require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/grid/enhanced/templates/Pagination.html':"
\n"}}); define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/query", "dojo/string", "dojo/keys", "dojo/text!../templates/Pagination.html", "./Dialog", "./_StoreLayer", "../_Plugin", "../../EnhancedGrid", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/form/NumberTextBox", "dijit/focus", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin", "dojox/html/metrics", "dojo/i18n!../nls/Pagination" ], function(kernel, declare, array, connect, lang, html, event, query, string, keys, template, Dialog, layers, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid, Button, NumberTextBox, dijitFocus, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, metrics, nls){ var _GotoPagePane = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.pagination._GotoPagePane", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], { templateString: "
" + "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "
", widgetsInTemplate: true, dlg: null, postMixInProperties: function(){ this.plugin = this.dlg.plugin; }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._mainMsgNode.innerHTML = this.plugin._nls[12]; this._confirmBtn.set("label", this.plugin._nls[14]); this._confirmBtn.set("disabled", true); this._cancelBtn.set("label", this.plugin._nls[15]); }, _onConfirm: function(evt){ if(this._pageInputBox.isValid() && this._pageInputBox.getDisplayedValue() !== ""){ this.plugin.currentPage(this._pageInputBox.parse(this._pageInputBox.getDisplayedValue())); this.dlg._gotoPageDialog.hide(); this._pageInputBox.reset(); } stopEvent(evt); }, _onCancel: function(evt){ this._pageInputBox.reset(); this.dlg._gotoPageDialog.hide(); stopEvent(evt); }, _onKey: function(evt){ this._confirmBtn.set("disabled", !this._pageInputBox.isValid() || this._pageInputBox.getDisplayedValue() == ""); if(!evt.altKey && !evt.metaKey && evt.keyCode === keys.ENTER){ this._onConfirm(evt); } } }); var _GotoPageDialog = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.pagination._GotoPageDialog", null, { pageCount: 0, dlgPane: null, constructor: function(plugin){ this.plugin = plugin; this.dlgPane = new _GotoPagePane({"dlg": this}); this.dlgPane.startup(); this._gotoPageDialog = new Dialog({ "refNode": plugin.grid.domNode, "title": this.plugin._nls[11], "content": this.dlgPane }); this._gotoPageDialog.startup(); }, _updatePageCount: function(){ this.pageCount = this.plugin.getTotalPageNum(); this.dlgPane._pageInputBox.constraints = {fractional:false, min:1, max:this.pageCount}; this.dlgPane._pageLabelNode.innerHTML = string.substitute(this.plugin._nls[13], [this.pageCount]); }, showDialog: function(){ this._updatePageCount();; }, destroy: function(){ this._gotoPageDialog.destroy(); } }); var _ForcedPageStoreLayer = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins._ForcedPageStoreLayer", layers._StoreLayer, { tags: ["presentation"], constructor: function(plugin){ this._plugin = plugin; }, _fetch: function(request){ var _this = this, plugin = _this._plugin, grid = plugin.grid, scope = request.scope ||, onBegin = request.onBegin; request.start = (plugin._currentPage - 1) * plugin._currentPageSize + request.start; _this.startIdx = request.start; _this.endIdx = request.start + plugin._currentPageSize - 1; var p = plugin._paginator; if(!plugin._showAll){ plugin._showAll = !p.sizeSwitch && !p.pageStepper && !p.gotoButton; } if(onBegin && plugin._showAll){ request.onBegin = function(size, req){ plugin._maxSize = plugin._currentPageSize = size; _this.startIdx = 0; _this.endIdx = size - 1; plugin._paginator._update(); req.onBegin = onBegin;, size, req); }; }else if(onBegin){ request.onBegin = function(size, req){ req.start = 0; req.count = plugin._currentPageSize; plugin._maxSize = size; _this.endIdx = _this.endIdx >= size ? (size - 1) : _this.endIdx; if(_this.startIdx > size && size !