1.3.7: A couple of small bugfixes, including fixing Facter.flush so it correctly flushes cached values, and the mac address fact only returns one value, not all of them. Converted all of the fact names to symbols, rather than the somewhat random case used previously. When the facts are converted to a hash, they still convert the fact name to a string. 1.3.6: A bugfix release, including fixes for #29, and #30. Also fixed the SSH keys so they only have the key, not the type or description. 1.3.5: A bugfix release. 1.3.4: Added many new facts, including LSB facts. Fixed a few small bugs, notably the error you could get when asking for a non-existent fact. 1.3.3: Added thread exclusivity to memory and processor facts. Added the ability to retrieve facts by pulling them out of the shell environment. 1.3.2: Temporarily disabled memory and processor facts since they might cause hangs. 1.3.1: Fixed autoloading so that it catches any errors in loaded libraries. 1.3: Significant internal refactoring, such as replacing 'tag' with 'confine', and reusing 'tag' for semantic purposes. Made autoloading of facts better. 1.2.1: Fixed a "bug" that occurs if there's a file named "facter" in your ruby search path (as opposed to directory). 1.2.0: Added RubyVersion, FacterVersion, and PuppetVersion facts. Added autoload capabilities, so you can add facts without modifying the core library. Added the ability to retrieve facts by treating them as a method on the Facter class, e.g., Facter.operatingsystem. Added a to_hash method to Facter, which retrieves all facts as a hash. 1.1.4: Fixing installer bug. 1.1.3: Identifying CentOS correctly. 1.1.2: Added 'ldapname' attribute, so Facts can be easily converted to LDAP. 1.1.1: Fixed a bug that occurs when you ask for the value of an unregistered fact. 1.1.0: Added support for OpenBSD (and probably NetBSD and FreeBSD), and significantly refactored (heh) how facts and resolution mechanisms are added. 1.0.2: Added SuSE distro Added initial support for Cygwin, thanks to contributions from Eric Sorenson 1.0.1: Added 'id' fact, which basically returns 'whoami'. 1.0: Rewrote entirely. It's much simpler to use, and now supports adding new fact resolution mechanisms at run-time. 1.0b1: Initial release.