Shindo.tests('Excon basics') do with_rackup('') do basic_tests tests('explicit uri passed to connection') do tests('GET /content-length/100').returns(200) do connection ={ :host => '', :nonblock => false, :port => 9292, :scheme => 'http', :ssl_verify_peer => false }) response = connection.request(:method => :get, :path => '/content-length/100') response[:status] end end end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (Basic Auth Pass)') do with_rackup('') do basic_tests('http://test_user:test_password@') tests('Excon basics (Basic Auth Fail)') do cases = [ ['correct user, no password', 'http://test_user@'], ['correct user, wrong password', 'http://test_user:fake_password@'], ['wrong user, correct password', 'http://fake_user:test_password@'], ] cases.each do |desc,url| tests("response.status for #{desc}").returns(401) do connection = response = connection.request(:method => :get, :path => '/content-length/100') response.status end end end end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (ssl)') do with_rackup('') do basic_tests('') end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (ssl file)',['focus']) do with_rackup('') do tests('GET /content-length/100').raises(Excon::Errors::SocketError) do connection ={ :host => '', :nonblock => false, :port => 8443, :scheme => 'https', :ssl_verify_peer => false }) connection.request(:method => :get, :path => '/content-length/100') end basic_tests('', :client_key => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'excon.cert.key'), :client_cert => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'excon.cert.crt') ) end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (ssl file paths)',['focus']) do with_rackup('') do tests('GET /content-length/100').raises(Excon::Errors::SocketError) do connection ={ :host => '', :nonblock => false, :port => 8443, :scheme => 'https', :ssl_verify_peer => false }) connection.request(:method => :get, :path => '/content-length/100') end basic_tests('', :private_key_path => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'excon.cert.key'), :certificate_path => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'excon.cert.crt') ) end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (ssl string)', ['focus']) do with_rackup('') do basic_tests('', :private_key =>, 'data', 'excon.cert.key')), :certificate =>, 'data', 'excon.cert.crt')) ) end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (Unix socket)') do pending if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' # need to find suitable server for jruby file_name = '/tmp/unicorn.sock' with_unicorn('', file_name) do basic_tests("unix:/", :socket => file_name) tests('explicit uri passed to connection') do tests('GET /content-length/100').returns(200) do connection ={ :socket => file_name, :nonblock => false, :scheme => 'unix', :ssl_verify_peer => false }) response = connection.request(:method => :get, :path => '/content-length/100') response[:status] end end end end Shindo.tests('Excon basics (reusable local port)') do class CustomSocket < Socket def initialize super(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, true) if defined?(SO_REUSEPORT) setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, true) end end def bind(address, port) super(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, address)) end def connect(address, port) super(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, address)) end def http_get(path) print "GET /content-length/10 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" read.split("\r\n\r\n", 2)[1] end def self.ip_address_list if Socket.respond_to?(:ip_address_list) else `ifconfig`.scan(/inet.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/).flatten end end def self.find_alternate_ip(ip) ip_address_list.detect {|a| a != ip } || '' end end with_rackup('') do connection ="", :reuseaddr => true, # enable address and port reuse :persistent => true # keep the socket open ) response = connection.get tests('has a local port').returns(true) do response.local_port.to_s =~ /\d{4,5}/ ? true : false end tests('local port can be re-bound').returns('x' * 10) do # create a socket with address/port reuse enabled s = # bind to the same local port and address used in the get above (won't work without reuse options on both sockets) s.bind(response.local_address, response.local_port) # connect to the server on a different address than was used for the initial connection to avoid duplicate 5-tuples of: {protcol, src_port, src_addr, dst_port, dst_addr} s.connect(CustomSocket.find_alternate_ip(response.local_address), 9292) # send the request body = s.http_get("/content-length/10") # close both the sockets s.close connection.reset body end end end