module IsoDoc class PresentationXMLConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert def bibdata(docxml) a = bibdata_current(docxml) or return bibdata_i18n(a) = "#{i8n_name(trim_hash(@i18n.get), "").join("")}"\ "" end def bibdata_current(docxml) a ="//bibdata")) or return a.xpath(ns("./language")).each do |l| l.text == @lang and l["current"] = "true" end a.xpath(ns("./script")).each do |l| l.text == @script and l["current"] = "true" end a end def bibdata_i18n(b) hash_translate(b, @i18n.get["doctype_dict"], "./ext/doctype") hash_translate(b, @i18n.get["stage_dict"], "./status/stage") hash_translate(b, @i18n.get["substage_dict"], "./status/substage") end def hash_translate(bibdata, hash, xpath, lang = @lang) x = or return x["language"] = "" hash.is_a? Hash or return hash[x.text] or return = x.dup["language"] = lang = hash[x.text] end def i18n_tag(k, v) "#{v}" end def i18n_safe(k) k.to_s.gsub(/\s|\./, "_") end def i8n_name(h, pref) if h.is_a? Hash then i8n_name1(h, pref) elsif h.is_a? Array h.reject { |a| blank?(a) }.each_with_object([]). with_index do |(v1, g), i| i8n_name(v1, "#{i18n_safe(k)}.#{i}").each { |x| g << x } end else [i18n_tag(pref, h)] end end def i8n_name1(h, pref) h.reject { |k, v| blank?(v) }.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), g| if v.is_a? Hash then i8n_name(v, i18n_safe(k)).each { |x| g << x } elsif v.is_a? Array v.reject { |a| blank?(a) }.each_with_index do |v1, i| i8n_name(v1, "#{i18n_safe(k)}.#{i}").each { |x| g << x } end else g << i18n_tag("#{pref}#{pref.empty? ? "" : "."}#{i18n_safe(k)}", v) end end end # def blank?(v) v.nil? || v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty? end def trim_hash(h) loop do h_new = trim_hash1(h) break h if h==h_new h = h_new end end def trim_hash1(h) return h unless h.is_a? Hash h.each_with_object({}) do |(k,v), g| next if blank?(v) g[k] = if v.is_a? Hash then trim_hash1(h[k]) elsif v.is_a? Array h[k].map { |a| trim_hash1(a) }.reject { |a| blank?(a) } else v end end end end end