== 0){ grid._pending_requests[req.start] = false; plugin.firstPage(); } plugin._paginator._update(); req.onBegin = onBegin;, Math.min(plugin._currentPageSize, (size - _this.startIdx)), req); }; } return lang.hitch(this._store, this._originFetch)(request); } }); var stopEvent = function(evt){ try{ if(evt){ event.stop(evt); } }catch(e){} }; var _Focus = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.pagination._Focus", null, { _focusedNode: null, _isFocused: false, constructor: function(paginator){ this._pager = paginator; var focusMgr = paginator.plugin.grid.focus; paginator.plugin.connect(paginator, 'onSwitchPageSize', lang.hitch(this, '_onActive')); paginator.plugin.connect(paginator, 'onPageStep', lang.hitch(this, '_onActive')); paginator.plugin.connect(paginator, 'onShowGotoPageDialog', lang.hitch(this, '_onActive')); paginator.plugin.connect(paginator, '_update', lang.hitch(this, '_moveFocus')); }, _onFocus: function(evt, step){ var node, nodes; if(!this._isFocused){ node = this._focusedNode || query('[tabindex]', this._pager.domNode)[0]; }else if(step && this._focusedNode){ var dir = step > 0 ? -1 : 1, tabindex = parseInt(this._focusedNode.getAttribute('tabindex'), 10) + dir; while(tabindex >= -3 && tabindex < 0){ node = query('[tabindex=' + tabindex + ']', this._pager.domNode)[0]; if(node){ break; }else{ tabindex += dir; } } } return this._focus(node, evt); }, _onBlur: function(evt, step){ if(!step || !this._focusedNode){ this._isFocused = false; if(this._focusedNode && html.hasClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus')){ html.removeClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus'); } return true; } var node, dir = step > 0 ? -1 : 1, tabindex = parseInt(this._focusedNode.getAttribute('tabindex'), 10) + dir; while(tabindex >= -3 && tabindex < 0){ node = query('[tabindex=' + tabindex + ']', this._pager.domNode)[0]; if(node){ break; }else{ tabindex += dir; } } if(!node){ this._isFocused = false; if(html.hasClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus')){ html.removeClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus'); } } return node ? false : true; }, _onMove: function(rowDelta, colDelta, evt){ if(this._focusedNode){ var tabindex = this._focusedNode.getAttribute('tabindex'), delta = colDelta == 1 ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", node = this._focusedNode[delta]; while(node){ if(node.getAttribute('tabindex') == tabindex){ this._focus(node); break; } node = node[delta]; } } }, _focus: function(node, evt){ if(node){ this._isFocused = true; if(kernel.isIE && this._focusedNode){ html.removeClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus'); } this._focusedNode = node; node.focus(); if(kernel.isIE){ html.addClass(node, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus'); } stopEvent(evt); return true; } return false; }, _onActive: function(e){ this._focusedNode =; if(!this._isFocused){ this._pager.plugin.grid.focus.focusArea('pagination' + this._pager.position); } }, _moveFocus: function(){ if(this._focusedNode && !this._focusedNode.getAttribute('tabindex')){ var next = this._focusedNode.nextSibling; while(next){ if(next.getAttribute('tabindex')){ this._focus(next); return; } next = next.nextSibling; } var prev = this._focusedNode.previousSibling; while(prev){ if(prev.getAttribute('tabindex')){ this._focus(prev); return; } prev = prev.previousSibling; } this._focusedNode = null; this._onBlur(); }else if(kernel.isIE && this._focusedNode){ html.addClass(this._focusedNode, 'dojoxGridButtonFocus'); } } }); var _Paginator = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins._Paginator", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], { templateString: template, constructor: function(params){ lang.mixin(this, params); this.grid = this.plugin.grid; }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); var _this = this, g = this.grid; this.plugin.connect(g, "_resize", lang.hitch(this, "_resetGridHeight")); this._originalResize = g.resize; g.resize = function(changeSize, resultSize){ _this._changeSize = changeSize; _this._resultSize = resultSize; _this._originalResize.apply(g, arguments); }; this.focus = _Focus(this); this._placeSelf(); }, destroy: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.grid.focus.removeArea("pagination" + this.position); if(this._gotoPageDialog){ this._gotoPageDialog.destroy(); } this.grid.resize = this._originalResize; }, onSwitchPageSize: function(/*Event*/evt){ }, onPageStep: function(/*Event*/evt){ }, onShowGotoPageDialog: function(/*Event*/evt){ }, _update: function(){ // summary: // Function to update paging information and update // pagination bar display. this._updateDescription(); this._updatePageStepper(); this._updateSizeSwitch(); this._updateGotoButton(); }, _registerFocus: function(isTop){ // summary: // Function to register pagination bar to focus manager. var focusMgr = this.grid.focus, name = "pagination" + this.position, f = this.focus; focusMgr.addArea({ name: name, onFocus: lang.hitch(this.focus, "_onFocus"), onBlur: lang.hitch(this.focus, "_onBlur"), onMove: lang.hitch(this.focus, "_onMove") }); focusMgr.placeArea(name, isTop ? "before" : "after", isTop ? "header" : "content"); }, _placeSelf: function(){ // summary: // Place pagination bar to a position. // There are two options, top of the grid, bottom of the grid. var g = this.grid, isTop = this.position == "top"; this.placeAt(isTop ? g.viewsHeaderNode : g.viewsNode, isTop ? "before" : "after"); this._registerFocus(isTop); }, _resetGridHeight: function(changeSize, resultSize){ // summary: // Function of resize grid height to place this pagination bar. // Since the grid would be able to add other element in its domNode, we have // change the grid view size to place the pagination bar. // This function will resize the grid viewsNode height, scorllboxNode height var g = this.grid; changeSize = changeSize || this._changeSize; resultSize = resultSize || this._resultSize; delete this._changeSize; delete this._resultSize; if(g._autoHeight){ return; } var padBorder = g._getPadBorder().h; if(!{ = html.contentBox(g.domNode).h + 2 * padBorder; } if(resultSize){ changeSize = resultSize; } if(changeSize){ = html.contentBox(g.domNode).h + 2 * padBorder; } var gh =, hh = g._getHeaderHeight(), ph = html.marginBox(this.domNode).h; // ph = this.plugin._paginator.position == "bottom" ? ph * 2 : ph; if(typeof g.autoHeight === "number"){ var cgh = gh + ph - padBorder;, "height", cgh + "px");, "height", (cgh - ph - hh) + "px"); this._styleMsgNode(hh, html.marginBox(g.viewsNode).w, cgh - ph - hh); }else{ var h = gh - ph - hh - padBorder;, "height", h + "px"); var hasHScroller = array.some(g.views.views, function(v){ return v.hasHScrollbar(); }); array.forEach(g.viewsNode.childNodes, function(c){, "height", h + "px"); }); array.forEach(g.views.views, function(v){ if(v.scrollboxNode){ if(!v.hasHScrollbar() && hasHScroller){, "height", (h - metrics.getScrollbar().h) + "px"); }else{, "height", h + "px"); } } }); this._styleMsgNode(hh, html.marginBox(g.viewsNode).w, h); } }, _styleMsgNode: function(top, width, height){ var messagesNode = this.grid.messagesNode;, {"position": "absolute", "top": top + "px", "width": width + "px", "height": height + "px", "z-Index": "100"}); }, _updateDescription: function(){ // summary: // Update size information. var s = this.plugin.forcePageStoreLayer, maxSize = this.plugin._maxSize, nls = this.plugin._nls, getItemTitle = function(){ return maxSize <= 0 || maxSize == 1 ? nls[5] : nls[4]; }; if(this.description && this.descriptionDiv){ this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize > 0 ? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]) : "0 " + getItemTitle(); } }, _updateSizeSwitch: function(){ // summary: // Update "items per page" information., "display", this.sizeSwitch ? "" : "none"); if(!this.sizeSwitch){ return; } if(this.sizeSwitchTd.childNodes.length < 1){ this._createSizeSwitchNodes(); } this._updateSwitchNodesStyle(); }, _createSizeSwitchNodes: function(){ // summary: // The function to create the size switch nodes var node = null, nls = this.plugin._nls, connect = lang.hitch(this.plugin, 'connect'); array.forEach(this.pageSizes, function(size){ // create page size switch node var labelValue = isFinite(size) ? string.substitute(nls[2], [size]) : nls[1], value = isFinite(size) ? size : nls[16]; node = html.create("span", {innerHTML: value, title: labelValue, value: size, tabindex: "-1"}, this.sizeSwitchTd, "last"); // for accessibility node.setAttribute("aria-label", labelValue); // connect event connect(node, "onclick", lang.hitch(this, "_onSwitchPageSize")); connect(node, "onkeydown", lang.hitch(this, "_onSwitchPageSize")); connect(node, "onmouseover", function(e){ html.addClass(, "dojoxGridPageTextHover"); }); connect(node, "onmouseout", function(e){ html.removeClass(, "dojoxGridPageTextHover"); }); // create a separation node node = html.create("span", {innerHTML: "|"}, this.sizeSwitchTd, "last"); html.addClass(node, "dojoxGridSeparator"); }, this); // delete last separation node html.destroy(node); }, _updateSwitchNodesStyle: function(){ // summary: // Update the switch nodes style var size = null; var styleNode = function(node, status){ if(status){ html.addClass(node, "dojoxGridActivedSwitch"); html.removeAttr(node, "tabindex"); }else{ html.addClass(node, "dojoxGridInactiveSwitch"); node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); } }; array.forEach(this.sizeSwitchTd.childNodes, function(node){ if(node.value){ html.removeClass(node); size = node.value; if(this.plugin._showAll){ styleNode(node, isNaN(parseInt(size, 10))); }else{ styleNode(node, this.plugin._currentPageSize == size); } } }, this); }, _updatePageStepper: function(){ // summary: // Update the page step nodes, "display", this.pageStepper ? "" : "none"); if(!this.pageStepper){ return; } if(this.pageStepperDiv.childNodes.length < 1){ this._createPageStepNodes(); this._createWardBtns(); }else{ this._resetPageStepNodes(); } this._updatePageStepNodesStyle(); }, _createPageStepNodes: function(){ // summary: // Create the page step nodes if they do not exist var startPage = this._getStartPage(), stepSize = this._getStepPageSize(), label = "", node = null, i = startPage, connect = lang.hitch(this.plugin, 'connect'); for(; i < startPage + this.maxPageStep + 1; i++){ label = string.substitute(this.plugin._nls[3], [i]); node = html.create("div", {innerHTML: i, value: i, title: label}, this.pageStepperDiv, "last"); node.setAttribute("aria-label", label); // connect event connect(node, "onclick", lang.hitch(this, "_onPageStep")); connect(node, "onkeydown", lang.hitch(this, "_onPageStep")); connect(node, "onmouseover", function(e){ html.addClass(, "dojoxGridPageTextHover"); }); connect(node, "onmouseout", function(e){ html.removeClass(, "dojoxGridPageTextHover"); });, "display", i < startPage + stepSize ? "" : "none"); } }, _createWardBtns: function(){ // summary: // Create the previous/next/first/last button var _this = this, nls = this.plugin._nls; var highContrastLabel = {prevPage: "<", firstPage: "«", nextPage: ">", lastPage: "»"}; var createWardBtn = function(value, label, position){ var node = html.create("div", {value: value, title: label, tabindex: "-2"}, _this.pageStepperDiv, position); _this.plugin.connect(node, "onclick", lang.hitch(_this, "_onPageStep")); _this.plugin.connect(node, "onkeydown", lang.hitch(_this, "_onPageStep")); node.setAttribute("aria-label", label); // for high contrast var highConrastNode = html.create("span", {value: value, title: label, innerHTML: highContrastLabel[value]}, node, position); html.addClass(highConrastNode, "dojoxGridWardButtonInner"); }; createWardBtn("prevPage", nls[6], "first"); createWardBtn("firstPage", nls[7], "first"); createWardBtn("nextPage", nls[8], "last"); createWardBtn("lastPage", nls[9], "last"); }, _resetPageStepNodes: function(){ // summary: // The page step nodes might be changed when fetch data, we need to // update/reset them var startPage = this._getStartPage(), stepSize = this._getStepPageSize(), stepNodes = this.pageStepperDiv.childNodes, node = null, i = startPage, j = 2, tip; for(; j < stepNodes.length - 2; j++, i++){ node = stepNodes[j]; if(i < startPage + stepSize){ tip = string.substitute(this.plugin._nls[3], [i]); html.attr(node, { "innerHTML": i, "title": tip, "value": i });, "display", ""); node.setAttribute("aria-label", tip); }else{, "display", "none"); } } }, _updatePageStepNodesStyle: function(){ // summary: // Update the style of the page step nodes var value = null, curPage = this.plugin.currentPage(), pageCount = this.plugin.getTotalPageNum(); var updateClass = function(node, isWardBtn, status){ var value = node.value, enableClass = isWardBtn ? "dojoxGrid" + value + "Btn" : "dojoxGridInactived", disableClass = isWardBtn ? "dojoxGrid" + value + "BtnDisable" : "dojoxGridActived"; if(status){ html.addClass(node, disableClass); html.removeAttr(node, "tabindex"); }else{ html.addClass(node, enableClass); node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-2"); } }; array.forEach(this.pageStepperDiv.childNodes, function(node){ html.removeClass(node); if(isNaN(parseInt(node.value, 10))){ html.addClass(node, "dojoxGridWardButton"); var disablePageNum = node.value == "prevPage" || node.value == "firstPage" ? 