# Danger :no_entry_sign: [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/orta/danger/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/danger.svg?style=flat)](http://rubygems.org/gems/danger) Formalize your Pull Request etiquette. *Note:* Not ready for public usage yet - unless you're willing to look inside the codebase. This is a Work in progress, though it is active use on [Artsy/Eigen](https://github.com/artsy/eigen/) and [fastlane/fastlane-core](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane_core). -------


------- ## Installation Add this line to your application's [Gemfile](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/a-gemfile.html): ```ruby gem 'danger' ``` and then run the following to set up `danger` for your repository ``` danger init ``` ## Usage In CI run `bundle exec danger`. This will look at your `Dangerfile` and provide some feedback based on that. ## DSL   |   | Danger :no_entry_sign: -------------: | ------------- | ---- :sparkles: | `lines_of_code` | The total amount of lines of code in the diff :pencil2: | `files_modified` | The list of files modified :ship: | `files_added` | The list of files added :recycle: | `files_removed` | The list of files removed :abc: | `pr_title` | The title of the PR :book: | `pr_body` | The body of the PR :busts_in_silhouette: | `pr_author` | The author who submitted the PR :bookmark: | `pr_labels` | The labels added to the PR You can then create a `Dangerfile` like the following: ``` ruby # Easy checks warn("PR is classed as Work in Progress") if pr_title.include? "[WIP]" if lines_of_code > 50 && files_modified.include?("CHANGELOG.yml") == false fail("No CHANGELOG changes made") end # Stop skipping some manual testing if lines_of_code > 50 && pr_title.include?("📱") == false fail("Needs testing on a Phone if change is non-trivial") end message("This pull request adds #{lines_of_code} new lines") warn("Author @#{pr_author} is not a contributor") unless ["KrauseFx", "orta"].include?(pr_author) ``` ## Constraints * **GitHub** - Built with same-repo PRs in mind ## Advanced You can access more detailed information by accessing the following variables   | Danger :no_entry_sign: ------------- | ---- `env.request_source.pr_json` | The full JSON for the pull request `env.scm.diff` | The full [GitDiff](https://github.com/schacon/ruby-git/blob/master/lib/git/diff.rb) file for the diff. `env.ci_source` | To get information like the repo slug or pull request ID ## Test locally with `danger local` Using `danger local` will look for the last merged pull request in your git history, and apply your current `Dangerfile` against that Pull Request. Useful when editing. ## Useful bits of knowledge ATM * You can set the base branch in the command line arguments see: `bundle exec danger --help`. ## License > This project is open source under the MIT license, which means you have full access to the source code and can modify it to fit your own needs.