# frozen_string_literal: true # ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'bundler' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'open3' require 'openstudio' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'parallel' require 'bcl' module OpenStudio module Extension ## # The Runner class provides functionality to run various commands including calls to the OpenStudio CLI. # class Runner attr_reader :gemfile_path, :bundle_install_path, :options ## # When initialized with a directory containing a Gemfile, the Runner will attempt to create a bundle # compatible with the OpenStudio CLI. ## # @param [String] dirname Directory to run commands in, defaults to Dir.pwd. If directory includes a Gemfile then create a local bundle. # @param bundle_without [Array] List of strings of the groups to exclude when running the bundle command # @param options [Hash] Hash describing options for running the simulation. These are the defaults for all runs unless overriden within the run_* methods. Note if options is used, then a local runner.conf file will not be loaded. # @option options [String] :max_datapoints Max number of datapoints to run # @option options [String] :num_parallel Number of simulations to run in parallel at a time # @option options [String] :run_simulations Set to true to run the simulations # @option options [String] :verbose Set to true to receive extra information while running simulations def initialize(dirname = Dir.pwd, bundle_without = [], options = {}) # DLM: I am not sure if we want to use the main root directory to create these bundles # had the idea of passing in a Gemfile name/alias and path to Gemfile, then doing the bundle # in ~/OpenStudio/#{alias} or something like that? # if the dirname contains a runner.conf file, then use the config file to specify the parameters if File.exist?(File.join(dirname, OpenStudio::Extension::RunnerConfig::FILENAME)) && options.empty? puts 'Using runner options from runner.conf file' runner_config = OpenStudio::Extension::RunnerConfig.new(dirname) @options = runner_config.options else # use the passed values or defaults overriden by passed options @options = OpenStudio::Extension::RunnerConfig.default_config.merge(options) end puts "Initializing runner with dirname: '#{dirname}' and options: #{@options}" @dirname = File.absolute_path(dirname) @gemfile_path = File.join(@dirname, 'Gemfile') @bundle_install_path = File.join(@dirname, '.bundle/install/') @original_dir = Dir.pwd @bundle_without = bundle_without || [] @bundle_without_string = @bundle_without.join(' ') puts "@bundle_without_string = '#{@bundle_without_string}'" raise "#{@dirname} does not exist" unless File.exist?(@dirname) raise "#{@dirname} is not a directory" unless File.directory?(@dirname) if !File.exist?(@gemfile_path) # if there is no gemfile set these to nil @gemfile_path = nil @bundle_install_path = nil else # there is a gemfile, attempt to create a bundle begin # go to the directory with the gemfile Dir.chdir(@dirname) # test to see if bundle is installed check_bundle = run_command('bundle -v', get_clean_env) if !check_bundle raise "Failed to run command 'bundle -v', check that bundle is installed" if !File.exist?(@dirname) end # TODO: check that ruby version is correct # check existing config needs_config = true if File.exist?('./.bundle/config') puts 'config exists' needs_config = false config = YAML.load_file('./.bundle/config') if config['BUNDLE_PATH'] != @bundle_install_path needs_config = true end # if config['BUNDLE_WITHOUT'] != @bundle_without_string # needs_config = true # end end # check existing platform needs_platform = true if File.exist?('Gemfile.lock') puts 'Gemfile.lock exists' gemfile_lock = Bundler::LockfileParser.new(Bundler.read_file('Gemfile.lock')) if gemfile_lock.platforms.include?('ruby') # already been configured, might not be up to date needs_platform = false end end puts "needs_config = #{needs_config}" if needs_config run_command("bundle config --local path '#{@bundle_install_path}'", get_clean_env) # run_command("bundle config --local without '#{@bundle_without_string}'", get_clean_env) end puts "needs_platform = #{needs_platform}" if needs_platform run_command('bundle lock --add_platform ruby', get_clean_env) end needs_update = needs_config || needs_platform if !needs_update if !File.exist?