# WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws::MediaLive module Types # @note When making an API call, you may pass AacSettings # data as a hash: # # { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # } # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # Average bitrate in bits/second. Valid values depend on rate control # mode and profile. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] coding_mode # Mono, Stereo, or 5.1 channel layout. Valid values depend on rate # control mode and profile. The adReceiverMix setting receives a # stereo description plus control track and emits a mono AAC encode of # the description track, with control data emitted in the PES header # as per ETSI TS 101 154 Annex E. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_type # Set to "broadcasterMixedAd" when input contains pre-mixed main # audio + AD (narration) as a stereo pair. The Audio Type field # (audioType) will be set to 3, which signals to downstream systems # that this stream contains "broadcaster mixed AD". Note that the # input received by the encoder must contain pre-mixed audio; the # encoder does not perform the mixing. The values in audioTypeControl # and audioType (in AudioDescription) are ignored when set to # broadcasterMixedAd. Leave set to "normal" when input does not # contain pre-mixed audio + AD. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] profile # AAC Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] rate_control_mode # Rate Control Mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] raw_format # Sets LATM / LOAS AAC output for raw containers. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_rate # Sample rate in Hz. Valid values depend on rate control mode and # profile. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] spec # Use MPEG-2 AAC audio instead of MPEG-4 AAC audio for raw or MPEG-2 # Transport Stream containers. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] vbr_quality # VBR Quality Level - Only used if rateControlMode is VBR. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AacSettings AWS API Documentation # class AacSettings < Struct.new( :bitrate, :coding_mode, :input_type, :profile, :rate_control_mode, :raw_format, :sample_rate, :spec, :vbr_quality) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Ac3Settings # data as a hash: # # { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # } # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # Average bitrate in bits/second. Valid bitrates depend on the coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] bitstream_mode # Specifies the bitstream mode (bsmod) for the emitted AC-3 stream. # See ATSC A/52-2012 for background on these values. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] coding_mode # Dolby Digital coding mode. Determines number of channels. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] dialnorm # Sets the dialnorm for the output. If excluded and input audio is # Dolby Digital, dialnorm will be passed through. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] drc_profile # If set to filmStandard, adds dynamic range compression signaling to # the output bitstream as defined in the Dolby Digital specification. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] lfe_filter # When set to enabled, applies a 120Hz lowpass filter to the LFE # channel prior to encoding. Only valid in codingMode32Lfe mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] metadata_control # When set to "followInput", encoder metadata will be sourced from # the DD, DD+, or DolbyE decoder that supplied this audio data. If # audio was not supplied from one of these streams, then the static # metadata settings will be used. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Ac3Settings AWS API Documentation # class Ac3Settings < Struct.new( :bitrate, :bitstream_mode, :coding_mode, :dialnorm, :drc_profile, :lfe_filter, :metadata_control) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AccessDenied AWS API Documentation # class AccessDenied < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ArchiveContainerSettings # data as a hash: # # { # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] m2ts_settings # @return [Types::M2tsSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ArchiveContainerSettings AWS API Documentation # class ArchiveContainerSettings < Struct.new( :m2ts_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ArchiveGroupSettings # data as a hash: # # { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] destination # A directory and base filename where archive files should be written. # If the base filename portion of the URI is left blank, the base # filename of the first input will be automatically inserted. # @return [Types::OutputLocationRef] # # @!attribute [rw] rollover_interval # Number of seconds to write to archive file before closing and # starting a new one. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ArchiveGroupSettings AWS API Documentation # class ArchiveGroupSettings < Struct.new( :destination, :rollover_interval) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ArchiveOutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] container_settings # Settings specific to the container type of the file. # @return [Types::ArchiveContainerSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] extension # Output file extension. If excluded, this will be auto-selected from # the container type. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name_modifier # String concatenated to the end of the destination filename. Required # for multiple outputs of the same type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ArchiveOutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class ArchiveOutputSettings < Struct.new( :container_settings, :extension, :name_modifier) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AribDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class AribDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AribSourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class AribSourceSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioChannelMapping # data as a hash: # # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_channel_levels # Indices and gain values for each input channel that should be # remixed into this output channel. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] output_channel # The index of the output channel being produced. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioChannelMapping AWS API Documentation # class AudioChannelMapping < Struct.new( :input_channel_levels, :output_channel) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioCodecSettings # data as a hash: # # { # aac_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # }, # ac_3_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # eac_3_settings: { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # }, # mp_2_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # }, # pass_through_settings: { # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] aac_settings # @return [Types::AacSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] ac_3_settings # @return [Types::Ac3Settings] # # @!attribute [rw] eac_3_settings # @return [Types::Eac3Settings] # # @!attribute [rw] mp_2_settings # @return [Types::Mp2Settings] # # @!attribute [rw] pass_through_settings # @return [Types::PassThroughSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioCodecSettings AWS API Documentation # class AudioCodecSettings < Struct.new( :aac_settings, :ac_3_settings, :eac_3_settings, :mp_2_settings, :pass_through_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioDescription # data as a hash: # # { # audio_normalization_settings: { # algorithm: "ITU_1770_1", # accepts ITU_1770_1, ITU_1770_2 # algorithm_control: "CORRECT_AUDIO", # accepts CORRECT_AUDIO # target_lkfs: 1.0, # }, # audio_selector_name: "__string", # required # audio_type: "CLEAN_EFFECTS", # accepts CLEAN_EFFECTS, HEARING_IMPAIRED, UNDEFINED, VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY # audio_type_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # codec_settings: { # aac_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # }, # ac_3_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # eac_3_settings: { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # }, # mp_2_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # }, # pass_through_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # language_code_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # name: "__string", # required # remix_settings: { # channel_mappings: [ # required # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # channels_in: 1, # channels_out: 1, # }, # stream_name: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_normalization_settings # Advanced audio normalization settings. # @return [Types::AudioNormalizationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_selector_name # The name of the AudioSelector used as the source for this # AudioDescription. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_type # Applies only if audioTypeControl is useConfigured. The values for # audioType are defined in ISO-IEC 13818-1. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_type_control # Determines how audio type is determined. followInput: If the input # contains an ISO 639 audioType, then that value is passed through to # the output. If the input contains no ISO 639 audioType, the value in # Audio Type is included in the output. useConfigured: The value in # Audio Type is included in the output. Note that this field and # audioType are both ignored if inputType is broadcasterMixedAd. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] codec_settings # Audio codec settings. # @return [Types::AudioCodecSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] language_code # Indicates the language of the audio output track. Only used if # languageControlMode is useConfigured, or there is no ISO 639 # language code specified in the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] language_code_control # Choosing followInput will cause the ISO 639 language code of the # output to follow the ISO 639 language code of the input. The # languageCode will be used when useConfigured is set, or when # followInput is selected but there is no ISO 639 language code # specified by the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of this AudioDescription. Outputs will use this name to # uniquely identify this AudioDescription. Description names should be # unique within this Live Event. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] remix_settings # Settings that control how input audio channels are remixed into the # output audio channels. # @return [Types::RemixSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] stream_name # Used for MS Smooth and Apple HLS outputs. Indicates the name # displayed by the player (eg. English, or Director Commentary). # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioDescription AWS API Documentation # class AudioDescription < Struct.new( :audio_normalization_settings, :audio_selector_name, :audio_type, :audio_type_control, :codec_settings, :language_code, :language_code_control, :name, :remix_settings, :stream_name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioLanguageSelection # data as a hash: # # { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # } # # @!attribute [rw] language_code # Selects a specific three-letter language code from within an audio # source. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] language_selection_policy # When set to "strict", the transport stream demux strictly # identifies audio streams by their language descriptor. If a PMT # update occurs such that an audio stream matching the initially # selected language is no longer present then mute will be encoded # until the language returns. If "loose", then on a PMT update the # demux will choose another audio stream in the program with the same # stream type if it can't find one with the same language. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioLanguageSelection AWS API Documentation # class AudioLanguageSelection < Struct.new( :language_code, :language_selection_policy) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioNormalizationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # algorithm: "ITU_1770_1", # accepts ITU_1770_1, ITU_1770_2 # algorithm_control: "CORRECT_AUDIO", # accepts CORRECT_AUDIO # target_lkfs: 1.0, # } # # @!attribute [rw] algorithm # Audio normalization algorithm to use. itu17701 conforms to the CALM # Act specification, itu17702 conforms to the EBU R-128 specification. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] algorithm_control # When set to correctAudio the output audio is corrected using the # chosen algorithm. If set to measureOnly, the audio will be measured # but not adjusted. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] target_lkfs # Target LKFS(loudness) to adjust volume to. If no value is entered, a # default value will be used according to the chosen algorithm. The # CALM Act (1770-1) recommends a target of -24 LKFS. The EBU R-128 # specification (1770-2) recommends a target of -23 LKFS. # @return [Float] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioNormalizationSettings AWS API Documentation # class AudioNormalizationSettings < Struct.new( :algorithm, :algorithm_control, :target_lkfs) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioOnlyHlsSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_group_id # Specifies the group to which the audio Rendition belongs. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_only_image # For use with an audio only Stream. Must be a .jpg or .png file. If # given, this image will be used as the cover-art for the audio only # output. Ideally, it should be formatted for an iPhone screen for two # reasons. The iPhone does not resize the image, it crops a centered # image on the top/bottom and left/right. Additionally, this image # file gets saved bit-for-bit into every 10-second segment file, so # will increase bandwidth by \\\{image file size\\} * \\\{segment # count\\} * \\\{user count.\\}. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_track_type # Four types of audio-only tracks are supported: Audio-Only Variant # Stream The client can play back this audio-only stream instead of # video in low-bandwidth scenarios. Represented as an EXT-X-STREAM-INF # in the HLS manifest. Alternate Audio, Auto Select, Default Alternate # rendition that the client should try to play back by default. # Represented as an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=YES, # AUTOSELECT=YES Alternate Audio, Auto Select, Not Default Alternate # rendition that the client may try to play back by default. # Represented as an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=NO, # AUTOSELECT=YES Alternate Audio, not Auto Select Alternate rendition # that the client will not try to play back by default. Represented as # an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=NO, AUTOSELECT=NO # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioOnlyHlsSettings AWS API Documentation # class AudioOnlyHlsSettings < Struct.new( :audio_group_id, :audio_only_image, :audio_track_type) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioPidSelection # data as a hash: # # { # pid: 1, # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] pid # Selects a specific PID from within a source. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioPidSelection AWS API Documentation # class AudioPidSelection < Struct.new( :pid) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioSelector # data as a hash: # # { # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of this AudioSelector. AudioDescriptions will use this name # to uniquely identify this Selector. Selector names should be unique # per input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] selector_settings # The audio selector settings. # @return [Types::AudioSelectorSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioSelector AWS API Documentation # class AudioSelector < Struct.new( :name, :selector_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioSelectorSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_language_selection # @return [Types::AudioLanguageSelection] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_pid_selection # @return [Types::AudioPidSelection] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AudioSelectorSettings AWS API Documentation # class AudioSelectorSettings < Struct.new( :audio_language_selection, :audio_pid_selection) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AvailBlanking # data as a hash: # # { # avail_blanking_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # } # # @!attribute [rw] avail_blanking_image # Blanking image to be used. Leave empty for solid black. Only bmp and # png images are supported. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] state # When set to enabled, causes video, audio and captions to be blanked # when insertion metadata is added. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AvailBlanking AWS API Documentation # class AvailBlanking < Struct.new( :avail_blanking_image, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AvailConfiguration # data as a hash: # # { # avail_settings: { # scte_35_splice_insert: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # scte_35_time_signal_apos: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] avail_settings # Ad avail settings. # @return [Types::AvailSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AvailConfiguration AWS API Documentation # class AvailConfiguration < Struct.new( :avail_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass AvailSettings # data as a hash: # # { # scte_35_splice_insert: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # scte_35_time_signal_apos: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_splice_insert # @return [Types::Scte35SpliceInsert] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_time_signal_apos # @return [Types::Scte35TimeSignalApos] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/AvailSettings AWS API Documentation # class AvailSettings < Struct.new( :scte_35_splice_insert, :scte_35_time_signal_apos) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass BlackoutSlate # data as a hash: # # { # blackout_slate_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_end_blackout: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # network_end_blackout_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_id: "__stringMin34Max34", # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # } # # @!attribute [rw] blackout_slate_image # Blackout slate image to be used. Leave empty for solid black. Only # bmp and png images are supported. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] network_end_blackout # Setting to enabled causes the encoder to blackout the video, audio, # and captions, and raise the "Network Blackout Image" slate when an # SCTE104/35 Network End Segmentation Descriptor is encountered. The # blackout will be lifted when the Network Start Segmentation # Descriptor is encountered. The Network End and Network Start # descriptors must contain a network ID that matches the value entered # in "Network ID". # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] network_end_blackout_image # Path to local file to use as Network End Blackout image. Image will # be scaled to fill the entire output raster. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] network_id # Provides Network ID that matches EIDR ID format (e.g., # "10.XXXX/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-C"). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # When set to enabled, causes video, audio and captions to be blanked # when indicated by program metadata. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/BlackoutSlate AWS API Documentation # class BlackoutSlate < Struct.new( :blackout_slate_image, :network_end_blackout, :network_end_blackout_image, :network_id, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass BurnInDestinationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] alignment # If no explicit xPosition or yPosition is provided, setting alignment # to centered will place the captions at the bottom center of the # output. Similarly, setting a left alignment will align captions to # the bottom left of the output. If x and y positions are given in # conjunction with the alignment parameter, the font will be justified # (either left or centered) relative to those coordinates. Selecting # "smart" justification will left-justify live subtitles and # center-justify pre-recorded subtitles. