require "voltron" module Voltron module Svg class Tag include ActionView::Helpers def initialize(file, options={}) options = options.symbolize_keys @file = file @options = options setup end def setup # If a size is specified, extract it's width/height @options[:width], @options[:height] = extract_dimensions(@options.delete(:size)) if @options[:size] # Ensure the svg extension is added if a symbol was provided for icon name @options[:extension] ||= :svg if @file.is_a?(Symbol) # Set the default quality @options[:quality] ||= Voltron.config.svg.quality # Generate the SVG (if custom color) and the corresponding fallback PNG, only if running in environment that allows conversion create_png if Voltron.config.svg.buildable? end def image_path # Get the fallback image path, either using the :fallback option if specified, or use the default generated png asset_path (@options[:fallback] || name(:png, size.to_s.downcase, color.upcase)) end def svg_path asset_path name(@options[:extension], color.upcase) end def asset_path(filename) if Rails.application.config.assets.digest && Rails.application.config.assets.compile filename = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(filename).try(:digest_path) || filename end File.join(Rails.application.config.assets.prefix, filename) end # Return the html tag with the needed attributes def html image_tag svg_path, attributes end def attributes @options[:alt] ||= @file @options[:data] ||= {} @options[:data].merge!({ svg: true, size: size, fallback: image_path }) @options.reject { |k,v| [:color, :fallback, :quality, :extension].include?(k) } end # Try to get the SVG file def svg begin @svg ||= rescue ::MiniMagick::Error => e rescue ::Errno::ENOENT => e false end end # Attempt to get width from specified options, then from the source SVG file itself, and ultimately say the width is 16 def width (@options[:width] || svg.try(:width) || 16).to_i end # Attempt to get height from specified options, then from the source SVG file itself, and ultimately say the height is 16 def height (@options[:height] || svg.try(:height) || 16).to_i end # Get the color specified, if any, removing anything that's not alphanumeric for use in the generated filename def color @options[:color].to_s.gsub(/[^\dA-Z]/i, "") end def size "#{width}x#{height}" end def name(extension = nil, *opts) filename = @file.to_s if extension.nil? && (matches = filename.match(/\.(.*)$/i)) extension = matches[1] end # If called like `svg_tag :my_icon`, convert to "my-icon" # If the filename "my_icon" is actually needed, call `svg_tag "my_icon"` (don't use symbol) filename = filename.dasherize if @file.is_a?(Symbol) pieces = filename.split(".").insert(1, opts).flatten # Add the extension if it doesn't end with the extension, if nil it will just get removed on the next line pieces << extension unless pieces[-1] == extension.to_s # Remove anything that might be empty or nil pieces.reject!(&:blank?) # Put all the pieces together, get a name like file.50x50.RED.png pieces.join(".") end # The fallback image path for the SVG def fallback_path File.join Voltron.config.svg.image_directory, name(:png, size.to_s.downcase, color.upcase) end # The source SVG path def from_svg_path File.join Voltron.config.svg.source_directory, name(@options[:extension]) end # The SVG we'll ultimately use to generate the PNG, if no color was specified this will be the same as `from_svg_path` def to_svg_path File.join Voltron.config.svg.source_directory, name(@options[:extension], color.upcase) end # If a color is specified and we haven't already created the colorized SVG, generate it def create_svg if !color.blank? && !File.exists?(to_svg_path) # Get the svg contents content = # Set the color of any path/stroke in the svg content.gsub! /fill=\"[^\"]+\"/, "fill=\"#{@options[:color]}\"" content.gsub! /stroke=\"[^\"]+\"/, "stroke=\"#{@options[:color]}\"" # Write the new svg file, "w") { |f| f.puts content } Rails.application.assets_manifest.compile name(:svg, color.upcase) Voltron.log "Generated SVG: #{app_path(from_svg_path)} -> #{app_path(to_svg_path)}", "SVG", :light_magenta end end # If we haven't done so already, create the PNG from the SVG source file def create_png return false if File.exists?(fallback_path) begin # Ensure the SVG we will convert to a PNG exists first create_svg # Then convert the SVG to a PNG do |convert| convert.merge! ["-gravity", "center"] convert.merge! ["-background", "none"] convert.merge! ["-quality", @options[:quality]] convert.merge! ["-density", density] convert.merge! ["-resize", size] convert.merge! ["-extent", size] convert << to_svg_path convert << fallback_path convert end Rails.application.assets_manifest.compile name(:png, size.to_s.downcase, color.upcase) Voltron.log "Generated PNG: #{app_path(to_svg_path)} -> #{app_path(fallback_path)}", "SVG", :light_magenta true rescue ::MiniMagick::Error => e Voltron.log e.message, "SVG", :red false end end protected # Get the density of the image so the possibly enlarged SVG -> PNG does not look blurry # Basically just the svg's original width (or 1, if an error) multiplied by the largest side def density if width > height "#{(svg.try(:width) || 1)*width}x#{(svg.try(:height) || 1)*width}" else "#{(svg.try(:width) || 1)*height}x#{(svg.try(:height) || 1)*height}" end end # Only used for logging, slim down the path to `path` by getting rid of everything leading up to the rails root directory def app_path(path) path.sub(Rails.root.to_s, "") end def extract_dimensions(size) size = size.to_s if size =~ %r{\A\d+x\d+\z} size.split("x") elsif size =~ %r{\A\d+\z} [size, size] end end end end end