('Gemfile.lock') || File.mtime(@gemfile_path) > File.mtime('Gemfile.lock') needs_update = true end end puts "needs_update = #{needs_update}" if needs_update run_command('bundle update', get_clean_env) end ensure Dir.chdir(@original_dir) end end end ## # Returns a hash of environment variables that can be merged with the current environment to prevent automatic bundle activation. # # DLM: should this be a module or class method? ## # @return [Hash] def get_clean_env # blank out bundler and gem path modifications, will be re-setup by new call new_env = {} new_env['BUNDLER_ORIG_MANPATH'] = nil new_env['BUNDLER_ORIG_PATH'] = nil new_env['BUNDLER_VERSION'] = nil new_env['BUNDLE_BIN_PATH'] = nil new_env['RUBYLIB'] = nil new_env['RUBYOPT'] = nil # DLM: preserve GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH set by current bundle because we are not supporting bundle # requires to ruby gems will work, will fail if we require a native gem new_env['GEM_PATH'] = nil new_env['GEM_HOME'] = nil # DLM: for now, ignore current bundle in case it has binary dependencies in it # bundle_gemfile = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] # bundle_path = ENV['BUNDLE_PATH'] # if bundle_gemfile.nil? || bundle_path.nil? new_env['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = nil new_env['BUNDLE_PATH'] = nil new_env['BUNDLE_WITHOUT'] = nil # else # new_env['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = bundle_gemfile # new_env['BUNDLE_PATH'] = bundle_path # end return new_env end ## # Run a command after merging the current environment with env. Command is run in @dirname, returns to Dir.pwd after completion. # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. # Standard Out, Standard Error, and Status Code are collected and printed, but not returned. ## # @return [Boolean] def run_command(command, env = {}) result = false original_dir = Dir.pwd begin Dir.chdir(@dirname) # DLM: using popen3 here can result in deadlocks stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3(env, command) if status.success? # puts "Command completed successfully" # puts "stdout: #{stdout_str}" # puts "stderr: #{stderr_str}" # STDOUT.flush result = true else puts "Error running command: '#{command}'" puts "stdout: #{stdout_str}" puts "stderr: #{stderr_str}" STDOUT.flush result = false end ensure Dir.chdir(original_dir) end return result end ## # Get path to all measures found under measure dir. ## # @param [String] measures_dir Measures directory ## # @return [Array] returns path to all measure directories found under measure dir def get_measures_in_dir(measures_dir) measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/measure.rb')) if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/**/measure.rb')) end result = [] measures.each { |m| result << File.dirname(m) } return result end ## # Get path to all measures dirs found under measure dir. ## # @param [String] measures_dir Measures directory ## # @return [Array] returns path to all directories containing measures found under measure dir def get_measure_dirs_in_dir(measures_dir) measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/measure.rb')) if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/**/measure.rb')) end result = [] measures.each { |m| result << File.dirname(File.dirname(m)) } return result.uniq end ## # Run the OpenStudio CLI command to test measures on given directory # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. # measures_dir configured in rake_task ## # @return [Boolean] def test_measures_with_cli(measures_dir) puts 'Testing measures with CLI system call' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true end puts "measures path: #{measures_dir}" cli = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI the_call = '' if @gemfile_path if @bundle_without_string.empty? the_call = "#{cli} --verbose --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' measure -r '#{measures_dir}'" else the_call = "#{cli} --verbose --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' --bundle_without '#{@bundle_without_string}' measure -r '#{measures_dir}'" end else the_call = "#{cli} --verbose measure -r #{measures_dir}" end puts 'SYSTEM CALL:' puts the_call STDOUT.flush result = run_command(the_call, get_clean_env) puts "DONE, result = #{result}" STDOUT.flush return result end ## # Run the OpenStudio CLI command to update measures on given directory # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. ## # @return [Boolean] def update_measures(measures_dir) puts 'Updating measures with CLI system call' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true end result = true # DLM: this is a temporary workaround to handle OpenStudio-Measures get_measure_dirs_in_dir(measures_dir).each do |m_dir| puts "measures path: #{m_dir}" cli = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI the_call = '' if @gemfile_path if @bundle_without_string.empty? the_call = "#{cli} --verbose --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' measure -t '#{m_dir}'" else the_call = "#{cli} --verbose --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' --bundle_without '#{@bundle_without_string}' measure -t '#{m_dir}'" end else the_call = "#{cli} --verbose measure -t '#{m_dir}'" end puts 'SYSTEM CALL:' puts the_call STDOUT.flush result &&= run_command(the_call, get_clean_env) puts "DONE, result = #{result}" STDOUT.flush end return result end ## # List measures in given directory # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. ## # @return [Boolean] ## def list_measures(measures_dir) puts 'Listing measures' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true end puts "measures path: #{measures_dir}" # this is to accommodate a single measures dir (like most gems) # or a repo with multiple directories fo measures (like OpenStudio-measures) measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/measure.rb')) if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/**/measure.rb')) end puts "#{measures.length} MEASURES FOUND" measures.each do |measure| name = measure.split('/')[-2] puts name.to_s end end # Update measures by copying in the latest resource files from the Extension gem into # the measures' respective resources folders. # measures_dir and core_dir configured in rake_task # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] def copy_core_files(measures_dir, core_dir) puts 'Copying measure resources' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true end result = false puts 'Copying updated resource files from extension core directory to individual measures.' puts 'Only files that have actually been changed will be listed.' # get all resource files in the core dir resource_files = Dir.glob(File.join(core_dir, '/*.*')) # this is to accommodate a single measures dir (like most gems) # or a repo with multiple directories fo measures (like OpenStudio-measures) measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/resources/*.rb')) if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir.glob(File.join(measures_dir, '**/**/resources/*.rb')) end # Note: some older measures like AEDG use 'OsLib_SomeName' instead of 'os_lib_some_name' # this script isn't replacing those copies # loop through resource files resource_files.each do |resource_file| # loop through measure dirs looking for matching file measures.each do |measure| next unless File.basename(measure) == File.basename(resource_file) next if FileUtils.identical?(resource_file, File.path(measure)) puts "Replacing #{measure} with #{resource_file}." FileUtils.cp(resource_file, File.path(measure)) end end result = true return result end # Update measures by adding license file # measures_dir and doc_templates_dir configured in rake_task # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. ## # @return [Boolean] def add_measure_license(measures_dir, doc_templates_dir) puts 'Adding measure licenses' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true elsif doc_templates_dir.nil? || doc_templates_dir.empty? puts 'Doc templates dir is nil or empty' return false end result = false license_file = File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'LICENSE.md') puts "License file path: #{license_file}" raise "License file not found '#{license_file}'" if !File.exist?(license_file) measures = Dir["#{measures_dir}/**/measure.rb"] if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir["#{measures_dir}/**/**/measure.rb"] end measures.each do |measure| FileUtils.cp(license_file, "#{File.dirname(measure)}/LICENSE.md") end result = true return result end # Update measures by adding license file # measures_dir and doc_templates_dir configured in rake_task # Returns true if the command completes successfully, false otherwise. ## # @return [Boolean] def add_measure_readme(measures_dir, doc_templates_dir) puts 'Adding measure readmes' if measures_dir.nil? || measures_dir.empty? puts 'Measures dir is nil or empty' return true elsif doc_templates_dir.nil? || doc_templates_dir.empty? puts 'Measures files dir is nil or empty' return false end result = false readme_file = File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'README.md.erb') puts "Readme file path: #{readme_file}" raise "Readme file not found '#{readme_file}'" if !File.exist?(readme_file) measures = Dir["#{measures_dir}/**/measure.rb"] if measures.empty? # also try nested 2-deep to support openstudio-measures measures = Dir["#{measures_dir}/**/**/measure.rb"] end measures.each do |measure| next if File.exist?("#{File.dirname(measure)}/README.md.erb") next if File.exist?("#{File.dirname(measure)}/README.md") puts "adding template README to #{measure}" FileUtils.cp(readme_file, "#{File.dirname(measure)}/README.md.erb") end result = true return result end def update_copyright(root_dir, doc_templates_dir) if root_dir.nil? || root_dir.empty? puts 'Root dir is nil or empty' return false elsif doc_templates_dir.nil? || doc_templates_dir.empty? puts 'Doc templates dir is nil or empty' return false end if File.exist?(File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'LICENSE.md')) if File.exist?(File.join(root_dir, 'LICENSE.md')) puts 'updating LICENSE.md in root dir' FileUtils.cp(File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'LICENSE.md'), File.join(root_dir, 'LICENSE.md')) end end ruby_regex = /^\#\s?[\#\*]{12,}.*copyright.*?\#\s?