/** * Filter wrapper. * * @author Htmlstream * @version 1.0 * @requires * */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; $.HSCore.components.HSCubeportfolio = { /** * * * @var Object _baseConfig */ _baseConfig: {}, /** * * * @var jQuery pageCollection */ pageCollection: $(), /** * Initialization of Filter wrapper. * * @param String selector (optional) * @param Object config (optional) * * @return jQuery pageCollection - collection of initialized items. */ init: function (selector, config) { this.collection = selector && $(selector).length ? $(selector) : $(); if (!$(selector).length) return; this.config = config && $.isPlainObject(config) ? $.extend({}, this._baseConfig, config) : this._baseConfig; this.config.itemSelector = selector; this.initCubeportfolio(); return this.pageCollection; }, initCubeportfolio: function () { //Variables var $self = this, config = $self.config, collection = $self.pageCollection; //Actions this.collection.each(function (i, el) { //Variables var $this = $(el), setControls = $this.data('controls'), setLayout = $this.data('layout'), setXGap = $this.data('x-gap'), setYGap = $this.data('y-gap'), setAnimation = $this.data('animation'), setCaptionAnimation = $this.data('caption-animation'), setDefaultMediaQueries = [{ width: 1500, cols: 3 }, { width: 1100, cols: 3 }, { width: 800, cols: 3 }, { width: 480, cols: 2, options: { caption: '', gapHorizontal: 10, gapVertical: 10 } }], setMeidaQueries = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-media-queries')); $this.cubeportfolio({ filters: setControls, layoutMode: setLayout, defaultFilter: '*', sortToPreventGaps: true, gapHorizontal: setXGap, gapVertical: setYGap, animationType: setAnimation, gridAdjustment: 'responsive', mediaQueries: setMeidaQueries ? setMeidaQueries : setDefaultMediaQueries, caption: setCaptionAnimation ? setCaptionAnimation : 'overlayBottomAlong', displayType: 'sequentially', displayTypeSpeed: 100, // lightbox lightboxDelegate: '.cbp-lightbox', lightboxGallery: true, lightboxTitleSrc: 'data-title', lightboxCounter: '
{{current}} of {{total}}
', // singlePageInline singlePageInlineDelegate: '.cbp-singlePageInline', singlePageInlinePosition: 'below', singlePageInlineInFocus: true, singlePageInlineCallback: function (url, element) { // to update singlePageInline content use the following method: this.updateSinglePageInline(yourContent) var t = this; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', timeout: 30000 }) .done(function (result) { t.updateSinglePageInline(result); }) .fail(function () { t.updateSinglePageInline('AJAX Error! Please refresh the page!'); }); }, // singlePage popup singlePageDelegate: '.cbp-singlePage', singlePageDeeplinking: true, singlePageStickyNavigation: true, singlePageCounter: '
{{current}} of {{total}}
', singlePageCallback: function (url, element) { // to update singlePage content use the following method: this.updateSinglePage(yourContent) var t = this; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', timeout: 10000 }) .done(function (result) { t.updateSinglePage(result); }) .fail(function () { t.updateSinglePage('AJAX Error! Please refresh the page!'); }); } }); //Actions collection = collection.add($this); }); } }; })(jQuery);