## Changelog 0.1.1 - Remove extra debug information from command output. 0.1.2 - Added virtual box 4.2 support. 0.1.3 - Added puppet provisioner. 1.0.0 - Converted to Vagrant 1.1.x plugin architecture. 1.0.1 - Fix #29 Monkey Patch the 4.2 driver to include read_mac_addresses, use read_mac_addresses in all cases. 1.0.3 - Added vagrant shell provisioner. The built-in shell provisioner tried to chmod the target script which doesn't make sense on windows. - Can now run the vagrant-windows plugin via bundle exec instead of vagrant plugin install (for plugin dev).The vagrant src root finding logic didn't work from a bundle, but the native Vagrant src root does. - Readme fixes/updates. 1.2.0 - Converted to Vagrant 1.2.x plugin architecture. - Various networking fixes. - Chef provisioner runs through the Windows task scheduler instead of ps_runas power shell script. 1.2.1 - Fixed issue 91 - drive mapping was failing on Vagrant 1.1. 1.2.2 - Reduced code duplication in WinRMShell - Fixes issue 85 - Windows XP, 2000, 2003 officially not supported - Fixed issue 98 - added Apache 2.0 license - Fixed issue 104 - configuration "config.winrm.hostname" is not used - Fixed issue 106 - WinRMCommunicator should throw an exception when a command fails by default 1.2.3 - Puppet provisioner re-establishes symbolic links (see issue 119 for Chef) - Fixed issue 118 - chef-solo provisioner doesn't retry - Fixed issue 119 - chef-solo provisioner fails with a CookbookNotFound error if a reboot occurs after vagrant up 1.3.0 - Added new Windows machine abstraction layer between Vagrant and vagrant-windows - VMware should not error out when Vagrantfile contains a secondary NIC - wql method removed from WinRM communicator - Extracted WinRMShell factory class and added more unit tests - Provisioners wait to start if there is a reboot pending or currently scheduled - Fixed issue 74 - chef-solo displays error "The system cannot find the path specified" on first provision - Fixed issue 119 - when a reboot occurs in the middle of a Chef run - Fixed issue 125 - puppet provisioner should not error on exit code 2. - Fixed issue 126 - cheftask.ps1 can sometimes try to read a negative number of lines - Fixed issue 128 - Base box configuration described in readme is not correct for Windows 2008 R2 and WinRM 1.1 - Fixed issue 129 - vagrant halt fails if a provisioner has already scheduled a reboot - Fixed issue 130 - chef-solo task now uses normal Windows task priority 1.3.1 - Fixed issue 137 - Cannot execute download script after installing the vagrant windows plugins - Fixed issue 138 - vagrant-windows errors out for providers other than VBox or VMware 1.3.2 - Fixed issue 145 - The shell provisioner wasn't respecting file extensions for non-inline scripts.