[\#\*]{12,}\s*$/mi erb_regex = /^<%\s*\#\s?[\#\*]{12,}.*copyright.*?\#\s?[\#\*]{12,}\s*%>$/mi js_regex = /^\/\* @preserve.*copyright.*license.{2}\*\//mi filename = File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'copyright_ruby.txt') puts "Copyright file path: #{filename}" raise "Copyright file not found '#{filename}'" if !File.exist?(filename) file = File.open(filename, 'r') ruby_header_text = file.read file.close ruby_header_text.strip! ruby_header_text += "\n" filename = File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'copyright_erb.txt') puts "Copyright file path: #{filename}" raise "Copyright file not found '#{filename}'" if !File.exist?(filename) file = File.open(filename, 'r') erb_header_text = file.read file.close erb_header_text.strip! erb_header_text += "\n" filename = File.join(doc_templates_dir, 'copyright_js.txt') puts "Copyright file path: #{filename}" raise "Copyright file not found '#{filename}'" if !File.exist?(filename) file = File.open(filename, 'r') js_header_text = file.read file.close js_header_text.strip! js_header_text += "\n" raise 'bad copyright_ruby.txt' if ruby_header_text !~ ruby_regex raise 'bad copyright_erb.txt' if erb_header_text !~ erb_regex raise 'bad copyright_js.txt' if js_header_text !~ js_regex # look for .rb, .html.erb, and .js.erb paths = [ { glob: "#{root_dir}/**/*.rb", license: ruby_header_text, regex: ruby_regex }, { glob: "#{root_dir}/**/*.html.erb", license: erb_header_text, regex: erb_regex }, { glob: "#{root_dir}/**/*.js.erb", license: js_header_text, regex: js_regex } ] puts "Encoding.default_external = #{Encoding.default_external}" puts "Encoding.default_internal = #{Encoding.default_internal}" paths.each do |path| Dir[path[:glob]].each do |file| puts "Updating license in file #{file}" f = File.read(file) if f.match?(path[:regex]) puts ' License found -- updating' File.open(file, 'w') { |write| write << f.gsub(path[:regex], path[:license]) } elsif f =~ /\(C\)/i || f =~ /\(Copyright\)/i puts ' File already has copyright -- skipping' else puts ' No license found -- adding' if f.match?(/#!/) puts ' CANNOT add license to file automatically, add it manually and it will update automatically in the future' next end File.open(file, 'w') { |write| write << f.insert(0, path[:license] + "\n") } end end end end ## # Run the OpenStudio CLI on an OSW. The OSW is configured to include measure and file locations for all loaded OpenStudio Extensions. ## # @param [String, Hash] in_osw If string this is the path to an OSW file on disk, if Hash it is loaded JSON with symbolized keys # @param [String] run_dir Directory to run the OSW in, will be created if does not exist ## # @return [Boolean] True if command succeeded, false otherwise # DLM: should this return path to out.osw instead? def run_osw(in_osw, run_dir) run_dir = File.absolute_path(run_dir) if in_osw.is_a?(String) in_osw_path = in_osw raise "'#{in_osw_path}' does not exist" if !File.exist?(in_osw_path) in_osw = {} File.open(in_osw_path, 'r') do |file| in_osw = JSON.parse(file.read, symbolize_names: true) end end osw = OpenStudio::Extension.configure_osw(in_osw) osw[:run_directory] = run_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(run_dir) run_osw_path = File.join(run_dir, 'in.osw') File.open(run_osw_path, 'w') do |file| file.puts JSON.pretty_generate(osw) end if @options[:run_simulations] cli = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI out_log = run_osw_path + '.log' # if Gem.win_platform? # # out_log = "nul" # else # # out_log = "/dev/null" # end the_call = '' verbose_string = '' if @options[:verbose] verbose_string = ' --verbose' end if @gemfile_path if @bundle_without_string.empty? the_call = "#{cli}#{verbose_string} --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' run -w '#{run_osw_path}' 2>&1 > \"#{out_log}\"" else the_call = "#{cli}#{verbose_string} --bundle '#{@gemfile_path}' --bundle_path '#{@bundle_install_path}' --bundle_without '#{@bundle_without_string}' run -w '#{run_osw_path}' 2>&1 > \"#{out_log}\"" end else the_call = "#{cli}#{verbose_string} run -w '#{run_osw_path}' 2>&1 > \"#{out_log}\"" end puts 'SYSTEM CALL:' puts the_call STDOUT.flush result = run_command(the_call, get_clean_env) puts "DONE, result = #{result}" STDOUT.flush else puts 'simulations are not performed, since to the @options[:run_simulations] is set to false' end # DLM: this does not always return false for failed CLI runs, consider checking for failed.job file as backup test return result end # run osws, return any failure messages def run_osws(osw_files, num_parallel = @options[:num_parallel], max_to_run = @options[:max_datapoints]) failures = [] osw_files = osw_files.slice(0, [osw_files.size, max_to_run].min) Parallel.each(osw_files, in_threads: num_parallel) do |osw| result = run_osw(osw, File.dirname(osw)) if !result failures << "Failed to run OSW '#{osw}'" end end return failures end end end end