"use strict"; var $ = jQuery; // for fix offer image function fixOfferImageHeight() { var image = $('.offer-image-area img'); if ( image.length > 0 ) { var height = image.height() + 'px'; $('.offer-content-wrapper').css('min-height', height); } } // for fix banner height function fixBannerHeight() { var banner = $('.banner'); if ( banner.length > 0 ) { var height = $(window).height(); banner.css('min-height', height); } } // Fix features height function fixFeaturesHeight(){ var featureItems = $('.feature-lists-style-three .feature-list'); if ( featureItems.length > 0 ) { var featureHeight = featureItems.getMaxHeight(); featureItems.height(featureHeight); } } // Screenshoot Slider (function(){ var screenshoot_slider_obj = {}; screenshoot_slider_obj.callback = function() { screenshoot_slider_obj.addingClasses(this); }; screenshoot_slider_obj.addingClasses = function(e) { $(e.$owlItems).removeClass('opacity80 opacity100 left-item center-item right-item'); var $currentItems = $(e.$owlWrapper).find('.owl-item.active'); 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if ( $NLFA.length > 0 ) { var $NLIT = $NLFA.find('form input[type="email"]'), $NLIS = $NLFA.find('form input[type="submit"]').fadeOut(0), $NLIC = $NLFA.find('form .mail-icon').fadeOut(0); $NLIT.on('click', function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $NLIS.stop(true).fadeIn(600); $NLIC.stop(true).fadeIn(600); }); $(window).click(function(){ $NLIS.stop(true).fadeOut(300); $NLIC.stop(true).fadeOut(300); }); } /*=========== count up statistic ==========*/ var $countNumb = $('.countNumb'); if ( $countNumb.length > 0 ) { $countNumb.counterUp({ delay: 15, time: 2000 }); } /*===== menu click Sections scrolling =====*/ $('.menu-smooth-scroll').scrollingTo({ easing : 'easeOutQuart', animationTime : 1800, callbackBeforeTransition : function(e){ if (e.currentTarget.hash !== "") { if ( e.currentTarget.hash != '#home' ) { $(e.currentTarget).parent().addClass('current').siblings().removeClass('current'); } if ( e.currentTarget.hash == '#contact' ) { $('.contact-content-wrapper').slideDown(600,'easeOutQuart'); 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Please confirm your email address.</p>').slideDown(); } else if(resp.result === 'error') { mchimpMessageArea.removeClass('success').addClass('error').html('<p>Please enter a valid email address.</p>').slideDown(); } }, url: "https://coderpixel.us10.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=3918a7d4d5fe9e4c1baa3d912&id=1a52016f23" //Replace this with your own mailchimp post URL. Don't remove the "". Just paste the url inside "". }); }(jQuery));