Then /^I should see a table header with "([^"]*)"$/ do |content| page.should have_xpath('//th', :text => content) end Then /^I should not see a table header with "([^"]*)"$/ do |content| page.should_not have_xpath('//th', :text => content) end Then /^I should see a sortable table header with "([^"]*)"$/ do |content| page.should have_css('th.sortable', :text => content) end Then /^I should not see a sortable table header$/ do Then "I should not see \"th.sortable\"" end Then /^the table "([^"]*)" should have (\d+) rows/ do |selector, count| table = page.find(selector) table.all(:css, 'tr').size.should == count.to_i end Then /^the table "([^"]*)" should have (\d+) columns/ do |selector, count| table = page.find(selector) row = table.find('tr:first') row.all(:css, "td").size.should == count.to_i end Then /^there should be (\d+) "([^"]*)" tags$/ do |count, tag| page.all(:css, tag).size.should == count.to_i end Then /^I should see a link to "([^"]*)"$/ do |link| if page.respond_to? :should page.should have_xpath('//a', :text => link) else assert page.has_xpath?('//a', :text => link) end end Then /^I should see a link to \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |regexp| regexp = if page.respond_to? :should page.should have_xpath('//a', :text => regexp) else assert page.has_xpath?('//a', :text => regexp) end end Then /^an "([^"]*)" exception should be raised when I follow "([^"]*)"$/ do |error, link| lambda { When "I follow \"#{link}\"" }.should raise_error(error.constantize) end Then /^I should be in the resource section for (.+)$/ do |resource_name| current_url.should include(resource_name.gsub(' ', '').underscore.pluralize) end Then /^I should wait and see "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^"]*)")?$/ do |text, selector| sleep 1 Then 'show me the page' selector ||= "*" locate(:xpath, "//#{selector}[text()='#{text}']") end Then /^I should see the page title "([^"]*)"$/ do |title| page.should have_css('h2#page_title', :text => title) end Then /^I should see a fieldset titled "([^"]*)"$/ do |title| page.should have_css('fieldset legend', :text => title) end Then /^the "([^"]*)" field should contain the option "([^"]*)"$/ do |field, option| field = find_field(field) field.should have_css("option", :text => option) end