require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) module Pod DONT_CODESIGN = true describe Command::Spec::FanqiePackage do describe 'IntegrationTests' do after do Dir.glob("NikeKit-*").each { |dir| } Dir.glob("LibraryDemo-*").each { |dir| } FileUtils.rm_rf('spec/fixtures/PackagerTest/NikeKit.framework') end it 'Allow integration into project alongside CocoaPods' do Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) command = Command.parse(%w{ fanqie-package spec/fixtures/NikeKit.podspec }) `cp -Rp NikeKit-*/ios/NikeKit.framework spec/fixtures/PackagerTest` log = '' Dir.chdir('spec/fixtures/PackagerTest') do `pod install 2>&1` log << `xcodebuild -workspace PackagerTest.xcworkspace -scheme PackagerTest -sdk iphonesimulator CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- 2>&1` end puts log if $?.exitstatus != 0 $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end it 'Allow integration of dynamic framework into project alongside CocoaPods' do Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) command = Command.parse(%w{ fanqie-package spec/fixtures/NikeKit.podspec --dynamic }) `cp -Rp NikeKit-*/ios/NikeKit.framework spec/fixtures/PackagerTest` log = '' Dir.chdir('spec/fixtures/PackagerTest') do `pod install 2>&1` log << `xcodebuild -workspace PackagerTest.xcworkspace -scheme PackagerTest -sdk iphonesimulator CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- 2>&1` end puts log if $?.exitstatus != 0 $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end it 'allows integration of a library without dependencies' do Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager.stubs(:search).returns(nil) command = Command.parse(%w{ fanqie-package spec/fixtures/LibraryDemo.podspec }) log = '' Dir.chdir('spec/fixtures/LibraryConsumerDemo') do `pod install 2>&1` log << `xcodebuild -workspace LibraryConsumer.xcworkspace -scheme LibraryConsumer 2>&1` log << `xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace LibraryConsumer.xcworkspace -scheme LibraryConsumer 2>&1` end puts log if $?.exitstatus != 0 $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end end end end