require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'rubygems' require 'yaml' require 'mail' require 'postmark/bounce' require 'postmark/json' require 'postmark/http_client' require 'postmark/mail_message_extension' module Postmark class InvalidApiKeyError < StandardError; end class UnknownError < StandardError; end class InvalidMessageError < StandardError; end class InternalServerError < StandardError; end module ResponseParsers autoload :Json, 'postmark/response_parsers/json' autoload :ActiveSupport, 'postmark/response_parsers/active_support' autoload :Yajl, 'postmark/response_parsers/yajl' end HEADERS = { 'Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json' } MAX_RETRIES = 2 class << self attr_accessor :host, :path_prefix, :port, :secure, :api_key, :http_open_timeout, :http_read_timeout, :proxy_host, :proxy_port, :proxy_user, :proxy_pass, :max_retries, :sleep_between_retries attr_writer :response_parser_class def response_parser_class @response_parser_class ||= Object.const_defined?(:ActiveSupport) ? :ActiveSupport : :Json end # The port on which your Postmark server runs. def port @port || (secure ? 443 : 80) end # The host to connect to. def host @host ||= '' end # The path of the listener def path_prefix @path_prefix ||= '/' end def http_open_timeout @http_open_timeout ||= 5 end def http_read_timeout @http_read_timeout ||= 15 end def max_retries @max_retries ||= 3 end def sleep_between_retries @sleep_between_retries ||= 10 end def configure yield self end def send_through_postmark(message) #:nodoc: @retries = 0 begin"email", Postmark::Json.encode(convert_mail(message))) rescue Exception => e if @retries < max_retries @retries += 1 retry else raise end end end def delivery_stats HttpClient.get("deliverystats") end protected def convert_mail(message) options = { "From" => message['from'].to_s, "To" => message['to'].to_s, "Subject" => message.subject } headers = extract_headers(message) options["Headers"] = headers unless headers.length == 0 options["Tag"] = message['tag'].to_s unless message.tag.nil? options["Cc"] = message['cc'].to_s unless options["Bcc"] = message['bcc'].to_s unless message.bcc.nil? if reply_to = message['reply-to'] options["ReplyTo"] = reply_to.to_s end if message.multipart? options["HtmlBody"] = message.html_part.body.to_s options["TextBody"] = message.text_part.body.to_s elsif message.content_type && message.content_type.match(/^text\/html/) options["HtmlBody"] = message.body.to_s else options["TextBody"] = message.body.to_s end options end def extract_headers(message) headers = [] message.header.fields.each do |field| name = next if bogus_headers.include? name name = name.split(/-/).map {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-') headers << { "Name" => name, "Value" => field.value } end headers end def bogus_headers %q[ return-path x-pm-rcpt from reply-to sender received date content-type cc bcc subject tag ] end end self.response_parser_class = nil end