S. | 3', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 2', # end rule 'S. | 2', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 1', # end rule 'S. | 1', # exit rule 'S => a S . | 0', # end rule 'S. | 0' # exit rule ] compare_entry_texts(parse_result.chart[4], expected) end end # context end # describe end # module end # module # End of file