require 'rubygems' require 'fog' module Rubber module Dns class Aws < Base attr_accessor :client def initialize(env) super(env) creds = { :provider => 'aws', :aws_access_key_id => env.access_key, :aws_secret_access_key => env.access_secret } @client = end def normalize_name(name, domain) domain = domain.gsub(/\.$/, "") if name name = name.gsub(/\.$/, "") name = name.gsub(/.?#{domain}$/, "") # Route 53 encodes asterisks in their ASCII octal representation. name = name.gsub("\\052", "*") end return name, domain end def denormalize_name(name, domain) if ! name || name.strip.empty? name = "#{domain}" else name = "#{name}.#{domain}" end name = "#{name}." domain = "#{domain}." return name, domain end # Convert from fog/aws model to rubber option hash that represents a dns record def host_to_opts(host) opts = {} opts[:host] ||= || '' opts[:domain] ||= opts[:host], opts[:domain] = normalize_name(opts[:host], opts[:domain]) opts[:type] ||= host.type opts[:ttl] ||= host.ttl.to_i if host.ttl opts[:data] ||= [] if host.type =~ /MX/i host.value.each do |val| parts = val.split(" ") opts[:data] << {'priority' => parts[0], 'value' => parts[1]} end elsif ! host.alias_target.nil? # Convert from camel-case to snake-case for Route 53 ALIAS records # so the match the rubber config format. opts[:data] << { 'hosted_zone_id' => host.alias_target['HostedZoneId'], 'dns_name' => host.alias_target['DNSName'].split('.')[0..-1].join('.') } # Route 53 ALIAS records do not have a TTL, so delete the rubber-supplied default value. opts.delete(:ttl) else opts[:data].concat(Array(host.value)) end return opts end # Convert from rubber option hash that represents a dns record to fog/aws model def opts_to_host(opts) host = {} host[:name], domain = denormalize_name(opts[:host], opts[:domain]) host[:type] = opts[:type] host[:ttl] = opts[:ttl] if opts[:ttl] if opts[:data] # Route 53 requires the priority to be munged with the data value. if host[:type] =~ /MX/i host[:value] = opts[:data].collect {|o| "#{o[:priority]} #{o[:value]}"} elsif opts[:data].first.is_a?(Hash) # Route 53 allows creation of ALIAS records, which will always be # a Hash in the DNS config. ALIAS records cannot have a TTL. host[:alias_target] = opts[:data].first host.delete(:value) host.delete(:ttl) else host[:value] = opts[:data] end end return host end def find_or_create_zone(domain) zone = @client.zones.all.find {|z| z.domain =~ /^#{domain}\.?/} if ! zone zone = @client.zones.create(:domain => domain) end return zone end def all_hosts(zone) hosts = [] opts = {} has_more = true while has_more all_hosts = zone.records.all(opts) has_more = all_hosts.is_truncated opts = {:name => all_hosts.next_record_name, :type => all_hosts.next_record_type } hosts.concat(all_hosts) end return hosts end def find_hosts(opts = {}) opts = setup_opts(opts, [:host, :domain]) result = [] zone = find_or_create_zone(opts[:domain]) host = opts_to_host(opts) if opts[:host] && opts[:host] != '*' found_host = zone.records.all(:name => host[:name], :type => host[:type], :max_items => 1).first found_host = nil if found_host && != "#{host[:name]}." && found_host.type != host[:type] hosts = Array(found_host) else hosts = all_hosts(zone) end hosts = {|h| == host[:name] } if opts.has_key?(:host) && opts[:host] != '*' hosts = {|h| h.type == host[:type] } if opts.has_key?(:type) && opts[:type] != '*' return hosts end def find_host_records(opts = {}) hosts = find_hosts(opts) result = hosts.collect {|h| host_to_opts(h).merge(:domain => opts[:domain]) } return result end def create_host_record(opts = {}) opts = setup_opts(opts, [:host, :data, :domain, :type, :ttl]) zone = find_or_create_zone(opts[:domain]) zone.records.create(opts_to_host(opts)) end def destroy_host_record(opts = {}) opts = setup_opts(opts, [:host, :domain]) find_hosts(opts).each do |h| h.destroy || raise("Failed to destroy #{h.hostname}") end end def update_host_record(old_opts={}, new_opts={}) old_opts = setup_opts(old_opts, [:host, :domain, :type]) new_opts = setup_opts(new_opts, [:host, :domain, :type, :data]) new_host = opts_to_host(new_opts) host = find_hosts(old_opts).first result = host.modify(new_host) result || raise("Failed to update host #{}, #{host.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}") end end end end