# stdlib require "fiddle/import" # modules require "blingfire/model" require "blingfire/version" module BlingFire class Error < StandardError; end class << self attr_accessor :ffi_lib end lib_name = if Gem.win_platform? "blingfiretokdll.dll" elsif RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin/i if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_cpu"] =~ /arm|aarch64/i "libblingfiretokdll.arm64.dylib" else "libblingfiretokdll.dylib" end else if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_cpu"] =~ /arm|aarch64/i "libblingfiretokdll.arm64.so" else "libblingfiretokdll.so" end end vendor_lib = File.expand_path("../vendor/#{lib_name}", __dir__) self.ffi_lib = [vendor_lib] # friendlier error message autoload :FFI, "blingfire/ffi" class << self def lib_version FFI.GetBlingFireTokVersion end def load_model(path, **options) Model.new(path, **options) end def text_to_words(text) text_to(text, " ") do |t, out| FFI.TextToWords(t, t.bytesize, out, out.size) end end def text_to_words_with_model(model, text) text_to(text, " ") do |t, out| FFI.TextToWordsWithModel(t, t.bytesize, out, out.size, model) end end def text_to_words_with_offsets(text) text_to_with_offsets(text, " ") do |t, out, start_offsets, end_offsets| FFI.TextToWordsWithOffsets(t, t.bytesize, out, start_offsets, end_offsets, out.size) end end def text_to_words_with_offsets_with_model(model, text) text_to_with_offsets(text, " ") do |t, out, start_offsets, end_offsets| FFI.TextToWordsWithOffsetsWithModel(t, t.bytesize, out, start_offsets, end_offsets, out.size, model) end end def text_to_sentences(text) text_to(text, "\n") do |t, out| FFI.TextToSentences(t, t.bytesize, out, out.size) end end def text_to_sentences_with_model(model, text) text_to(text, "\n") do |t, out| FFI.TextToSentencesWithModel(t, t.bytesize, out, out.size, model) end end def text_to_sentences_with_offsets(text) text_to_with_offsets(text, "\n") do |t, out, start_offsets, end_offsets| FFI.TextToSentencesWithOffsets(t, t.bytesize, out, start_offsets, end_offsets, out.size) end end def text_to_sentences_with_offsets_with_model(model, text) text_to_with_offsets(text, "\n") do |t, out, start_offsets, end_offsets| FFI.TextToSentencesWithOffsetsWithModel(t, t.bytesize, out, start_offsets, end_offsets, out.size, model) end end def text_to_ids(model, text, max_len = nil, unk_id = 0) text = encode_utf8(text.dup) unless text.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 ids = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc((max_len || text.size) * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT) out_size = FFI.TextToIds(model, text, text.bytesize, ids, ids.size, unk_id) check_status out_size, ids ids[0, (max_len || out_size) * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT].unpack("i!*") end def text_to_ids_with_offsets(model, text, max_len = nil, unk_id = 0) text = encode_utf8(text.dup) unless text.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 ids = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc((max_len || text.size) * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT) start_offsets = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * ids.size) end_offsets = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * ids.size) out_size = FFI.TextToIdsWithOffsets(model, text, text.bytesize, ids, start_offsets, end_offsets, ids.size, unk_id) check_status out_size, ids result = ids[0, (max_len || out_size) * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT].unpack("i!*") [result].concat(unpack_offsets(start_offsets, end_offsets, result, text)) end def ids_to_text(model, ids, skip_special_tokens: true, output_buffer_size: nil) output_buffer_size ||= ids.size * 32 c_ids = Fiddle::Pointer[ids.pack("i*")] out = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(output_buffer_size) out_size = FFI.IdsToText(model, c_ids, ids.size, out, output_buffer_size, skip_special_tokens ? 1 : 0) check_status out_size, out encode_utf8(out.to_str(out_size - 1)) end def free_model(model) FFI.FreeModel(model) end def normalize_spaces(text) u_space = 0x20 text = encode_utf8(text.dup) unless text.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 out = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc([text.bytesize * 1.5, 20].max) out_size = FFI.NormalizeSpaces(text, text.bytesize, out, out.size, u_space) check_status out_size, out encode_utf8(out.to_str(out_size)) end def change_settings_dummy_prefix(model, value) # use opposite of value ret = FFI.SetNoDummyPrefix(model, value ? 0 : 1) raise Error, "Bad status: #{ret}" if ret != 1 end private def check_status(ret, ptr) raise Error, "Not enough memory allocated" if ret == -1 || ret > ptr.size end def text_to(text, sep) text = encode_utf8(text.dup) unless text.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 # TODO allocate less, and try again if needed out = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc([text.bytesize * 3, 20].max) out_size = yield(text, out) check_status out_size, out encode_utf8(out.to_str(out_size - 1)).split(sep) end def text_to_with_offsets(text, sep) text = encode_utf8(text.dup) unless text.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 # TODO allocate less, and try again if needed out = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc([text.bytesize * 3, 20].max) start_offsets = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * out.size) end_offsets = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * out.size) out_size = yield(text, out, start_offsets, end_offsets) check_status out_size, out result = encode_utf8(out.to_str(out_size - 1)).split(sep) [result].concat(unpack_offsets(start_offsets, end_offsets, result, text)) end def encode_utf8(text) text.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def unpack_offsets(start_offsets, end_offsets, result, text) start_bytes = start_offsets.to_s(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * result.size).unpack("i*") end_bytes = end_offsets.to_s(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * result.size).unpack("i*") starts = [] ends = [] # convert byte offsets to character offsets # TODO see if more efficient to store next_pos in variable pos = 0 text.each_char.with_index do |c, i| while pos == start_bytes[starts.size] || start_bytes[starts.size] == -1 starts << i end pos += c.bytesize while pos - 1 == end_bytes[ends.size] ends << i + 1 end end [starts, ends] end end end