/*------------------------------------------------------------------ Project: Antler - Hosting Provider & WHMCS Template Description: Antler Responsive Premium Template Designed for all web hosting providers Author: inebur (Rúben Rodrigues) Author URI: http://inebur.com/ Author Envato: https://themeforest.net/user/inebur Copyright: 2022 inebur Version: 3.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { "use strict"; loadWindowSettings(); loadWindowEvents(); loadMenu(); loadTabs(); izotope(); popup(); accordion(); loadTooltips(); initSliderUI(); loadCountdown(); speacialCount(); loadSkills(); misc(); slick(); listenSlick(); loader(); backtotop(); isotope(); livechat(); contactform(); popover(); scrollgoto(); active(); display(); switching(); headerfooter(); translate(); switchVisible(); sticky(); changeColorStyle(); }); //----------------------------------------------------/ // Set Settings //----------------------------------------------------/ function addCss(fileName) { var head = document.head , link = document.createElement('link'); 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circle.attr('data-percent', parseInt(unencoded) / count_step * 100); } keypressSlider.noUiSlider.on('change', getValue2); keypressSlider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle) { refreshInfo(values[handle]); input.value = values[handle]; change_global_cloud_pkgs_href(values[handle]); }); input.addEventListener('change', function() { keypressSlider.noUiSlider.set([null, this.value]); }); // Listen to keydown events on the input field. input.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { // Convert the string to a number. var value = Number(keypressSlider.noUiSlider.get()), sliderStep = keypressSlider.noUiSlider.steps() // Select the stepping for the first handle. sliderStep = sliderStep[0]; // 13 is enter, // 38 is key up, // 40 is key down. switch (e.which) { case 13: keypressSlider.noUiSlider.set(this.value); break; case 38: keypressSlider.noUiSlider.set(value + sliderStep[1]); break; case 40: keypressSlider.noUiSlider.set(value - sliderStep[0]); break; } }); function getServicesInfo() { var info = { VPS1: { name: "Service A", disk: "100GB", ram: "1GB", cpu: "1 Core", bandwith: "100GB", setup: "8€", ip: "2 IPs", price: "99.09", priceon: "8.26", orderlink: "http://inebur.com/whmcs/cart.php?a=add&pid=4&carttpl=antler" }, VPS2: { name: "Service B", disk: "200GB", ram: "4GB", cpu: "2 Core", setup: "15€", ip: "4 IPs", bandwith: "500GB", price: "155.00", priceon: "12.92", orderlink: "http://inebur.com/whmcs/cart.php?a=add&pid=5&carttpl=antler" }, VPS3: { name: "Service C", disk: "300GB", ram: "8GB", cpu: "4 Core", setup: "Free", ip: "8 IPs", bandwith: "2TB", price: "299.99", priceon: "25.00", orderlink: "http://inebur.com/whmcs/cart.php?a=add&pid=6&carttpl=antler" }, VPS4: { name: "Service D", disk: "400GB", ram: "12GB", cpu: "4 Core", setup: "Free", ip: "8 IPs", bandwith: "Unlimited", price: "395.22", priceon: "32.94", orderlink: "http://inebur.com/whmcs/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=3&carttpl=antler" }, VPS5: { name: "Service E", disk: "500GB", ram: "16GB", cpu: "8 Core", setup: "Free", ip: "12 IPs", bandwith: "Unlimited", price: "545.00", priceon: "45.42", orderlink: "http://inebur.com/whmcs/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=4&carttpl=antler" } }; 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