1 : pageCount; updateClass(node, true, (curPage === disablePageNum)); }else{ value = parseInt(node.value, 10); updateClass(node, false, (value === curPage ||, "display") === "none")); } }, this); }, _showGotoButton: function(flag){ this.gotoButton = flag; this._updateGotoButton(); }, _updateGotoButton: function(){ // summary: // Create/destroy the goto page button if(!this.gotoButton){ if(this._gotoPageDialog){ this._gotoPageDialog.destroy(); } html.removeAttr(this.gotoPageDiv, "tabindex");, 'display', 'none'); return; } if(, 'display') == 'none'){, 'display', ''); } this.gotoPageDiv.setAttribute('title', this.plugin._nls[10]); html.toggleClass(this.gotoPageDiv, "dojoxGridPaginatorGotoDivDisabled", this.plugin.getTotalPageNum() <= 1); if(this.plugin.getTotalPageNum() <= 1){ html.removeAttr(this.gotoPageDiv, "tabindex"); }else{ this.gotoPageDiv.setAttribute("tabindex", "-3"); } }, _openGotopageDialog: function(e){ // summary: // Show the goto page dialog if(this.plugin.getTotalPageNum() <= 1){ return; } if(e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== keys.ENTER && e.keyCode !== keys.SPACE){ return; } if(!this._gotoPageDialog){ this._gotoPageDialog = new _GotoPageDialog(this.plugin); } this._gotoPageDialog.showDialog(); this.onShowGotoPageDialog(e); }, _onSwitchPageSize: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: // The handler of switch the page size if(e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== keys.ENTER && e.keyCode !== keys.SPACE){ return; } this.onSwitchPageSize(e); this.plugin.currentPageSize(; }, _onPageStep: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: // The handler jump page event if(e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== keys.ENTER && e.keyCode !== keys.SPACE){ return; } var p = this.plugin, value =; this.onPageStep(e); if(!isNaN(parseInt(value, 10))){ p.currentPage(parseInt(value, 10)); }else{ p[value](); } }, _getStartPage: function(){ var cp = this.plugin.currentPage(), ms = this.maxPageStep, hs = parseInt(ms / 2, 10), tp = this.plugin.getTotalPageNum(); if(cp < hs || (cp - hs) < 1 || tp <= ms){ return 1; }else{ return tp - cp < hs && cp - ms >= 0 ? tp - ms + 1 : cp - hs; } }, _getStepPageSize: function(){ var sp = this._getStartPage(), tp = this.plugin.getTotalPageNum(), ms = this.maxPageStep; return sp + ms > tp ? tp - sp + 1 : ms; } }); var Pagination = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Pagination", _Plugin, { // summary: // The typical pagination way to deal with huge dataset // an alternative for the default virtual scrolling manner. name: "pagination", // defaultPageSize: Integer // Number of rows in a page, 25 by default. defaultPageSize: 25, // defaultPage: Integer // Which page will be displayed initially, 1st page by default. defaultPage: 1, // description: boolean // Whether the description information will be displayed, true by default. description: true, // sizeSwitch: boolean // Whether the page size switch options will be displayed, true by default. sizeSwitch: true, // pageStepper: boolean // Whether the page switch options will be displayed, true by default. pageStepper: true, // gotoButton: boolean // Whether the goto page button will be displayed, false by default. gotoButton: false, // pageSizes: Array // Array of page sizes for switching, e.g. [10, 25, 50, 100, Infinity] by default, // Infinity or any NaN value will be treated as "all". pageSizes: [10, 25, 50, 100, Infinity], // maxPageStep: Integer // The max number of page sizes to be displayed, 7 by default. maxPageStep: 7, // position: string // The position of the pagination bar - "top"|"bottom", "bottom" by default. position: 'bottom', init: function(){ var g = this.grid; g.usingPagination = true; this._initOptions(); this._currentPage = this.defaultPage; this._currentPageSize = this.grid.rowsPerPage = this.defaultPageSize; // wrap store layer this._store =; this.forcePageStoreLayer = new _ForcedPageStoreLayer(this); layers.wrap(g, "_storeLayerFetch", this.forcePageStoreLayer); // create pagination bar this._paginator = this.option.position != "top" ? new _Paginator(lang.mixin(this.option, {position: "bottom", plugin: this})) : new _Paginator(lang.mixin(this.option, {position: "top", plugin: this})); this._regApis(); }, destroy: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._paginator.destroy(); var g = this.grid; g.unwrap(; g.scrollToRow = this._gridOriginalfuncs[0]; g._onNew = this._gridOriginalfuncs[1]; g.removeSelectedRows = this._gridOriginalfuncs[2]; this._paginator = null; this._nls = null; }, currentPage: function(page){ // summary: // Shift to the given page, return current page number. If there // is no valid page was passed in, just return current page num. // page: Integer // The page to go to, starting at 1. // returns: // Current page number if(page <= this.getTotalPageNum() && page > 0 && this._currentPage !== page){ this._currentPage = page; this.grid._refresh(true); this.grid.resize(); } return this._currentPage; }, nextPage: function(){ // summary: // Go to the next page. this.currentPage(this._currentPage + 1); }, prevPage: function(){ // summary: // Go to the previous page. this.currentPage(this._currentPage - 1); }, firstPage: function(){ // summary: // Go to the first page this.currentPage(1); }, lastPage: function(){ // summary: // Go to the last page this.currentPage(this.getTotalPageNum()); }, currentPageSize: function(size){ // summary: // Change the size of current page or return the current page size. // size: Integer|null // An integer identifying the number of rows per page. If the size // is an Infinity, all rows will be displayed; if an invalid value passed // in, the current page size will be returned. // returns: // Current size of items per page. if(!isNaN(size)){ var g = this.grid, startIndex = this._currentPageSize * (this._currentPage - 1), endIndex; this._showAll = !isFinite(size); this.grid.usingPagination = !this._showAll; this._currentPageSize = this._showAll ? this._maxSize : size; g.rowsPerPage = this._showAll ? this._defaultRowsPerPage : size; endIndex = startIndex + Math.min(this._currentPageSize, this._maxSize); if(endIndex > this._maxSize){ this.lastPage(); }else{ var cp = Math.ceil(startIndex / this._currentPageSize) + 1; if(cp !== this._currentPage){ this.currentPage(cp); }else{ this.grid._refresh(true); } } this.grid.resize(); } return this._currentPageSize; }, getTotalPageNum: function(){ // summary: // Get total page number return Math.ceil(this._maxSize / this._currentPageSize); }, getTotalRowCount: function(){ // summary: // Function for get total row count return this._maxSize; }, scrollToRow: function(inRowIndex){ // summary: // Override the grid.scrollToRow(), could jump to the right page // and scroll to the specific row // inRowIndex: integer // The row index var page = parseInt(inRowIndex / this._currentPageSize, 10) + 1; if(page > this.getTotalPageNum()){ return; } this.currentPage(page); var rowIdx = inRowIndex % this._currentPageSize; return this._gridOriginalfuncs[0](rowIdx); }, removeSelectedRows: function(){ this._multiRemoving = true; this._gridOriginalfuncs[2].apply(); this._multiRemoving = false; if({; } this.grid.resize(); this.grid._refresh(); }, showGotoPageButton: function(flag){ // summary: // For show/hide the go to page button dynamically // flag: boolean // Show the go to page button when flag is true, otherwise hide it this._paginator.gotoButton = flag; this._paginator._updateGotoButton(); }, // [DEPRECATED] ============ gotoPage: function(page){ kernel.deprecated("dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.gotoPage(page)", "use dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.currentPage(page) instead", "1.8"); this.currentPage(page); }, gotoFirstPage: function(){ kernel.deprecated("dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.gotoFirstPage()", "use dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.firstPage() instead", "1.8"); this.firstPage(); }, gotoLastPage: function(){ kernel.deprecated("dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.gotoLastPage()", "use dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.lastPage() instead", "1.8"); this.lastPage(); }, changePageSize: function(size){ kernel.deprecated("dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.changePageSize(size)", "use dojox.grid.enhanced.EnhancedGrid.currentPageSize(size) instead", "1.8"); this.currentPageSize(size); }, // =============== Protected ================ _nls: null, _showAll: false, _maxSize: 0, // =============== Private =============== _defaultRowsPerPage: 25, _currentPage: 1, _currentPageSize: 25, _initOptions: function(){ this._defaultRowsPerPage = this.grid.rowsPerPage || 25; this.defaultPage = this.option.defaultPage >= 1 ? parseInt(this.option.defaultPage, 10) : 1; this.option.description = this.option.description !== undefined ? !!this.option.description : this.description; this.option.sizeSwitch = this.option.sizeSwitch !== undefined ? !!this.option.sizeSwitch : this.sizeSwitch; this.option.pageStepper = this.option.pageStepper !== undefined ? !!this.option.pageStepper : this.pageStepper; this.option.gotoButton = this.option.gotoButton !== undefined ? !!this.option.gotoButton : this.gotoButton; if(lang.isArray(this.option.pageSizes)){ var pageSizes = []; array.forEach(this.option.pageSizes, function(size){ size = typeof size == 'number' ? size : parseInt(size, 10); if(!isNaN(size) && size > 0){ pageSizes.push(size); }else if(array.indexOf(pageSizes, Infinity) < 0){ pageSizes.push(Infinity); } }, this); this.option.pageSizes = pageSizes.sort(function(a, b){return a - b;}); }else{ this.option.pageSizes = this.pageSizes; } this.defaultPageSize = this.option.defaultPageSize >= 1 ? parseInt(this.option.defaultPageSize, 10) : this.pageSizes[0]; this.option.maxPageStep = this.option.maxPageStep > 0 ? this.option.maxPageStep : this.maxPageStep; this.option.position = lang.isString(this.option.position) ? this.option.position.toLowerCase() : this.position; this._nls = [ nls.descTemplate, nls.allItemsLabelTemplate, nls.pageSizeLabelTemplate, nls.pageStepLabelTemplate, nls.itemTitle, nls.singularItemTitle, nls.prevTip, nls.firstTip, nls.nextTip, nls.lastTip, nls.gotoButtonTitle, nls.dialogTitle, nls.dialogIndication, nls.pageCountIndication, nls.dialogConfirm, nls.dialogCancel, nls.all ]; }, _regApis: function(){ var g = this.grid; // New added APIs g.currentPage = lang.hitch(this, this.currentPage); g.nextPage = lang.hitch(this, this.nextPage); g.prevPage = lang.hitch(this, this.prevPage); g.firstPage = lang.hitch(this, this.firstPage); g.lastPage = lang.hitch(this, this.lastPage); g.currentPageSize = lang.hitch(this, this.currentPageSize); g.showGotoPageButton = lang.hitch(this, this.showGotoPageButton); g.getTotalRowCount = lang.hitch(this, this.getTotalRowCount); g.getTotalPageNum = lang.hitch(this, this.getTotalPageNum); g.gotoPage = lang.hitch(this, this.gotoPage); g.gotoFirstPage = lang.hitch(this, this.gotoFirstPage); g.gotoLastPage = lang.hitch(this, this.gotoLastPage); g.changePageSize = lang.hitch(this, this.changePageSize); // Changed APIs this._gridOriginalfuncs = [ lang.hitch(g, g.scrollToRow), lang.hitch(g, g._onNew), lang.hitch(g, g.removeSelectedRows) ]; g.scrollToRow = lang.hitch(this, this.scrollToRow); g.removeSelectedRows = lang.hitch(this, this.removeSelectedRows); g._onNew = lang.hitch(this, this._onNew); this.connect(g, "_onDelete", lang.hitch(this, this._onDelete)); }, _onNew: function(item, parentInfo){ var totalPages = this.getTotalPageNum(); if(((this._currentPage === totalPages || totalPages === 0) && this.grid.get('rowCount') < this._currentPageSize) || this._showAll){ lang.hitch(this.grid, this._gridOriginalfuncs[1])(item, parentInfo); this.forcePageStoreLayer.endIdx++; } this._maxSize++; if(this._showAll){ this._currentPageSize++; } if(this._showAll && this.grid.autoHeight){ this.grid._refresh(); }else{ this._paginator._update(); } }, _onDelete: function(){ if(!this._multiRemoving){ this.grid.resize(); if(this._showAll){ this.grid._refresh(); } } if(this.grid.get('rowCount') === 0){ this.prevPage(); } } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Pagination/*name:'pagination'*/); return Pagination; });