module MoodleRb class Categories include HTTParty include Utility attr_reader :token, :query_options ROOT_CATEGORY = 0 def initialize(token, url, query_options) @token = token @query_options = query_options self.class.base_uri url end def index response = self.class.get( '/webservice/rest/server.php', { :query => query_hash('core_course_get_categories', token) }.merge(query_options) ) check_for_errors(response) response.parsed_response end # required params: # name # optional params: # parent_category # the parent category id inside which the new category will be created # - set to nil for a root category # idnumber # the new category external reference. must be unique # description # the new category description def create(params) response = '/webservice/rest/server.php', { :query => query_hash('core_course_create_categories', token), :body => { :categories => { '0' => { :name => params[:name], :parent => (params[:parent_category] || ROOT_CATEGORY), :idnumber => params[:idnumber], :description => params[:description] } } } }.merge(query_options) ) check_for_errors(response) response.parsed_response.first end def show(id) response = '/webservice/rest/server.php', { :query => query_hash('core_course_get_categories', token), :body => { :criteria => { '0' => { :key => 'id', :value => id } } } }.merge(query_options) ) check_for_errors(response) response.parsed_response.first end def destroy(id) response = '/webservice/rest/server.php', { :query => query_hash('core_course_delete_categories', token), :body => { :categories => { '0' => { :id => id, :recursive => 1 } } } }.merge(query_options) ) check_for_errors(response) response.parsed_response.nil? end end end