module Pageflow module LinkmapPage module PaperclipProcessors class Colors < Paperclip::Processor def make with_progress(steps: 2) do |progress| colors = unique_colors(file) - ['000000'] boxes = color_bounding_boxes_ignoring_single_pixels(file, colors, progress) attachment.instance_write('colors', boxes) make_color_sprite(file, boxes.keys, progress) end end private def unique_colors(file) ConvertOutput.parse_unique_colors(convert(':source -unique-colors txt:-', source: file.path)) end def color_bounding_boxes_ignoring_single_pixels(file, colors, overall_progress) overall_progress.divide(steps: colors.size) do |progress| boxes = colors.each_with_object({}) do |color, result| result[color] = color_bounding_box_ignoring_single_pixels(file, color) progress.step end remove_boxes_for_ignored_colors(boxes) end end def remove_boxes_for_ignored_colors(boxes) boxes.delete_if do |_, box| box[:width].zero? && box[:height].zero? end end COLOR_MASK_ARGS = [ # Make transparent areas black '-background black -flatten', # Make all non matching colors black '-fill black +opaque :color', # Replace color with white - required for morphology '-fill white -opaque :color', # Remove shapes that are smaller than 3x3 pixels '-morphology Open Square:1', # Make black areas transparent '-transparent black', # Restore original color '-fill :color -opaque white', ].join(' ').freeze TRIM_CONVERT_ARGS = [ # Make all non-matching colors in color map image # transparent ':source', COLOR_MASK_ARGS, # Create a transparent border '-bordercolor none', '-border 1x1', # Trim transparent region. '-trim', ].join(' ').freeze TRIM_INFO_CONVERT_ARGS = [ TRIM_CONVERT_ARGS, # Write info to stdout 'info:-' ].join(' ').freeze def color_bounding_box_ignoring_single_pixels(file, color) box = ConvertOutput.parse_trim(convert(TRIM_INFO_CONVERT_ARGS, color: "##{color}", source: file.path)) ignore_added_border_in_coordinated(box) end def ignore_added_border_in_coordinated(box) { left: box[:left] - 1, top: box[:top] - 1, width: box[:width], height: box[:height] } end def make_color_sprite(file, colors, overall_progress) with_destination_tempfile do |sprite_tempfile| with_tempfiles(colors) do |color_tempfiles| overall_progress.divide(steps: colors.size + 1) do |progress| color_tempfiles.each do |color, color_tempfile| make_color_filtered_image(file, color, color_tempfile) progress.step end make_sprite(color_tempfiles, sprite_tempfile) progress.step end end end end COLOR_FILTER_CONVERT_ARGS = [ TRIM_CONVERT_ARGS, # Crop image to trimmed area '+repage', ':dest' ].join(' ').freeze def make_color_filtered_image(file, color, destination_tempfile) convert(COLOR_FILTER_CONVERT_ARGS, color: "##{color}", source: File.expand_path(file.path), dest: File.expand_path(destination_tempfile.path)) end def make_sprite(files, destination_tempfile) inputs = files.each_with_object({}) do |(key, tempfile), result| result["input_#{key}"] = File.expand_path(tempfile.path) end placeholders = { |key| ":#{key}" }'montage', [ *placeholders, '-background transparent', "-tile #{inputs.size}x", '-mode Concatenate', ':output' ].join(' '), inputs.merge(output: File.expand_path(destination_tempfile.path))) end def with_destination_tempfile dest = create_tempfile yield dest dest end def with_tempfiles(keys) files = keys.each_with_object({}) do |key, result| result[key] = create_tempfile(key) end yield files ensure files.each_value do |file| file.close file.unlink end end def create_tempfile(suffix = nil) current_format = File.extname(file.path) basename = File.basename(file.path, current_format) dest =[[basename, suffix].compact.join('-'), '.png']) dest.binmode dest end def with_progress(steps:) progress = steps) do |percent| if options[:progress_callback] attachment.instance.send(options[:progress_callback], percent) end end yield progress end module ConvertOutput HEX_COLOR_REGEXP = /#[0-9a-f]{6,8}/i TRANSPARENT = '#00000000'.freeze module_function def parse_unique_colors(output) output .split("\n") .reject { |line| line.starts_with?('#') } .map { |line| line[HEX_COLOR_REGEXP] } .reject { |color| color == TRANSPARENT } .map { |color|'#', '') } .map(&:downcase) .sort end def parse_trim(output) trimmed_size, size_and_offset = output.split(' ')[2, 3] width, height = trimmed_size.split('x') if size_and_offset.ends_with?('-1-1') return {left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0} end _size, left, top = size_and_offset.split('+') { left: left.to_i, top: top.to_i, width: width.to_i, height: height.to_i } end end end end end end