module GovukPublishingComponents module Presenters class CheckboxesHelper include ActionView::Helpers include ActionView::Context attr_reader :items, :name, :css_classes, :error, :has_conditional, :has_nested, :id, :hint_text def initialize(options) @items = options[:items] || [] @name = options[:name] @css_classes = %w(gem-c-checkboxes govuk-form-group) @css_classes << "govuk-form-group--error" if options[:error] @error = true if options[:error] # check if any item is set as being conditional @has_conditional = options[:items].any? { |item| item.is_a?(Hash) && item[:conditional] } @has_nested = options[:items].any? { |item| item.is_a?(Hash) && item[:items] } @id = options[:id] || "checkboxes-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" @heading = options[:heading] || nil @is_page_heading = options[:is_page_heading] @no_hint_text = options[:no_hint_text] @hint_text = options[:hint_text] || "Select all that apply." unless @no_hint_text @visually_hide_heading = options[:visually_hide_heading] end # should have a fieldset if there's a heading, or if more than one checkbox # separate check is in the view for if more than one checkbox and no heading, in which case fail def should_have_fieldset @items.length > 1 || @heading end def fieldset_describedby unless @no_hint_text text = %w() text << "#{id}-hint" if @hint_text text << "#{id}-error" if @error text end end def heading_markup return unless @heading.present? if @is_page_heading content_tag( :legend, class: "govuk-fieldset__legend govuk-fieldset__legend--xl gem-c-title gem-c-title--margin-bottom-5" ) do content_tag(:h1, @heading, class: "gem-c-title__text") end else classes = %w(govuk-fieldset__legend govuk-fieldset__legend--m) classes << "gem-c-checkboxes__legend--hidden" if @visually_hide_heading content_tag(:legend, @heading, class: classes) end end def checkbox_markup(checkbox, index) checkbox_id = checkbox[:id] || "#{@id}-#{index}" controls = checkbox[:conditional].present? ? "#{checkbox_id}-conditional-#{index || rand(1..100)}" : checkbox[:controls] checkbox_name = checkbox[:name].present? ? checkbox[:name] : @name checked = true if checkbox[:checked].present? data = checkbox[:data_attributes] || {} data[:controls] = controls capture do concat check_box_tag checkbox_name, checkbox[:value], checked, class: "govuk-checkboxes__input", id: checkbox_id, data: data concat content_tag(:label, checkbox[:label], for: checkbox_id, class: "govuk-label govuk-checkboxes__label") concat content_tag(:span, checkbox[:hint], id: "#{checkbox_id}-item-hint", class: "govuk-hint govuk-checkboxes__hint") if checkbox[:hint] end end end end end