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font # settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] background_color # Specifies the color of the rectangle behind the captions. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] background_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the background rectangle. 255 is opaque; 0 # is transparent. Leaving this parameter out is equivalent to setting # it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font # External font file used for caption burn-in. File extension must be # 'ttf' or 'tte'. Although the user can select output fonts for # many different types of input captions, embedded, STL and teletext # sources use a strict grid system. Using external fonts with these # caption sources could cause unexpected display of proportional # fonts. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] font_color # Specifies the color of the burned-in captions. This option is not # valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. # These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. # All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] font_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is # transparent. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font_resolution # Font resolution in DPI (dots per inch); default is 96 dpi. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font_size # When set to 'auto' fontSize will scale depending on the size of # the output. Giving a positive integer will specify the exact font # size in points. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outline_color # Specifies font outline color. This option is not valid for source # captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source # settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in # and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outline_size # Specifies font outline size in pixels. This option is not valid for # source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These # source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_color # Specifies the color of the shadow cast by the captions. All burn-in # and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the shadow. 255 is opaque; 0 is # transparent. Leaving this parameter out is equivalent to setting it # to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_x_offset # Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow relative to the # captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 # pixels to the left. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_y_offset # Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions # in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels # above the text. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] teletext_grid_control # Controls whether a fixed grid size will be used to generate the # output subtitles bitmap. Only applicable for Teletext inputs and # DVB-Sub/Burn-in outputs. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] x_position # Specifies the horizontal position of the caption relative to the # left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the # captions starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no # explicit xPosition is provided, the horizontal caption position will # be determined by the alignment parameter. All burn-in and DVB-Sub # font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] y_position # Specifies the vertical position of the caption relative to the top # of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions # starting 10 pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit # yPosition is provided, the caption will be positioned towards the # bottom of the output. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/BurnInDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class BurnInDestinationSettings < Struct.new( :alignment, :background_color, :background_opacity, :font, :font_color, :font_opacity, :font_resolution, :font_size, :outline_color, :outline_size, :shadow_color, :shadow_opacity, :shadow_x_offset, :shadow_y_offset, :teletext_grid_control, :x_position, :y_position) include Aws::Structure end # Output groups for this Live Event. Output groups contain information # about where streams should be distributed. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionDescription # data as a hash: # # { # caption_selector_name: "__string", # required # destination_settings: { # arib_destination_settings: { # }, # burn_in_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # dvb_sub_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_27_destination_settings: { # }, # smpte_tt_destination_settings: { # }, # teletext_destination_settings: { # }, # ttml_destination_settings: { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # webvtt_destination_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__string", # language_description: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] caption_selector_name # Specifies which input caption selector to use as a caption source # when generating output captions. This field should match a # captionSelector name. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destination_settings # Additional settings for captions destination that depend on the # destination type. # @return [Types::CaptionDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] language_code # ISO 639-2 three-digit code: http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] language_description # Human readable information to indicate captions available for # players (eg. English, or Spanish). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the caption description. Used to associate a caption # description with an output. Names must be unique within an event. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CaptionDescription AWS API Documentation # class CaptionDescription < Struct.new( :caption_selector_name, :destination_settings, :language_code, :language_description, :name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionDestinationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # arib_destination_settings: { # }, # burn_in_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # dvb_sub_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_27_destination_settings: { # }, # smpte_tt_destination_settings: { # }, # teletext_destination_settings: { # }, # ttml_destination_settings: { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # webvtt_destination_settings: { # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] arib_destination_settings # @return [Types::AribDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] burn_in_destination_settings # @return [Types::BurnInDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_sub_destination_settings # @return [Types::DvbSubDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] embedded_destination_settings # @return [Types::EmbeddedDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings # @return [Types::EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings # @return [Types::Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_27_destination_settings # @return [Types::Scte27DestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] smpte_tt_destination_settings # @return [Types::SmpteTtDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] teletext_destination_settings # @return [Types::TeletextDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] ttml_destination_settings # @return [Types::TtmlDestinationSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] webvtt_destination_settings # @return [Types::WebvttDestinationSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CaptionDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class CaptionDestinationSettings < Struct.new( :arib_destination_settings, :burn_in_destination_settings, :dvb_sub_destination_settings, :embedded_destination_settings, :embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings, :scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings, :scte_27_destination_settings, :smpte_tt_destination_settings, :teletext_destination_settings, :ttml_destination_settings, :webvtt_destination_settings) include Aws::Structure end # Maps a caption channel to an ISO 693-2 language code # (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2), with an optional description. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionLanguageMapping # data as a hash: # # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] caption_channel # The closed caption channel being described by this # CaptionLanguageMapping. Each channel mapping must have a unique # channel number (maximum of 4) # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] language_code # Three character ISO 639-2 language code (see # http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2) # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] language_description # Textual description of language # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CaptionLanguageMapping AWS API Documentation # class CaptionLanguageMapping < Struct.new( :caption_channel, :language_code, :language_description) include Aws::Structure end # Output groups for this Live Event. Output groups contain information # about where streams should be distributed. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionSelector # data as a hash: # # { # language_code: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] language_code # When specified this field indicates the three letter language code # of the caption track to extract from the source. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name identifier for a caption selector. This name is used to # associate this caption selector with one or more caption # descriptions. Names must be unique within an event. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] selector_settings # Caption selector settings. # @return [Types::CaptionSelectorSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CaptionSelector AWS API Documentation # class CaptionSelector < Struct.new( :language_code, :name, :selector_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionSelectorSettings # data as a hash: # # { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] arib_source_settings # @return [Types::AribSourceSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_sub_source_settings # @return [Types::DvbSubSourceSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] embedded_source_settings # @return [Types::EmbeddedSourceSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_20_source_settings # @return [Types::Scte20SourceSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_27_source_settings # @return [Types::Scte27SourceSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] teletext_source_settings # @return [Types::TeletextSourceSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CaptionSelectorSettings AWS API Documentation # class CaptionSelectorSettings < Struct.new( :arib_source_settings, :dvb_sub_source_settings, :embedded_source_settings, :scte_20_source_settings, :scte_27_source_settings, :teletext_source_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # The unique arn of the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # A list of destinations of the channel. For UDP outputs, there is one # destination per output. For other types (HLS, for example), there is # one destination per packager. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # The endpoints where outgoing connections initiate from # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] id # The unique id of the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # List of input attachments for channel. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the channel. (user-mutable) # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # The number of currently healthy pipelines. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role assumed when running the # Channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Channel AWS API Documentation # class Channel < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :encoder_settings, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_errors # A collection of validation error responses from attempting to create # a channel with a bouquet of settings. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ChannelConfigurationValidationError AWS API Documentation # class ChannelConfigurationValidationError < Struct.new( :message, :validation_errors) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] source_ip # Public IP of where a channel's output comes from # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ChannelEgressEndpoint AWS API Documentation # class ChannelEgressEndpoint < Struct.new( :source_ip) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # The unique arn of the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # A list of destinations of the channel. For UDP outputs, there is one # destination per output. For other types (HLS, for example), there is # one destination per packager. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # The endpoints where outgoing connections initiate from # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] id # The unique id of the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # List of input attachments for channel. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the channel. (user-mutable) # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # The number of currently healthy pipelines. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role assumed when running the # Channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ChannelSummary AWS API Documentation # class ChannelSummary < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # List of input attachments for channel. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # Specification of input for this channel (max. bitrate, resolution, # codec, etc.) # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] request_id # Unique request ID to be specified. This is needed to prevent retries from creating multiple resources. **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] reserved # Deprecated field that's only usable by whitelisted customers. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # An optional Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume when # running the Channel. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateChannel AWS API Documentation # class CreateChannel < Struct.new( :destinations, :encoder_settings, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :request_id, :reserved, :role_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # destinations: [ # { # id: "__string", # settings: [ # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # }, # ], # }, # ], # encoder_settings: { # audio_descriptions: [ # required # { # audio_normalization_settings: { # algorithm: "ITU_1770_1", # accepts ITU_1770_1, ITU_1770_2 # algorithm_control: "CORRECT_AUDIO", # accepts CORRECT_AUDIO # target_lkfs: 1.0, # }, # audio_selector_name: "__string", # required # audio_type: "CLEAN_EFFECTS", # accepts CLEAN_EFFECTS, HEARING_IMPAIRED, UNDEFINED, VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY # audio_type_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # codec_settings: { # aac_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # }, # ac_3_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # eac_3_settings: { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # }, # mp_2_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # }, # pass_through_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # language_code_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # name: "__string", # required # remix_settings: { # channel_mappings: [ # required # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # channels_in: 1, # channels_out: 1, # }, # stream_name: "__string", # }, # ], # avail_blanking: { # avail_blanking_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # avail_configuration: { # avail_settings: { # scte_35_splice_insert: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # scte_35_time_signal_apos: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # }, # }, # blackout_slate: { # blackout_slate_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_end_blackout: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # network_end_blackout_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_id: "__stringMin34Max34", # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # caption_descriptions: [ # { # caption_selector_name: "__string", # required # destination_settings: { # arib_destination_settings: { # }, # burn_in_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # dvb_sub_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_27_destination_settings: { # }, # smpte_tt_destination_settings: { # }, # teletext_destination_settings: { # }, # ttml_destination_settings: { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # webvtt_destination_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__string", # language_description: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # }, # ], # global_configuration: { # initial_audio_gain: 1, # input_end_action: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS # input_loss_behavior: { # black_frame_msec: 1, # input_loss_image_color: "__stringMin6Max6", # input_loss_image_slate: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # input_loss_image_type: "COLOR", # accepts COLOR, SLATE # repeat_frame_msec: 1, # }, # output_timing_source: "INPUT_CLOCK", # accepts INPUT_CLOCK, SYSTEM_CLOCK # support_low_framerate_inputs: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # output_groups: [ # required # { # name: "__stringMax32", # output_group_settings: { # required # archive_group_settings: { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # }, # hls_group_settings: { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # }, # ms_smooth_group_settings: { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # }, # udp_group_settings: { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # }, # }, # outputs: [ # required # { # audio_description_names: ["__string"], # caption_description_names: ["__string"], # output_name: "__stringMin1Max255", # output_settings: { # required # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # }, # video_description_name: "__string", # }, # ], # }, # ], # timecode_config: { # required # source: "EMBEDDED", # required, accepts EMBEDDED, SYSTEMCLOCK, ZEROBASED # sync_threshold: 1, # }, # video_descriptions: [ # required # { # codec_settings: { # h264_settings: { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # }, # }, # height: 1, # name: "__string", # required # respond_to_afd: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH, RESPOND # scaling_behavior: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT # sharpness: 1, # width: 1, # }, # ], # }, # input_attachments: [ # { # input_id: "__string", # input_settings: { # audio_selectors: [ # { # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # }, # }, # ], # caption_selectors: [ # { # language_code: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # ], # deblock_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # denoise_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # filter_strength: 1, # input_filter: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, DISABLED, FORCED # network_input_settings: { # hls_input_settings: { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # }, # server_validation: "CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME", # accepts CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME, CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY # }, # source_end_behavior: "CONTINUE", # accepts CONTINUE, LOOP # video_selector: { # color_space: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, REC_601, REC_709 # color_space_usage: "FALLBACK", # accepts FALLBACK, FORCE # selector_settings: { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # }, # }, # }, # }, # ], # input_specification: { # codec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, AVC, HEVC # maximum_bitrate: "MAX_10_MBPS", # accepts MAX_10_MBPS, MAX_20_MBPS, MAX_50_MBPS # resolution: "SD", # accepts SD, HD, UHD # }, # name: "__string", # request_id: "__string", # reserved: "__string", # role_arn: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] request_id # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] reserved # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateChannelRequest < Struct.new( :destinations, :encoder_settings, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :request_id, :reserved, :role_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] channel # @return [Types::Channel] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateChannelResponse < Struct.new( :channel) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] channel # @return [Types::Channel] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateChannelResultModel AWS API Documentation # class CreateChannelResultModel < Struct.new( :channel) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] destinations # Destination settings for PUSH type inputs. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # A list of security groups referenced by IDs to attach to the input. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] request_id # Unique identifier of the request to ensure the request is handled exactly once in case of retries. **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # The source URLs for a PULL-type input. Every PULL type input needs # exactly two source URLs for redundancy. Only specify sources for # PULL type Inputs. Leave Destinations empty. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInput AWS API Documentation # class CreateInput < Struct.new( :destinations, :input_security_groups, :name, :request_id, :sources, :type) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateInputRequest # data as a hash: # # { # destinations: [ # { # stream_name: "__string", # }, # ], # input_security_groups: ["__string"], # name: "__string", # request_id: "__string", # sources: [ # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # }, # ], # type: "UDP_PUSH", # accepts UDP_PUSH, RTP_PUSH, RTMP_PUSH, RTMP_PULL, URL_PULL # } # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] request_id # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputRequest < Struct.new( :destinations, :input_security_groups, :name, :request_id, :sources, :type) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] input # @return [Types::Input] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputResponse < Struct.new( :input) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] input # @return [Types::Input] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputResultModel AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputResultModel < Struct.new( :input) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateInputSecurityGroupRequest # data as a hash: # # { # whitelist_rules: [ # { # cidr: "__string", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] whitelist_rules # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputSecurityGroupRequest AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputSecurityGroupRequest < Struct.new( :whitelist_rules) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] security_group # An Input Security Group # @return [Types::InputSecurityGroup] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputSecurityGroupResponse AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputSecurityGroupResponse < Struct.new( :security_group) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] security_group # An Input Security Group # @return [Types::InputSecurityGroup] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/CreateInputSecurityGroupResultModel AWS API Documentation # class CreateInputSecurityGroupResultModel < Struct.new( :security_group) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # channel_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteChannelRequest < Struct.new( :channel_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class DeleteChannelResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :encoder_settings, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteInputRequest # data as a hash: # # { # input_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteInputRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteInputRequest < Struct.new( :input_id) include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteInputResponse AWS API Documentation # class DeleteInputResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest # data as a hash: # # { # input_security_group_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_group_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest < Struct.new( :input_security_group_id) include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DeleteInputSecurityGroupResponse AWS API Documentation # class DeleteInputSecurityGroupResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # channel_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class DescribeChannelRequest < Struct.new( :channel_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class DescribeChannelResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :encoder_settings, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeInputRequest # data as a hash: # # { # input_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeInputRequest AWS API Documentation # class DescribeInputRequest < Struct.new( :input_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] attached_channels # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] security_groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeInputResponse AWS API Documentation # class DescribeInputResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :attached_channels, :destinations, :id, :name, :security_groups, :sources, :state, :type) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest # data as a hash: # # { # input_security_group_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_group_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest AWS API Documentation # class DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest < Struct.new( :input_security_group_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] inputs # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] whitelist_rules # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DescribeInputSecurityGroupResponse AWS API Documentation # class DescribeInputSecurityGroupResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :id, :inputs, :state, :whitelist_rules) include Aws::Structure end # DVB Network Information Table (NIT) # # @note When making an API call, you may pass DvbNitSettings # data as a hash: # # { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] network_id # The numeric value placed in the Network Information Table (NIT). # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] network_name # The network name text placed in the networkNameDescriptor inside the # Network Information Table. Maximum length is 256 characters. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] rep_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DvbNitSettings AWS API Documentation # class DvbNitSettings < Struct.new( :network_id, :network_name, :rep_interval) include Aws::Structure end # DVB Service Description Table (SDT) # # @note When making an API call, you may pass DvbSdtSettings # data as a hash: # # { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # } # # @!attribute [rw] output_sdt # Selects method of inserting SDT information into output stream. The # sdtFollow setting copies SDT information from input stream to output # stream. The sdtFollowIfPresent setting copies SDT information from # input stream to output stream if SDT information is present in the # input, otherwise it will fall back on the user-defined values. The # sdtManual setting means user will enter the SDT information. The # sdtNone setting means output stream will not contain SDT # information. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] rep_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] service_name # The service name placed in the serviceDescriptor in the Service # Description Table. Maximum length is 256 characters. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] service_provider_name # The service provider name placed in the serviceDescriptor in the # Service Description Table. Maximum length is 256 characters. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DvbSdtSettings AWS API Documentation # class DvbSdtSettings < Struct.new( :output_sdt, :rep_interval, :service_name, :service_provider_name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DvbSubDestinationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] alignment # If no explicit xPosition or yPosition is provided, setting alignment # to centered will place the captions at the bottom center of the # output. Similarly, setting a left alignment will align captions to # the bottom left of the output. If x and y positions are given in # conjunction with the alignment parameter, the font will be justified # (either left or centered) relative to those coordinates. Selecting # "smart" justification will left-justify live subtitles and # center-justify pre-recorded subtitles. This option is not valid for # source captions that are STL or 608/embedded. These source settings # are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and # DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] background_color # Specifies the color of the rectangle behind the captions. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] background_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the background rectangle. 255 is opaque; 0 # is transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to # setting it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings # must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font # External font file used for caption burn-in. File extension must be # 'ttf' or 'tte'. Although the user can select output fonts for # many different types of input captions, embedded, STL and teletext # sources use a strict grid system. Using external fonts with these # caption sources could cause unexpected display of proportional # fonts. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] font_color # Specifies the color of the burned-in captions. This option is not # valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. # These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. # All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] font_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is # transparent. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font_resolution # Font resolution in DPI (dots per inch); default is 96 dpi. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] font_size # When set to auto fontSize will scale depending on the size of the # output. Giving a positive integer will specify the exact font size # in points. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outline_color # Specifies font outline color. This option is not valid for source # captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source # settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in # and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outline_size # Specifies font outline size in pixels. This option is not valid for # source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These # source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_color # Specifies the color of the shadow cast by the captions. All burn-in # and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_opacity # Specifies the opacity of the shadow. 255 is opaque; 0 is # transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to setting # it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_x_offset # Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow relative to the # captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 # pixels to the left. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must # match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] shadow_y_offset # Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions # in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels # above the text. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] teletext_grid_control # Controls whether a fixed grid size will be used to generate the # output subtitles bitmap. Only applicable for Teletext inputs and # DVB-Sub/Burn-in outputs. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] x_position # Specifies the horizontal position of the caption relative to the # left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the # captions starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no # explicit xPosition is provided, the horizontal caption position will # be determined by the alignment parameter. This option is not valid # for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These # source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All # burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] y_position # Specifies the vertical position of the caption relative to the top # of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions # starting 10 pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit # yPosition is provided, the caption will be positioned towards the # bottom of the output. This option is not valid for source captions # that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are # already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub # font settings must match. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DvbSubDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class DvbSubDestinationSettings < Struct.new( :alignment, :background_color, :background_opacity, :font, :font_color, :font_opacity, :font_resolution, :font_size, :outline_color, :outline_size, :shadow_color, :shadow_opacity, :shadow_x_offset, :shadow_y_offset, :teletext_grid_control, :x_position, :y_position) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DvbSubSourceSettings # data as a hash: # # { # pid: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] pid # When using DVB-Sub with Burn-In or SMPTE-TT, use this PID for the # source content. Unused for DVB-Sub passthrough. All DVB-Sub content # is passed through, regardless of selectors. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DvbSubSourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class DvbSubSourceSettings < Struct.new( :pid) include Aws::Structure end # DVB Time and Date Table (SDT) # # @note When making an API call, you may pass DvbTdtSettings # data as a hash: # # { # rep_interval: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] rep_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/DvbTdtSettings AWS API Documentation # class DvbTdtSettings < Struct.new( :rep_interval) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Eac3Settings # data as a hash: # # { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # } # # @!attribute [rw] attenuation_control # When set to attenuate3Db, applies a 3 dB attenuation to the surround # channels. Only used for 3/2 coding mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # Average bitrate in bits/second. Valid bitrates depend on the coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] bitstream_mode # Specifies the bitstream mode (bsmod) for the emitted E-AC-3 stream. # See ATSC A/52-2012 (Annex E) for background on these values. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] coding_mode # Dolby Digital Plus coding mode. Determines number of channels. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] dc_filter # When set to enabled, activates a DC highpass filter for all input # channels. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] dialnorm # Sets the dialnorm for the output. If blank and input audio is Dolby # Digital Plus, dialnorm will be passed through. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] drc_line # Sets the Dolby dynamic range compression profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] drc_rf # Sets the profile for heavy Dolby dynamic range compression, ensures # that the instantaneous signal peaks do not exceed specified levels. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] lfe_control # When encoding 3/2 audio, setting to lfe enables the LFE channel # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] lfe_filter # When set to enabled, applies a 120Hz lowpass filter to the LFE # channel prior to encoding. Only valid with codingMode32 coding mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] lo_ro_center_mix_level # Left only/Right only center mix level. Only used for 3/2 coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] lo_ro_surround_mix_level # Left only/Right only surround mix level. Only used for 3/2 coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] lt_rt_center_mix_level # Left total/Right total center mix level. Only used for 3/2 coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] lt_rt_surround_mix_level # Left total/Right total surround mix level. Only used for 3/2 coding # mode. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] metadata_control # When set to followInput, encoder metadata will be sourced from the # DD, DD+, or DolbyE decoder that supplied this audio data. If audio # was not supplied from one of these streams, then the static metadata # settings will be used. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] passthrough_control # When set to whenPossible, input DD+ audio will be passed through if # it is present on the input. This detection is dynamic over the life # of the transcode. Inputs that alternate between DD+ and non-DD+ # content will have a consistent DD+ output as the system alternates # between passthrough and encoding. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] phase_control # When set to shift90Degrees, applies a 90-degree phase shift to the # surround channels. Only used for 3/2 coding mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] stereo_downmix # Stereo downmix preference. Only used for 3/2 coding mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] surround_ex_mode # When encoding 3/2 audio, sets whether an extra center back surround # channel is matrix encoded into the left and right surround channels. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] surround_mode # When encoding 2/0 audio, sets whether Dolby Surround is matrix # encoded into the two channels. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Eac3Settings AWS API Documentation # class Eac3Settings < Struct.new( :attenuation_control, :bitrate, :bitstream_mode, :coding_mode, :dc_filter, :dialnorm, :drc_line, :drc_rf, :lfe_control, :lfe_filter, :lo_ro_center_mix_level, :lo_ro_surround_mix_level, :lt_rt_center_mix_level, :lt_rt_surround_mix_level, :metadata_control, :passthrough_control, :phase_control, :stereo_downmix, :surround_ex_mode, :surround_mode) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/EmbeddedDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class EmbeddedDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass EmbeddedSourceSettings # data as a hash: # # { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] convert_608_to_708 # If upconvert, 608 data is both passed through via the "608 # compatibility bytes" fields of the 708 wrapper as well as # translated into 708. 708 data present in the source content will be # discarded. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_20_detection # Set to "auto" to handle streams with intermittent and/or # non-aligned SCTE-20 and Embedded captions. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] source_608_channel_number # Specifies the 608/708 channel number within the video track from # which to extract captions. Unused for passthrough. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] source_608_track_number # This field is unused and deprecated. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/EmbeddedSourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class EmbeddedSourceSettings < Struct.new( :convert_608_to_708, :scte_20_detection, :source_608_channel_number, :source_608_track_number) include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Empty AWS API Documentation # class Empty < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass EncoderSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_descriptions: [ # required # { # audio_normalization_settings: { # algorithm: "ITU_1770_1", # accepts ITU_1770_1, ITU_1770_2 # algorithm_control: "CORRECT_AUDIO", # accepts CORRECT_AUDIO # target_lkfs: 1.0, # }, # audio_selector_name: "__string", # required # audio_type: "CLEAN_EFFECTS", # accepts CLEAN_EFFECTS, HEARING_IMPAIRED, UNDEFINED, VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY # audio_type_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # codec_settings: { # aac_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # }, # ac_3_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # eac_3_settings: { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # }, # mp_2_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # }, # pass_through_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # language_code_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # name: "__string", # required # remix_settings: { # channel_mappings: [ # required # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # channels_in: 1, # channels_out: 1, # }, # stream_name: "__string", # }, # ], # avail_blanking: { # avail_blanking_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # avail_configuration: { # avail_settings: { # scte_35_splice_insert: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # scte_35_time_signal_apos: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # }, # }, # blackout_slate: { # blackout_slate_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_end_blackout: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # network_end_blackout_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_id: "__stringMin34Max34", # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # caption_descriptions: [ # { # caption_selector_name: "__string", # required # destination_settings: { # arib_destination_settings: { # }, # burn_in_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # dvb_sub_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_27_destination_settings: { # }, # smpte_tt_destination_settings: { # }, # teletext_destination_settings: { # }, # ttml_destination_settings: { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # webvtt_destination_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__string", # language_description: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # }, # ], # global_configuration: { # initial_audio_gain: 1, # input_end_action: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS # input_loss_behavior: { # black_frame_msec: 1, # input_loss_image_color: "__stringMin6Max6", # input_loss_image_slate: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # input_loss_image_type: "COLOR", # accepts COLOR, SLATE # repeat_frame_msec: 1, # }, # output_timing_source: "INPUT_CLOCK", # accepts INPUT_CLOCK, SYSTEM_CLOCK # support_low_framerate_inputs: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # output_groups: [ # required # { # name: "__stringMax32", # output_group_settings: { # required # archive_group_settings: { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # }, # hls_group_settings: { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # }, # ms_smooth_group_settings: { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # }, # udp_group_settings: { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # }, # }, # outputs: [ # required # { # audio_description_names: ["__string"], # caption_description_names: ["__string"], # output_name: "__stringMin1Max255", # output_settings: { # required # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # }, # video_description_name: "__string", # }, # ], # }, # ], # timecode_config: { # required # source: "EMBEDDED", # required, accepts EMBEDDED, SYSTEMCLOCK, ZEROBASED # sync_threshold: 1, # }, # video_descriptions: [ # required # { # codec_settings: { # h264_settings: { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # }, # }, # height: 1, # name: "__string", # required # respond_to_afd: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH, RESPOND # scaling_behavior: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT # sharpness: 1, # width: 1, # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_descriptions # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] avail_blanking # Settings for ad avail blanking. # @return [Types::AvailBlanking] # # @!attribute [rw] avail_configuration # Event-wide configuration settings for ad avail insertion. # @return [Types::AvailConfiguration] # # @!attribute [rw] blackout_slate # Settings for blackout slate. # @return [Types::BlackoutSlate] # # @!attribute [rw] caption_descriptions # Settings for caption decriptions # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] global_configuration # Configuration settings that apply to the event as a whole. # @return [Types::GlobalConfiguration] # # @!attribute [rw] output_groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] timecode_config # Contains settings used to acquire and adjust timecode information # from inputs. # @return [Types::TimecodeConfig] # # @!attribute [rw] video_descriptions # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/EncoderSettings AWS API Documentation # class EncoderSettings < Struct.new( :audio_descriptions, :avail_blanking, :avail_configuration, :blackout_slate, :caption_descriptions, :global_configuration, :output_groups, :timecode_config, :video_descriptions) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass FecOutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] column_depth # Parameter D from SMPTE 2022-1. The height of the FEC protection # matrix. The number of transport stream packets per column error # correction packet. Must be between 4 and 20, inclusive. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] include_fec # Enables column only or column and row based FEC # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] row_length # Parameter L from SMPTE 2022-1. The width of the FEC protection # matrix. Must be between 1 and 20, inclusive. If only Column FEC is # used, then larger values increase robustness. If Row FEC is used, # then this is the number of transport stream packets per row error # correction packet, and the value must be between 4 and 20, # inclusive, if includeFec is columnAndRow. If includeFec is column, # this value must be 1 to 20, inclusive. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/FecOutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class FecOutputSettings < Struct.new( :column_depth, :include_fec, :row_length) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GlobalConfiguration # data as a hash: # # { # initial_audio_gain: 1, # input_end_action: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS # input_loss_behavior: { # black_frame_msec: 1, # input_loss_image_color: "__stringMin6Max6", # input_loss_image_slate: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # input_loss_image_type: "COLOR", # accepts COLOR, SLATE # repeat_frame_msec: 1, # }, # output_timing_source: "INPUT_CLOCK", # accepts INPUT_CLOCK, SYSTEM_CLOCK # support_low_framerate_inputs: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # } # # @!attribute [rw] initial_audio_gain # Value to set the initial audio gain for the Live Event. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_end_action # Indicates the action to take when an input completes (e.g. # end-of-file.) Options include immediately switching to the next # sequential input (via "switchInput"), switching to the next input # and looping back to the first input when last input ends (via # "switchAndLoopInputs") or not switching inputs and instead # transcoding black / color / slate images per the "Input Loss # Behavior" configuration until an activateInput REST command is # received (via "none"). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_behavior # Settings for system actions when input is lost. # @return [Types::InputLossBehavior] # # @!attribute [rw] output_timing_source # Indicates whether the rate of frames emitted by the Live encoder # should be paced by its system clock (which optionally may be locked # to another source via NTP) or should be locked to the clock of the # source that is providing the input stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] support_low_framerate_inputs # Adjusts video input buffer for streams with very low video # framerates. This is commonly set to enabled for music channels with # less than one video frame per second. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/GlobalConfiguration AWS API Documentation # class GlobalConfiguration < Struct.new( :initial_audio_gain, :input_end_action, :input_loss_behavior, :output_timing_source, :support_low_framerate_inputs) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass H264Settings # data as a hash: # # { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # } # # @!attribute [rw] adaptive_quantization # Adaptive quantization. Allows intra-frame quantizers to vary to # improve visual quality. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] afd_signaling # Indicates that AFD values will be written into the output stream. If # afdSignaling is "auto", the system will try to preserve the input # AFD value (in cases where multiple AFD values are valid). If set to # "fixed", the AFD value will be the value configured in the # fixedAfd parameter. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # Average bitrate in bits/second. Required for VBR, CBR, and ABR. For # MS Smooth outputs, bitrates must be unique when rounded down to the # nearest multiple of 1000. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] buf_fill_pct # Percentage of the buffer that should initially be filled (HRD buffer # model). # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] buf_size # Size of buffer (HRD buffer model) in bits/second. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] color_metadata # Includes colorspace metadata in the output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] entropy_encoding # Entropy encoding mode. Use cabac (must be in Main or High profile) # or cavlc. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] fixed_afd # Four bit AFD value to write on all frames of video in the output # stream. Only valid when afdSignaling is set to 'Fixed'. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] flicker_aq # If set to enabled, adjust quantization within each frame to reduce # flicker or 'pop' on I-frames. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] framerate_control # This field indicates how the output video frame rate is specified. # If "specified" is selected then the output video frame rate is # determined by framerateNumerator and framerateDenominator, else if # "initializeFromSource" is selected then the output video frame # rate will be set equal to the input video frame rate of the first # input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] framerate_denominator # Framerate denominator. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] framerate_numerator # Framerate numerator - framerate is a fraction, e.g. 24000 / 1001 = # 23.976 fps. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] gop_b_reference # If enabled, use reference B frames for GOP structures that have B # frames > 1. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] gop_closed_cadence # Frequency of closed GOPs. In streaming applications, it is # recommended that this be set to 1 so a decoder joining mid-stream # will receive an IDR frame as quickly as possible. Setting this value # to 0 will break output segmenting. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] gop_num_b_frames # Number of B-frames between reference frames. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] gop_size # GOP size (keyframe interval) in units of either frames or seconds # per gopSizeUnits. Must be greater than zero. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] gop_size_units # Indicates if the gopSize is specified in frames or seconds. If # seconds the system will convert the gopSize into a frame count at # run time. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] level # H.264 Level. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] look_ahead_rate_control # Amount of lookahead. A value of low can decrease latency and memory # usage, while high can produce better quality for certain content. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_bitrate # Maximum bitrate in bits/second (for VBR mode only). # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] min_i_interval # Only meaningful if sceneChangeDetect is set to enabled. Enforces # separation between repeated (cadence) I-frames and I-frames inserted # by Scene Change Detection. If a scene change I-frame is within # I-interval frames of a cadence I-frame, the GOP is shrunk and/or # stretched to the scene change I-frame. GOP stretch requires enabling # lookahead as well as setting I-interval. The normal cadence resumes # for the next GOP. Note: Maximum GOP stretch = GOP size + # Min-I-interval - 1 # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] num_ref_frames # Number of reference frames to use. The encoder may use more than # requested if using B-frames and/or interlaced encoding. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] par_control # This field indicates how the output pixel aspect ratio is specified. # If "specified" is selected then the output video pixel aspect # ratio is determined by parNumerator and parDenominator, else if # "initializeFromSource" is selected then the output pixsel aspect # ratio will be set equal to the input video pixel aspect ratio of the # first input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] par_denominator # Pixel Aspect Ratio denominator. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] par_numerator # Pixel Aspect Ratio numerator. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] profile # H.264 Profile. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] rate_control_mode # Rate control mode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scan_type # Sets the scan type of the output to progressive or top-field-first # interlaced. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scene_change_detect # Scene change detection. Inserts I-frames on scene changes when # enabled. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] slices # Number of slices per picture. Must be less than or equal to the # number of macroblock rows for progressive pictures, and less than or # equal to half the number of macroblock rows for interlaced pictures. # This field is optional; when no value is specified the encoder will # choose the number of slices based on encode resolution. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] softness # Softness. Selects quantizer matrix, larger values reduce # high-frequency content in the encoded image. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] spatial_aq # If set to enabled, adjust quantization within each frame based on # spatial variation of content complexity. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] syntax # Produces a bitstream compliant with SMPTE RP-2027. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] temporal_aq # If set to enabled, adjust quantization within each frame based on # temporal variation of content complexity. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timecode_insertion # Determines how timecodes should be inserted into the video # elementary stream. - 'disabled': Do not include timecodes - # 'picTimingSei': Pass through picture timing SEI messages from the # source specified in Timecode Config # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/H264Settings AWS API Documentation # class H264Settings < Struct.new( :adaptive_quantization, :afd_signaling, :bitrate, :buf_fill_pct, :buf_size, :color_metadata, :entropy_encoding, :fixed_afd, :flicker_aq, :framerate_control, :framerate_denominator, :framerate_numerator, :gop_b_reference, :gop_closed_cadence, :gop_num_b_frames, :gop_size, :gop_size_units, :level, :look_ahead_rate_control, :max_bitrate, :min_i_interval, :num_ref_frames, :par_control, :par_denominator, :par_numerator, :profile, :rate_control_mode, :scan_type, :scene_change_detect, :slices, :softness, :spatial_aq, :syntax, :temporal_aq, :timecode_insertion) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsAkamaiSettings # data as a hash: # # { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] connection_retry_interval # Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the CDN if # the connection is lost. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] filecache_duration # Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] http_transfer_mode # Specify whether or not to use chunked transfer encoding to Akamai. # User should contact Akamai to enable this feature. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] num_retries # Number of retry attempts that will be made before the Live Event is # put into an error state. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] restart_delay # If a streaming output fails, number of seconds to wait until a # restart is initiated. A value of 0 means never restart. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] salt # Salt for authenticated Akamai. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] token # Token parameter for authenticated akamai. If not specified, \_gda\_ # is used. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsAkamaiSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsAkamaiSettings < Struct.new( :connection_retry_interval, :filecache_duration, :http_transfer_mode, :num_retries, :restart_delay, :salt, :token) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsBasicPutSettings # data as a hash: # # { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] connection_retry_interval # Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the CDN if # the connection is lost. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] filecache_duration # Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] num_retries # Number of retry attempts that will be made before the Live Event is # put into an error state. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] restart_delay # If a streaming output fails, number of seconds to wait until a # restart is initiated. A value of 0 means never restart. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsBasicPutSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsBasicPutSettings < Struct.new( :connection_retry_interval, :filecache_duration, :num_retries, :restart_delay) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsCdnSettings # data as a hash: # # { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] hls_akamai_settings # @return [Types::HlsAkamaiSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_basic_put_settings # @return [Types::HlsBasicPutSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_media_store_settings # @return [Types::HlsMediaStoreSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_webdav_settings # @return [Types::HlsWebdavSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsCdnSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsCdnSettings < Struct.new( :hls_akamai_settings, :hls_basic_put_settings, :hls_media_store_settings, :hls_webdav_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsGroupSettings # data as a hash: # # { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # } # # @!attribute [rw] ad_markers # Choose one or more ad marker types to pass SCTE35 signals through to # this group of Apple HLS outputs. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] base_url_content # A partial URI prefix that will be prepended to each output in the # media .m3u8 file. Can be used if base manifest is delivered from a # different URL than the main .m3u8 file. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] base_url_manifest # A partial URI prefix that will be prepended to each output in the # media .m3u8 file. Can be used if base manifest is delivered from a # different URL than the main .m3u8 file. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] caption_language_mappings # Mapping of up to 4 caption channels to caption languages. Is only # meaningful if captionLanguageSetting is set to "insert". # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] caption_language_setting # Applies only to 608 Embedded output captions. insert: Include # CLOSED-CAPTIONS lines in the manifest. Specify at least one language # in the CC1 Language Code field. One CLOSED-CAPTION line is added for # each Language Code you specify. Make sure to specify the languages # in the order in which they appear in the original source (if the # source is embedded format) or the order of the caption selectors (if # the source is other than embedded). Otherwise, languages in the # manifest will not match up properly with the output captions. none: # Include CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE line in the manifest. omit: Omit any # CLOSED-CAPTIONS line from the manifest. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] client_cache # When set to "disabled", sets the #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:no tag in the # manifest, which prevents clients from saving media segments for # later replay. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] codec_specification # Specification to use (RFC-6381 or the default RFC-4281) during m3u8 # playlist generation. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] constant_iv # For use with encryptionType. This is a 128-bit, 16-byte hex value # represented by a 32-character text string. If ivSource is set to # "explicit" then this parameter is required and is used as the IV # for encryption. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destination # A directory or HTTP destination for the HLS segments, manifest # files, and encryption keys (if enabled). # @return [Types::OutputLocationRef] # # @!attribute [rw] directory_structure # Place segments in subdirectories. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] encryption_type # Encrypts the segments with the given encryption scheme. Exclude this # parameter if no encryption is desired. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_cdn_settings # Parameters that control interactions with the CDN. # @return [Types::HlsCdnSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] index_n_segments # If mode is "live", the number of segments to retain in the # manifest (.m3u8) file. This number must be less than or equal to # keepSegments. If mode is "vod", this parameter has no effect. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_action # Parameter that control output group behavior on input loss. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] iv_in_manifest # For use with encryptionType. The IV (Initialization Vector) is a # 128-bit number used in conjunction with the key for encrypting # blocks. If set to "include", IV is listed in the manifest, # otherwise the IV is not in the manifest. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] iv_source # For use with encryptionType. The IV (Initialization Vector) is a # 128-bit number used in conjunction with the key for encrypting # blocks. If this setting is "followsSegmentNumber", it will cause # the IV to change every segment (to match the segment number). If # this is set to "explicit", you must enter a constantIv value. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] keep_segments # If mode is "live", the number of TS segments to retain in the # destination directory. If mode is "vod", this parameter has no # effect. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] key_format # The value specifies how the key is represented in the resource # identified by the URI. If parameter is absent, an implicit value of # "identity" is used. A reverse DNS string can also be given. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] key_format_versions # Either a single positive integer version value or a slash delimited # list of version values (1/2/3). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] key_provider_settings # The key provider settings. # @return [Types::KeyProviderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] manifest_compression # When set to gzip, compresses HLS playlist. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] manifest_duration_format # Indicates whether the output manifest should use floating point or # integer values for segment duration. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] min_segment_length # When set, minimumSegmentLength is enforced by looking ahead and back # within the specified range for a nearby avail and extending the # segment size if needed. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] mode # If "vod", all segments are indexed and kept permanently in the # destination and manifest. If "live", only the number segments # specified in keepSegments and indexNSegments are kept; newer # segments replace older segments, which may prevent players from # rewinding all the way to the beginning of the event. VOD mode uses # HLS EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE of EVENT while the channel is running, # converting it to a "VOD" type manifest on completion of the # stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] output_selection # Generates the .m3u8 playlist file for this HLS output group. The # segmentsOnly option will output segments without the .m3u8 file. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] program_date_time # Includes or excludes EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag in .m3u8 manifest # files. The value is calculated as follows: either the program date # and time are initialized using the input timecode source, or the # time is initialized using the input timecode source and the date is # initialized using the timestampOffset. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] program_date_time_period # Period of insertion of EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME entry, in seconds. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] segment_length # Length of MPEG-2 Transport Stream segments to create (in seconds). # Note that segments will end on the next keyframe after this number # of seconds, so actual segment length may be longer. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] segmentation_mode # When set to useInputSegmentation, the output segment or fragment # points are set by the RAI markers from the input streams. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] segments_per_subdirectory # Number of segments to write to a subdirectory before starting a new # one. directoryStructure must be subdirectoryPerStream for this # setting to have an effect. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] stream_inf_resolution # Include or exclude RESOLUTION attribute for video in # EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag of variant manifest. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_id_3_frame # Indicates ID3 frame that has the timecode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_id_3_period # Timed Metadata interval in seconds. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] timestamp_delta_milliseconds # Provides an extra millisecond delta offset to fine tune the # timestamps. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] ts_file_mode # When set to "singleFile", emits the program as a single media # resource (.ts) file, and uses #EXT-X-BYTERANGE tags to index segment # for playback. Playback of VOD mode content during event is not # guaranteed due to HTTP server caching. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsGroupSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsGroupSettings < Struct.new( :ad_markers, :base_url_content, :base_url_manifest, :caption_language_mappings, :caption_language_setting, :client_cache, :codec_specification, :constant_iv, :destination, :directory_structure, :encryption_type, :hls_cdn_settings, :index_n_segments, :input_loss_action, :iv_in_manifest, :iv_source, :keep_segments, :key_format, :key_format_versions, :key_provider_settings, :manifest_compression, :manifest_duration_format, :min_segment_length, :mode, :output_selection, :program_date_time, :program_date_time_period, :segment_length, :segmentation_mode, :segments_per_subdirectory, :stream_inf_resolution, :timed_metadata_id_3_frame, :timed_metadata_id_3_period, :timestamp_delta_milliseconds, :ts_file_mode) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsInputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] bandwidth # When specified the HLS stream with the m3u8 BANDWIDTH that most # closely matches this value will be chosen, otherwise the highest # bandwidth stream in the m3u8 will be chosen. The bitrate is # specified in bits per second, as in an HLS manifest. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] buffer_segments # When specified, reading of the HLS input will begin this many buffer # segments from the end (most recently written segment). When not # specified, the HLS input will begin with the first segment specified # in the m3u8. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] retries # The number of consecutive times that attempts to read a manifest or # segment must fail before the input is considered unavailable. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] retry_interval # The number of seconds between retries when an attempt to read a # manifest or segment fails. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsInputSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsInputSettings < Struct.new( :bandwidth, :buffer_segments, :retries, :retry_interval) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsMediaStoreSettings # data as a hash: # # { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] connection_retry_interval # Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the CDN if # the connection is lost. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] filecache_duration # Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] media_store_storage_class # When set to temporal, output files are stored in non-persistent # memory for faster reading and writing. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] num_retries # Number of retry attempts that will be made before the Live Event is # put into an error state. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] restart_delay # If a streaming output fails, number of seconds to wait until a # restart is initiated. A value of 0 means never restart. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsMediaStoreSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsMediaStoreSettings < Struct.new( :connection_retry_interval, :filecache_duration, :media_store_storage_class, :num_retries, :restart_delay) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsOutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] hls_settings # Settings regarding the underlying stream. These settings are # different for audio-only outputs. # @return [Types::HlsSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] name_modifier # String concatenated to the end of the destination filename. Accepts # \\"Format Identifiers\\":#formatIdentifierParameters. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] segment_modifier # String concatenated to end of segment filenames. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsOutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsOutputSettings < Struct.new( :hls_settings, :name_modifier, :segment_modifier) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_only_hls_settings # @return [Types::AudioOnlyHlsSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] standard_hls_settings # @return [Types::StandardHlsSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsSettings < Struct.new( :audio_only_hls_settings, :standard_hls_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsWebdavSettings # data as a hash: # # { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] connection_retry_interval # Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the CDN if # the connection is lost. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] filecache_duration # Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] http_transfer_mode # Specify whether or not to use chunked transfer encoding to WebDAV. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] num_retries # Number of retry attempts that will be made before the Live Event is # put into an error state. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] restart_delay # If a streaming output fails, number of seconds to wait until a # restart is initiated. A value of 0 means never restart. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/HlsWebdavSettings AWS API Documentation # class HlsWebdavSettings < Struct.new( :connection_retry_interval, :filecache_duration, :http_transfer_mode, :num_retries, :restart_delay) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # The Unique ARN of the input (generated, immutable). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] attached_channels # A list of channel IDs that that input is attached to (currently an # input can only be attached to one channel). # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # A list of the destinations of the input (PUSH-type). # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] id # The generated ID of the input (unique for user account, immutable). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The user-assigned name (This is a mutable value). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] security_groups # A list of IDs for all the security groups attached to the input. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # A list of the sources of the input (PULL-type). # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Input AWS API Documentation # class Input < Struct.new( :arn, :attached_channels, :destinations, :id, :name, :security_groups, :sources, :state, :type) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputAttachment # data as a hash: # # { # input_id: "__string", # input_settings: { # audio_selectors: [ # { # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # }, # }, # ], # caption_selectors: [ # { # language_code: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # ], # deblock_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # denoise_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # filter_strength: 1, # input_filter: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, DISABLED, FORCED # network_input_settings: { # hls_input_settings: { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # }, # server_validation: "CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME", # accepts CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME, CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY # }, # source_end_behavior: "CONTINUE", # accepts CONTINUE, LOOP # video_selector: { # color_space: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, REC_601, REC_709 # color_space_usage: "FALLBACK", # accepts FALLBACK, FORCE # selector_settings: { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # }, # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_id # The ID of the input # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_settings # Settings of an input (caption selector, etc.) # @return [Types::InputSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputAttachment AWS API Documentation # class InputAttachment < Struct.new( :input_id, :input_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputChannelLevel # data as a hash: # # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] gain # Remixing value. Units are in dB and acceptable values are within the # range from -60 (mute) and 6 dB. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_channel # The index of the input channel used as a source. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputChannelLevel AWS API Documentation # class InputChannelLevel < Struct.new( :gain, :input_channel) include Aws::Structure end # The settings for a PUSH type input. # # @!attribute [rw] ip # The system-generated static IP address of endpoint. It remains fixed # for the lifetime of the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] port # The port number for the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] url # This represents the endpoint that the customer stream will be pushed # to. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputDestination AWS API Documentation # class InputDestination < Struct.new( :ip, :port, :url) include Aws::Structure end # Endpoint settings for a PUSH type input. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputDestinationRequest # data as a hash: # # { # stream_name: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] stream_name # A unique name for the location the RTMP stream is being pushed to. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputDestinationRequest AWS API Documentation # class InputDestinationRequest < Struct.new( :stream_name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputLocation # data as a hash: # # { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] password_param # key used to extract the password from EC2 Parameter store # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] uri # Uniform Resource Identifier - This should be a path to a file # accessible to the Live system (eg. a http:// URI) depending on the # output type. For example, a rtmpEndpoint should have a uri simliar # to: "rtmp://fmsserver/live". # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] username # Username if credentials are required to access a file or publishing # point. This can be either a plaintext username, or a reference to an # AWS parameter store name from which the username can be retrieved. # AWS Parameter store format: "ssm://"

# @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputLocation AWS API Documentation # class InputLocation < Struct.new( :password_param, :uri, :username) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputLossBehavior # data as a hash: # # { # black_frame_msec: 1, # input_loss_image_color: "__stringMin6Max6", # input_loss_image_slate: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # input_loss_image_type: "COLOR", # accepts COLOR, SLATE # repeat_frame_msec: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] black_frame_msec # On input loss, the number of milliseconds to substitute black into # the output before switching to the frame specified by # inputLossImageType. A value x, where 0 <= x <= 1,000,000 and a value # of 1,000,000 will be interpreted as infinite. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_image_color # When input loss image type is "color" this field specifies the # color to use. Value: 6 hex characters representing the values of # RGB. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_image_slate # When input loss image type is "slate" these fields specify the # parameters for accessing the slate. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_image_type # Indicates whether to substitute a solid color or a slate into the # output after input loss exceeds blackFrameMsec. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] repeat_frame_msec # On input loss, the number of milliseconds to repeat the previous # picture before substituting black into the output. A value x, where # 0 <= x <= 1,000,000 and a value of 1,000,000 will be interpreted as # infinite. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputLossBehavior AWS API Documentation # class InputLossBehavior < Struct.new( :black_frame_msec, :input_loss_image_color, :input_loss_image_slate, :input_loss_image_type, :repeat_frame_msec) include Aws::Structure end # An Input Security Group # # @!attribute [rw] arn # Unique ARN of Input Security Group # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] id # The Id of the Input Security Group # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] inputs # The list of inputs currently using this Input Security Group. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] state # The current state of the Input Security Group. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] whitelist_rules # Whitelist rules and their sync status # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSecurityGroup AWS API Documentation # class InputSecurityGroup < Struct.new( :arn, :id, :inputs, :state, :whitelist_rules) include Aws::Structure end # Request of IPv4 CIDR addresses to whitelist in a security group. # # @!attribute [rw] whitelist_rules # List of IPv4 CIDR addresses to whitelist # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSecurityGroupWhitelistRequest AWS API Documentation # class InputSecurityGroupWhitelistRequest < Struct.new( :whitelist_rules) include Aws::Structure end # Live Event input parameters. There can be multiple inputs in a single # Live Event. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_selectors: [ # { # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # }, # }, # ], # caption_selectors: [ # { # language_code: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # ], # deblock_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # denoise_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # filter_strength: 1, # input_filter: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, DISABLED, FORCED # network_input_settings: { # hls_input_settings: { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # }, # server_validation: "CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME", # accepts CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME, CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY # }, # source_end_behavior: "CONTINUE", # accepts CONTINUE, LOOP # video_selector: { # color_space: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, REC_601, REC_709 # color_space_usage: "FALLBACK", # accepts FALLBACK, FORCE # selector_settings: { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_selectors # Used to select the audio stream to decode for inputs that have # multiple available. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] caption_selectors # Used to select the caption input to use for inputs that have # multiple available. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] deblock_filter # Enable or disable the deblock filter when filtering. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] denoise_filter # Enable or disable the denoise filter when filtering. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] filter_strength # Adjusts the magnitude of filtering from 1 (minimal) to 5 # (strongest). # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_filter # Turns on the filter for this input. MPEG-2 inputs have the # deblocking filter enabled by default. 1) auto - filtering will be # applied depending on input type/quality 2) disabled - no filtering # will be applied to the input 3) forced - filtering will be applied # regardless of input type # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] network_input_settings # Input settings. # @return [Types::NetworkInputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] source_end_behavior # Loop input if it is a file. This allows a file input to be streamed # indefinitely. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] video_selector # Informs which video elementary stream to decode for input types that # have multiple available. # @return [Types::VideoSelector] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSettings AWS API Documentation # class InputSettings < Struct.new( :audio_selectors, :caption_selectors, :deblock_filter, :denoise_filter, :filter_strength, :input_filter, :network_input_settings, :source_end_behavior, :video_selector) include Aws::Structure end # The settings for a PULL type input. # # @!attribute [rw] password_param # The key used to extract the password from EC2 Parameter store. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] url # This represents the customer's source URL where stream is pulled # from. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] username # The username for the input source. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSource AWS API Documentation # class InputSource < Struct.new( :password_param, :url, :username) include Aws::Structure end # Settings for for a PULL type input. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputSourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] password_param # The key used to extract the password from EC2 Parameter store. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] url # This represents the customer's source URL where stream is pulled # from. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] username # The username for the input source. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class InputSourceRequest < Struct.new( :password_param, :url, :username) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputSpecification # data as a hash: # # { # codec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, AVC, HEVC # maximum_bitrate: "MAX_10_MBPS", # accepts MAX_10_MBPS, MAX_20_MBPS, MAX_50_MBPS # resolution: "SD", # accepts SD, HD, UHD # } # # @!attribute [rw] codec # Input codec # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] maximum_bitrate # Maximum input bitrate, categorized coarsely # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] resolution # Input resolution, categorized coarsely # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputSpecification AWS API Documentation # class InputSpecification < Struct.new( :codec, :maximum_bitrate, :resolution) include Aws::Structure end # Whitelist rule # # @!attribute [rw] cidr # The IPv4 CIDR that's whitelisted. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputWhitelistRule AWS API Documentation # class InputWhitelistRule < Struct.new( :cidr) include Aws::Structure end # An IPv4 CIDR to whitelist. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass InputWhitelistRuleCidr # data as a hash: # # { # cidr: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] cidr # The IPv4 CIDR to whitelist. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InputWhitelistRuleCidr AWS API Documentation # class InputWhitelistRuleCidr < Struct.new( :cidr) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InternalServiceError AWS API Documentation # class InternalServiceError < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/InvalidRequest AWS API Documentation # class InvalidRequest < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass KeyProviderSettings # data as a hash: # # { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] static_key_settings # @return [Types::StaticKeySettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/KeyProviderSettings AWS API Documentation # class KeyProviderSettings < Struct.new( :static_key_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/LimitExceeded AWS API Documentation # class LimitExceeded < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListChannelsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # max_results: 1, # next_token: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListChannelsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListChannelsRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] channels # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListChannelsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListChannelsResponse < Struct.new( :channels, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] channels # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListChannelsResultModel AWS API Documentation # class ListChannelsResultModel < Struct.new( :channels, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # max_results: 1, # next_token: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputSecurityGroupsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListInputSecurityGroupsResponse < Struct.new( :input_security_groups, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # Result of input security group list request # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # List of input security groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputSecurityGroupsResultModel AWS API Documentation # class ListInputSecurityGroupsResultModel < Struct.new( :input_security_groups, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListInputsRequest # data as a hash: # # { # max_results: 1, # next_token: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputsRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListInputsRequest < Struct.new( :max_results, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] inputs # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputsResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListInputsResponse < Struct.new( :inputs, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] inputs # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ListInputsResultModel AWS API Documentation # class ListInputsResultModel < Struct.new( :inputs, :next_token) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass M2tsSettings # data as a hash: # # { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] absent_input_audio_behavior # When set to drop, output audio streams will be removed from the # program if the selected input audio stream is removed from the # input. This allows the output audio configuration to dynamically # change based on input configuration. If this is set to # encodeSilence, all output audio streams will output encoded silence # when not connected to an active input stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] arib # When set to enabled, uses ARIB-compliant field muxing and removes # video descriptor. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] arib_captions_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for ARIB Captions in the transport stream. # Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Valid values are # 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] arib_captions_pid_control # If set to auto, pid number used for ARIB Captions will be # auto-selected from unused pids. If set to useConfigured, ARIB # Captions will be on the configured pid number. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_buffer_model # When set to dvb, uses DVB buffer model for Dolby Digital audio. When # set to atsc, the ATSC model is used. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_frames_per_pes # The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_pids # Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary audio stream(s) in the # transport stream. Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered # in ranges and/or by comma separation. Can be entered as decimal or # hexadecimal values. Each PID specified must be in the range of 32 # (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_stream_type # When set to atsc, uses stream type = 0x81 for AC3 and stream type = # 0x87 for EAC3. When set to dvb, uses stream type = 0x06. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # The output bitrate of the transport stream in bits per second. # Setting to 0 lets the muxer automatically determine the appropriate # bitrate. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] buffer_model # If set to multiplex, use multiplex buffer model for accurate # interleaving. Setting to bufferModel to none can lead to lower # latency, but low-memory devices may not be able to play back the # stream without interruptions. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] cc_descriptor # When set to enabled, generates captionServiceDescriptor in PMT. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_nit_settings # Inserts DVB Network Information Table (NIT) at the specified table # repetition interval. # @return [Types::DvbNitSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_sdt_settings # Inserts DVB Service Description Table (SDT) at the specified table # repetition interval. # @return [Types::DvbSdtSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_sub_pids # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source DVB Subtitle data to this # output. Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered in ranges # and/or by comma separation. Can be entered as decimal or hexadecimal # values. Each PID specified must be in the range of 32 (or # 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_tdt_settings # Inserts DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) at the specified table # repetition interval. # @return [Types::DvbTdtSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] dvb_teletext_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source DVB Teletext data to this # output. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Valid # values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] ebif # If set to passthrough, passes any EBIF data from the input source to # this output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] ebp_audio_interval # When videoAndFixedIntervals is selected, audio EBP markers will be # added to partitions 3 and 4. The interval between these additional # markers will be fixed, and will be slightly shorter than the video # EBP marker interval. Only available when EBP Cablelabs segmentation # markers are selected. Partitions 1 and 2 will always follow the # video interval. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] ebp_lookahead_ms # When set, enforces that Encoder Boundary Points do not come within # the specified time interval of each other by looking ahead at input # video. If another EBP is going to come in within the specified time # interval, the current EBP is not emitted, and the segment is # "stretched" to the next marker. The lookahead value does not add # latency to the system. The Live Event must be configured elsewhere # to create sufficient latency to make the lookahead accurate. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] ebp_placement # Controls placement of EBP on Audio PIDs. If set to # videoAndAudioPids, EBP markers will be placed on the video PID and # all audio PIDs. If set to videoPid, EBP markers will be placed on # only the video PID. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] ecm_pid # This field is unused and deprecated. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] es_rate_in_pes # Include or exclude the ES Rate field in the PES header. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] etv_platform_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source ETV Platform data to this # output. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Valid # values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] etv_signal_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source ETV Signal data to this # output. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Valid # values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] fragment_time # The length in seconds of each fragment. Only used with EBP markers. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] klv # If set to passthrough, passes any KLV data from the input source to # this output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] klv_data_pids # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source KLV data to this output. # Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered in ranges and/or by # comma separation. Can be entered as decimal or hexadecimal values. # Each PID specified must be in the range of 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or # 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] null_packet_bitrate # Value in bits per second of extra null packets to insert into the # transport stream. This can be used if a downstream encryption system # requires periodic null packets. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] pat_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. Valid values are 0, 10..1000. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_control # When set to pcrEveryPesPacket, a Program Clock Reference value is # inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This # parameter is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the # video or audio elementary stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_period # Maximum time in milliseconds between Program Clock Reference (PCRs) # inserted into the transport stream. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the Program Clock Reference (PCR) in the # transport stream. When no value is given, the encoder will assign # the same value as the Video PID. Can be entered as a decimal or # hexadecimal value. Valid values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pmt_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. Valid values are 0, 10..1000. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pmt_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for the Program Map Table (PMT) in the # transport stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # Valid values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] program_num # The value of the program number field in the Program Map Table. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] rate_mode # When vbr, does not insert null packets into transport stream to fill # specified bitrate. The bitrate setting acts as the maximum bitrate # when vbr is set. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_27_pids # Packet Identifier (PID) for input source SCTE-27 data to this # output. Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered in ranges # and/or by comma separation. Can be entered as decimal or hexadecimal # values. Each PID specified must be in the range of 32 (or # 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_control # Optionally pass SCTE-35 signals from the input source to this # output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport # stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Valid # values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] segmentation_markers # Inserts segmentation markers at each segmentationTime period. # raiSegstart sets the Random Access Indicator bit in the adaptation # field. raiAdapt sets the RAI bit and adds the current timecode in # the private data bytes. psiSegstart inserts PAT and PMT tables at # the start of segments. ebp adds Encoder Boundary Point information # to the adaptation field as per OpenCable specification # OC-SP-EBP-I01-130118. ebpLegacy adds Encoder Boundary Point # information to the adaptation field using a legacy proprietary # format. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] segmentation_style # The segmentation style parameter controls how segmentation markers # are inserted into the transport stream. With avails, it is possible # that segments may be truncated, which can influence where future # segmentation markers are inserted. When a segmentation style of # "resetCadence" is selected and a segment is truncated due to an # avail, we will reset the segmentation cadence. This means the # subsequent segment will have a duration of $segmentationTime # seconds. When a segmentation style of "maintainCadence" is # selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will not # reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment # will likely be truncated as well. However, all segments after that # will have a duration of $segmentationTime seconds. Note that EBP # lookahead is a slight exception to this rule. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] segmentation_time # The length in seconds of each segment. Required unless markers is # set to None\_. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_behavior # When set to passthrough, timed metadata will be passed through from # input to output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the timed metadata stream in the # transport stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # Valid values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] transport_stream_id # The value of the transport stream ID field in the Program Map Table. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] video_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the # transport stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # Valid values are 32 (or 0x20)..8182 (or 0x1ff6). # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/M2tsSettings AWS API Documentation # class M2tsSettings < Struct.new( :absent_input_audio_behavior, :arib, :arib_captions_pid, :arib_captions_pid_control, :audio_buffer_model, :audio_frames_per_pes, :audio_pids, :audio_stream_type, :bitrate, :buffer_model, :cc_descriptor, :dvb_nit_settings, :dvb_sdt_settings, :dvb_sub_pids, :dvb_tdt_settings, :dvb_teletext_pid, :ebif, :ebp_audio_interval, :ebp_lookahead_ms, :ebp_placement, :ecm_pid, :es_rate_in_pes, :etv_platform_pid, :etv_signal_pid, :fragment_time, :klv, :klv_data_pids, :null_packet_bitrate, :pat_interval, :pcr_control, :pcr_period, :pcr_pid, :pmt_interval, :pmt_pid, :program_num, :rate_mode, :scte_27_pids, :scte_35_control, :scte_35_pid, :segmentation_markers, :segmentation_style, :segmentation_time, :timed_metadata_behavior, :timed_metadata_pid, :transport_stream_id, :video_pid) include Aws::Structure end # Settings information for the .m3u8 container # # @note When making an API call, you may pass M3u8Settings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_frames_per_pes # The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_pids # Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary audio stream(s) in the # transport stream. Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered # in ranges and/or by comma separation. Can be entered as decimal or # hexadecimal values. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] ecm_pid # This parameter is unused and deprecated. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pat_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. A value of \\"0\\" writes out the PMT # once per segment file. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_control # When set to pcrEveryPesPacket, a Program Clock Reference value is # inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This # parameter is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the # video or audio elementary stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_period # Maximum time in milliseconds between Program Clock References (PCRs) # inserted into the transport stream. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pcr_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the Program Clock Reference (PCR) in the # transport stream. When no value is given, the encoder will assign # the same value as the Video PID. Can be entered as a decimal or # hexadecimal value. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pmt_interval # The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the # output transport stream. A value of \\"0\\" writes out the PMT # once per segment file. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] pmt_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) for the Program Map Table (PMT) in the # transport stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] program_num # The value of the program number field in the Program Map Table. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_behavior # If set to passthrough, passes any SCTE-35 signals from the input # source to this output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scte_35_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport # stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_behavior # When set to passthrough, timed metadata is passed through from input # to output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] transport_stream_id # The value of the transport stream ID field in the Program Map Table. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] video_pid # Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the # transport stream. Can be entered as a decimal or hexadecimal value. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/M3u8Settings AWS API Documentation # class M3u8Settings < Struct.new( :audio_frames_per_pes, :audio_pids, :ecm_pid, :pat_interval, :pcr_control, :pcr_period, :pcr_pid, :pmt_interval, :pmt_pid, :program_num, :scte_35_behavior, :scte_35_pid, :timed_metadata_behavior, :transport_stream_id, :video_pid) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Mp2Settings # data as a hash: # # { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # } # # @!attribute [rw] bitrate # Average bitrate in bits/second. # @return [Float] # # @!attribute [rw] coding_mode # The MPEG2 Audio coding mode. Valid values are codingMode10 (for # mono) or codingMode20 (for stereo). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sample_rate # Sample rate in Hz. # @return [Float] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Mp2Settings AWS API Documentation # class Mp2Settings < Struct.new( :bitrate, :coding_mode, :sample_rate) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass MsSmoothGroupSettings # data as a hash: # # { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # } # # @!attribute [rw] acquisition_point_id # The value of the "Acquisition Point Identity" element used in each # message placed in the sparse track. Only enabled if sparseTrackType # is not "none". # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] audio_only_timecode_control # If set to passthrough for an audio-only MS Smooth output, the # fragment absolute time will be set to the current timecode. This # option does not write timecodes to the audio elementary stream. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_mode # If set to verifyAuthenticity, verify the https certificate chain to # a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This will cause https outputs # to self-signed certificates to fail unless those certificates are # manually added to the OS trusted keystore. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] connection_retry_interval # Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the IIS # server if the connection is lost. Content will be cached during this # time and the cache will be be delivered to the IIS server once the # connection is re-established. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] destination # Smooth Streaming publish point on an IIS server. Elemental Live acts # as a "Push" encoder to IIS. # @return [Types::OutputLocationRef] # # @!attribute [rw] event_id # MS Smooth event ID to be sent to the IIS server. Should only be # specified if eventIdMode is set to useConfigured. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] event_id_mode # Specifies whether or not to send an event ID to the IIS server. If # no event ID is sent and the same Live Event is used without changing # the publishing point, clients might see cached video from the # previous run. Options: - "useConfigured" - use the value provided # in eventId - "useTimestamp" - generate and send an event ID based # on the current timestamp - "noEventId" - do not send an event ID # to the IIS server. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] event_stop_behavior # When set to sendEos, send EOS signal to IIS server when stopping the # event # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] filecache_duration # Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] fragment_length # Length of mp4 fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length # must be compatible with GOP size and framerate. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_action # Parameter that control output group behavior on input loss. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] num_retries # Number of retry attempts. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] restart_delay # Number of seconds before initiating a restart due to output failure, # due to exhausting the numRetries on one segment, or exceeding # filecacheDuration. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] segmentation_mode # When set to useInputSegmentation, the output segment or fragment # points are set by the RAI markers from the input streams. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] send_delay_ms # Outputs that are "output locked" can use this delay. Assign a # delay to the output that is "secondary". Do not assign a delay to # the "primary" output. The delay means that the primary output will # always reach the downstream system before the secondary, which helps # ensure that the downstream system always uses the primary output. # (If there were no delay, the downstream system might flip-flop # between whichever output happens to arrive first.) If the primary # fails, the downstream system will switch to the secondary output. # When the primary is restarted, the downstream system will switch # back to the primary (because once again it is always arriving first) # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] sparse_track_type # If set to scte35, use incoming SCTE-35 messages to generate a sparse # track in this group of MS-Smooth outputs. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] stream_manifest_behavior # When set to send, send stream manifest so publishing point doesn't # start until all streams start. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timestamp_offset # Timestamp offset for the event. Only used if timestampOffsetMode is # set to useConfiguredOffset. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timestamp_offset_mode # Type of timestamp date offset to use. - useEventStartDate: Use the # date the event was started as the offset - useConfiguredOffset: Use # an explicitly configured date as the offset # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/MsSmoothGroupSettings AWS API Documentation # class MsSmoothGroupSettings < Struct.new( :acquisition_point_id, :audio_only_timecode_control, :certificate_mode, :connection_retry_interval, :destination, :event_id, :event_id_mode, :event_stop_behavior, :filecache_duration, :fragment_length, :input_loss_action, :num_retries, :restart_delay, :segmentation_mode, :send_delay_ms, :sparse_track_type, :stream_manifest_behavior, :timestamp_offset, :timestamp_offset_mode) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass MsSmoothOutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # name_modifier: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] name_modifier # String concatenated to the end of the destination filename. Required # for multiple outputs of the same type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/MsSmoothOutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class MsSmoothOutputSettings < Struct.new( :name_modifier) include Aws::Structure end # Network source to transcode. Must be accessible to the Elemental Live # node that is running the live event through a network connection. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass NetworkInputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # hls_input_settings: { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # }, # server_validation: "CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME", # accepts CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME, CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY # } # # @!attribute [rw] hls_input_settings # Specifies HLS input settings when the uri is for a HLS manifest. # @return [Types::HlsInputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] server_validation # Check HTTPS server certificates. When set to checkCryptographyOnly, # cryptography in the certificate will be checked, but not the # server's name. Certain subdomains (notably S3 buckets that use dots # in the bucket name) do not strictly match the corresponding # certificate's wildcard pattern and would otherwise cause the event # to error. This setting is ignored for protocols that do not use # https. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/NetworkInputSettings AWS API Documentation # class NetworkInputSettings < Struct.new( :hls_input_settings, :server_validation) include Aws::Structure end # Output settings. There can be multiple outputs within a group. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Output # data as a hash: # # { # audio_description_names: ["__string"], # caption_description_names: ["__string"], # output_name: "__stringMin1Max255", # output_settings: { # required # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # }, # video_description_name: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_description_names # The names of the AudioDescriptions used as audio sources for this # output. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] caption_description_names # The names of the CaptionDescriptions used as caption sources for # this output. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] output_name # The name used to identify an output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] output_settings # Output type-specific settings. # @return [Types::OutputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] video_description_name # The name of the VideoDescription used as the source for this output. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Output AWS API Documentation # class Output < Struct.new( :audio_description_names, :caption_description_names, :output_name, :output_settings, :video_description_name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputDestination # data as a hash: # # { # id: "__string", # settings: [ # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] id # User-specified id. This is used in an output group or an output. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] settings # Destination settings for output; one for each redundant encoder. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputDestination AWS API Documentation # class OutputDestination < Struct.new( :id, :settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputDestinationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] password_param # key used to extract the password from EC2 Parameter store # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] url # A URL specifying a destination # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] username # username for destination # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class OutputDestinationSettings < Struct.new( :password_param, :url, :username) include Aws::Structure end # Output groups for this Live Event. Output groups contain information # about where streams should be distributed. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputGroup # data as a hash: # # { # name: "__stringMax32", # output_group_settings: { # required # archive_group_settings: { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # }, # hls_group_settings: { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # }, # ms_smooth_group_settings: { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # }, # udp_group_settings: { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # }, # }, # outputs: [ # required # { # audio_description_names: ["__string"], # caption_description_names: ["__string"], # output_name: "__stringMin1Max255", # output_settings: { # required # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # }, # video_description_name: "__string", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # Custom output group name optionally defined by the user. Only # letters, numbers, and the underscore character allowed; only 32 # characters allowed. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] output_group_settings # Settings associated with the output group. # @return [Types::OutputGroupSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] outputs # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputGroup AWS API Documentation # class OutputGroup < Struct.new( :name, :output_group_settings, :outputs) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputGroupSettings # data as a hash: # # { # archive_group_settings: { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # }, # hls_group_settings: { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # }, # ms_smooth_group_settings: { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # }, # udp_group_settings: { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] archive_group_settings # @return [Types::ArchiveGroupSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_group_settings # @return [Types::HlsGroupSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] ms_smooth_group_settings # @return [Types::MsSmoothGroupSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] udp_group_settings # @return [Types::UdpGroupSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputGroupSettings AWS API Documentation # class OutputGroupSettings < Struct.new( :archive_group_settings, :hls_group_settings, :ms_smooth_group_settings, :udp_group_settings) include Aws::Structure end # Reference to an OutputDestination ID defined in the channel # # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputLocationRef # data as a hash: # # { # destination_ref_id: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] destination_ref_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputLocationRef AWS API Documentation # class OutputLocationRef < Struct.new( :destination_ref_id) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass OutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] archive_output_settings # @return [Types::ArchiveOutputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] hls_output_settings # @return [Types::HlsOutputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] ms_smooth_output_settings # @return [Types::MsSmoothOutputSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] udp_output_settings # @return [Types::UdpOutputSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/OutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class OutputSettings < Struct.new( :archive_output_settings, :hls_output_settings, :ms_smooth_output_settings, :udp_output_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/PassThroughSettings AWS API Documentation # class PassThroughSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass RemixSettings # data as a hash: # # { # channel_mappings: [ # required # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # channels_in: 1, # channels_out: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_mappings # Mapping of input channels to output channels, with appropriate gain # adjustments. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] channels_in # Number of input channels to be used. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] channels_out # Number of output channels to be produced. Valid values: 1, 2, 4, 6, # 8 # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/RemixSettings AWS API Documentation # class RemixSettings < Struct.new( :channel_mappings, :channels_in, :channels_out) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ResourceConflict AWS API Documentation # class ResourceConflict < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ResourceNotFound AWS API Documentation # class ResourceNotFound < Struct.new( :message) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Scte20SourceSettings # data as a hash: # # { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] convert_608_to_708 # If upconvert, 608 data is both passed through via the "608 # compatibility bytes" fields of the 708 wrapper as well as # translated into 708. 708 data present in the source content will be # discarded. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] source_608_channel_number # Specifies the 608/708 channel number within the video track from # which to extract captions. Unused for passthrough. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte20SourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class Scte20SourceSettings < Struct.new( :convert_608_to_708, :source_608_channel_number) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte27DestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class Scte27DestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Scte27SourceSettings # data as a hash: # # { # pid: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] pid # The pid field is used in conjunction with the caption selector # languageCode field as follows: - Specify PID and Language: Extracts # captions from that PID; the language is "informational". - Specify # PID and omit Language: Extracts the specified PID. - Omit PID and # specify Language: Extracts the specified language, whichever PID # that happens to be. - Omit PID and omit Language: Valid only if # source is DVB-Sub that is being passed through; all languages will # be passed through. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte27SourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class Scte27SourceSettings < Struct.new( :pid) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Scte35SpliceInsert # data as a hash: # # { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # } # # @!attribute [rw] ad_avail_offset # When specified, this offset (in milliseconds) is added to the input # Ad Avail PTS time. This only applies to embedded SCTE 104/35 # messages and does not apply to OOB messages. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] no_regional_blackout_flag # When set to ignore, Segment Descriptors with noRegionalBlackoutFlag # set to 0 will no longer trigger blackouts or Ad Avail slates # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] web_delivery_allowed_flag # When set to ignore, Segment Descriptors with webDeliveryAllowedFlag # set to 0 will no longer trigger blackouts or Ad Avail slates # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte35SpliceInsert AWS API Documentation # class Scte35SpliceInsert < Struct.new( :ad_avail_offset, :no_regional_blackout_flag, :web_delivery_allowed_flag) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass Scte35TimeSignalApos # data as a hash: # # { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # } # # @!attribute [rw] ad_avail_offset # When specified, this offset (in milliseconds) is added to the input # Ad Avail PTS time. This only applies to embedded SCTE 104/35 # messages and does not apply to OOB messages. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] no_regional_blackout_flag # When set to ignore, Segment Descriptors with noRegionalBlackoutFlag # set to 0 will no longer trigger blackouts or Ad Avail slates # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] web_delivery_allowed_flag # When set to ignore, Segment Descriptors with webDeliveryAllowedFlag # set to 0 will no longer trigger blackouts or Ad Avail slates # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/Scte35TimeSignalApos AWS API Documentation # class Scte35TimeSignalApos < Struct.new( :ad_avail_offset, :no_regional_blackout_flag, :web_delivery_allowed_flag) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/SmpteTtDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class SmpteTtDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass StandardHlsSettings # data as a hash: # # { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] audio_rendition_sets # List all the audio groups that are used with the video output # stream. Input all the audio GROUP-IDs that are associated to the # video, separate by ','. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] m3u_8_settings # Settings information for the .m3u8 container # @return [Types::M3u8Settings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StandardHlsSettings AWS API Documentation # class StandardHlsSettings < Struct.new( :audio_rendition_sets, :m3u_8_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass StartChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # channel_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StartChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class StartChannelRequest < Struct.new( :channel_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StartChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class StartChannelResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :encoder_settings, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass StaticKeySettings # data as a hash: # # { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] key_provider_server # The URL of the license server used for protecting content. # @return [Types::InputLocation] # # @!attribute [rw] static_key_value # Static key value as a 32 character hexadecimal string. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StaticKeySettings AWS API Documentation # class StaticKeySettings < Struct.new( :key_provider_server, :static_key_value) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass StopChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # channel_id: "__string", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_id # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StopChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class StopChannelRequest < Struct.new( :channel_id) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] egress_endpoints # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] pipelines_running_count # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] state # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/StopChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class StopChannelResponse < Struct.new( :arn, :destinations, :egress_endpoints, :encoder_settings, :id, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :pipelines_running_count, :role_arn, :state) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/TeletextDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class TeletextDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass TeletextSourceSettings # data as a hash: # # { # page_number: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] page_number # Specifies the teletext page number within the data stream from which # to extract captions. Range of 0x100 (256) to 0x8FF (2303). Unused # for passthrough. Should be specified as a hexadecimal string with no # "0x" prefix. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/TeletextSourceSettings AWS API Documentation # class TeletextSourceSettings < Struct.new( :page_number) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass TimecodeConfig # data as a hash: # # { # source: "EMBEDDED", # required, accepts EMBEDDED, SYSTEMCLOCK, ZEROBASED # sync_threshold: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] source # Identifies the source for the timecode that will be associated with # the events outputs. -Embedded (embedded): Initialize the output # timecode with timecode from the the source. If no embedded timecode # is detected in the source, the system falls back to using "Start at # 0" (zerobased). -System Clock (systemclock): Use the UTC time. # -Start at 0 (zerobased): The time of the first frame of the event # will be 00:00:00:00. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sync_threshold # Threshold in frames beyond which output timecode is resynchronized # to the input timecode. Discrepancies below this threshold are # permitted to avoid unnecessary discontinuities in the output # timecode. No timecode sync when this is not specified. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/TimecodeConfig AWS API Documentation # class TimecodeConfig < Struct.new( :source, :sync_threshold) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass TtmlDestinationSettings # data as a hash: # # { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # } # # @!attribute [rw] style_control # When set to passthrough, passes through style and position # information from a TTML-like input source (TTML, SMPTE-TT, CFF-TT) # to the CFF-TT output or TTML output. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/TtmlDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class TtmlDestinationSettings < Struct.new( :style_control) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UdpContainerSettings # data as a hash: # # { # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] m2ts_settings # @return [Types::M2tsSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UdpContainerSettings AWS API Documentation # class UdpContainerSettings < Struct.new( :m2ts_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UdpGroupSettings # data as a hash: # # { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_loss_action # Specifies behavior of last resort when input video is lost, and no # more backup inputs are available. When dropTs is selected the entire # transport stream will stop being emitted. When dropProgram is # selected the program can be dropped from the transport stream (and # replaced with null packets to meet the TS bitrate requirement). Or, # when emitProgram is chosen the transport stream will continue to be # produced normally with repeat frames, black frames, or slate frames # substituted for the absent input video. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_id_3_frame # Indicates ID3 frame that has the timecode. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] timed_metadata_id_3_period # Timed Metadata interval in seconds. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UdpGroupSettings AWS API Documentation # class UdpGroupSettings < Struct.new( :input_loss_action, :timed_metadata_id_3_frame, :timed_metadata_id_3_period) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UdpOutputSettings # data as a hash: # # { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] buffer_msec # UDP output buffering in milliseconds. Larger values increase latency # through the transcoder but simultaneously assist the transcoder in # maintaining a constant, low-jitter UDP/RTP output while # accommodating clock recovery, input switching, input disruptions, # picture reordering, etc. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] container_settings # @return [Types::UdpContainerSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] destination # Destination address and port number for RTP or UDP packets. Can be # unicast or multicast RTP or UDP (eg. rtp:// or # udp:// # @return [Types::OutputLocationRef] # # @!attribute [rw] fec_output_settings # Settings for enabling and adjusting Forward Error Correction on UDP # outputs. # @return [Types::FecOutputSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UdpOutputSettings AWS API Documentation # class UdpOutputSettings < Struct.new( :buffer_msec, :container_settings, :destination, :fec_output_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] destinations # A list of output destinations for this channel. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # The encoder settings for this channel. # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # Specification of input for this channel (max. bitrate, resolution, # codec, etc.) # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the channel. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # An optional Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume when # running the Channel. If you do not specify this on an update call # but the role was previously set that role will be removed. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateChannel AWS API Documentation # class UpdateChannel < Struct.new( :destinations, :encoder_settings, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :role_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateChannelRequest # data as a hash: # # { # channel_id: "__string", # required # destinations: [ # { # id: "__string", # settings: [ # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # }, # ], # }, # ], # encoder_settings: { # audio_descriptions: [ # required # { # audio_normalization_settings: { # algorithm: "ITU_1770_1", # accepts ITU_1770_1, ITU_1770_2 # algorithm_control: "CORRECT_AUDIO", # accepts CORRECT_AUDIO # target_lkfs: 1.0, # }, # audio_selector_name: "__string", # required # audio_type: "CLEAN_EFFECTS", # accepts CLEAN_EFFECTS, HEARING_IMPAIRED, UNDEFINED, VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY # audio_type_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # codec_settings: { # aac_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "AD_RECEIVER_MIX", # accepts AD_RECEIVER_MIX, CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_5_1 # input_type: "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD", # accepts BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, NORMAL # profile: "HEV1", # accepts HEV1, HEV2, LC # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # raw_format: "LATM_LOAS", # accepts LATM_LOAS, NONE # sample_rate: 1.0, # spec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, MPEG4 # vbr_quality: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM_HIGH, MEDIUM_LOW # }, # ac_3_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, DIALOGUE, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED, VOICE_OVER # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_1_1, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE # dialnorm: 1, # drc_profile: "FILM_STANDARD", # accepts FILM_STANDARD, NONE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # eac_3_settings: { # attenuation_control: "ATTENUATE_3_DB", # accepts ATTENUATE_3_DB, NONE # bitrate: 1.0, # bitstream_mode: "COMMENTARY", # accepts COMMENTARY, COMPLETE_MAIN, EMERGENCY, HEARING_IMPAIRED, VISUALLY_IMPAIRED # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0, CODING_MODE_3_2 # dc_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dialnorm: 1, # drc_line: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # drc_rf: "FILM_LIGHT", # accepts FILM_LIGHT, FILM_STANDARD, MUSIC_LIGHT, MUSIC_STANDARD, NONE, SPEECH # lfe_control: "LFE", # accepts LFE, NO_LFE # lfe_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # lo_ro_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lo_ro_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_center_mix_level: 1.0, # lt_rt_surround_mix_level: 1.0, # metadata_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # passthrough_control: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, WHEN_POSSIBLE # phase_control: "NO_SHIFT", # accepts NO_SHIFT, SHIFT_90_DEGREES # stereo_downmix: "DPL2", # accepts DPL2, LO_RO, LT_RT, NOT_INDICATED # surround_ex_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # surround_mode: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED, NOT_INDICATED # }, # mp_2_settings: { # bitrate: 1.0, # coding_mode: "CODING_MODE_1_0", # accepts CODING_MODE_1_0, CODING_MODE_2_0 # sample_rate: 1.0, # }, # pass_through_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # language_code_control: "FOLLOW_INPUT", # accepts FOLLOW_INPUT, USE_CONFIGURED # name: "__string", # required # remix_settings: { # channel_mappings: [ # required # { # input_channel_levels: [ # required # { # gain: 1, # required # input_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # output_channel: 1, # required # }, # ], # channels_in: 1, # channels_out: 1, # }, # stream_name: "__string", # }, # ], # avail_blanking: { # avail_blanking_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # avail_configuration: { # avail_settings: { # scte_35_splice_insert: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # scte_35_time_signal_apos: { # ad_avail_offset: 1, # no_regional_blackout_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # web_delivery_allowed_flag: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, IGNORE # }, # }, # }, # blackout_slate: { # blackout_slate_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_end_blackout: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # network_end_blackout_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # network_id: "__stringMin34Max34", # state: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # caption_descriptions: [ # { # caption_selector_name: "__string", # required # destination_settings: { # arib_destination_settings: { # }, # burn_in_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # dvb_sub_destination_settings: { # alignment: "CENTERED", # accepts CENTERED, LEFT, SMART # background_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # background_opacity: 1, # font: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # font_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # font_opacity: 1, # font_resolution: 1, # font_size: "__string", # outline_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW # outline_size: 1, # shadow_color: "BLACK", # accepts BLACK, NONE, WHITE # shadow_opacity: 1, # shadow_x_offset: 1, # shadow_y_offset: 1, # teletext_grid_control: "FIXED", # accepts FIXED, SCALED # x_position: 1, # y_position: 1, # }, # embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # embedded_plus_scte_20_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_20_plus_embedded_destination_settings: { # }, # scte_27_destination_settings: { # }, # smpte_tt_destination_settings: { # }, # teletext_destination_settings: { # }, # ttml_destination_settings: { # style_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED # }, # webvtt_destination_settings: { # }, # }, # language_code: "__string", # language_description: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # }, # ], # global_configuration: { # initial_audio_gain: 1, # input_end_action: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS # input_loss_behavior: { # black_frame_msec: 1, # input_loss_image_color: "__stringMin6Max6", # input_loss_image_slate: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # input_loss_image_type: "COLOR", # accepts COLOR, SLATE # repeat_frame_msec: 1, # }, # output_timing_source: "INPUT_CLOCK", # accepts INPUT_CLOCK, SYSTEM_CLOCK # support_low_framerate_inputs: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # }, # output_groups: [ # required # { # name: "__stringMax32", # output_group_settings: { # required # archive_group_settings: { # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # rollover_interval: 1, # }, # hls_group_settings: { # ad_markers: ["ADOBE"], # accepts ADOBE, ELEMENTAL, ELEMENTAL_SCTE35 # base_url_content: "__string", # base_url_manifest: "__string", # caption_language_mappings: [ # { # caption_channel: 1, # required # language_code: "__stringMin3Max3", # required # language_description: "__stringMin1", # required # }, # ], # caption_language_setting: "INSERT", # accepts INSERT, NONE, OMIT # client_cache: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # codec_specification: "RFC_4281", # accepts RFC_4281, RFC_6381 # constant_iv: "__stringMin32Max32", # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # directory_structure: "SINGLE_DIRECTORY", # accepts SINGLE_DIRECTORY, SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM # encryption_type: "AES128", # accepts AES128, SAMPLE_AES # hls_cdn_settings: { # hls_akamai_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # salt: "__string", # token: "__string", # }, # hls_basic_put_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_media_store_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # media_store_storage_class: "TEMPORAL", # accepts TEMPORAL # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # hls_webdav_settings: { # connection_retry_interval: 1, # filecache_duration: 1, # http_transfer_mode: "CHUNKED", # accepts CHUNKED, NON_CHUNKED # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # }, # }, # index_n_segments: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # iv_in_manifest: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # iv_source: "EXPLICIT", # accepts EXPLICIT, FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER # keep_segments: 1, # key_format: "__string", # key_format_versions: "__string", # key_provider_settings: { # static_key_settings: { # key_provider_server: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # static_key_value: "__stringMin32Max32", # required # }, # }, # manifest_compression: "GZIP", # accepts GZIP, NONE # manifest_duration_format: "FLOATING_POINT", # accepts FLOATING_POINT, INTEGER # min_segment_length: 1, # mode: "LIVE", # accepts LIVE, VOD # output_selection: "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS", # accepts MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS_ONLY # program_date_time: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # program_date_time_period: 1, # segment_length: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # segments_per_subdirectory: 1, # stream_inf_resolution: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # timestamp_delta_milliseconds: 1, # ts_file_mode: "SEGMENTED_FILES", # accepts SEGMENTED_FILES, SINGLE_FILE # }, # ms_smooth_group_settings: { # acquisition_point_id: "__string", # audio_only_timecode_control: "PASSTHROUGH", # accepts PASSTHROUGH, USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK # certificate_mode: "SELF_SIGNED", # accepts SELF_SIGNED, VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY # connection_retry_interval: 1, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # event_id: "__string", # event_id_mode: "NO_EVENT_ID", # accepts NO_EVENT_ID, USE_CONFIGURED, USE_TIMESTAMP # event_stop_behavior: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SEND_EOS # filecache_duration: 1, # fragment_length: 1, # input_loss_action: "EMIT_OUTPUT", # accepts EMIT_OUTPUT, PAUSE_OUTPUT # num_retries: 1, # restart_delay: 1, # segmentation_mode: "USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION", # accepts USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION, USE_SEGMENT_DURATION # send_delay_ms: 1, # sparse_track_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, SCTE_35 # stream_manifest_behavior: "DO_NOT_SEND", # accepts DO_NOT_SEND, SEND # timestamp_offset: "__string", # timestamp_offset_mode: "USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET", # accepts USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET, USE_EVENT_START_DATE # }, # udp_group_settings: { # input_loss_action: "DROP_PROGRAM", # accepts DROP_PROGRAM, DROP_TS, EMIT_PROGRAM # timed_metadata_id_3_frame: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PRIV, TDRL # timed_metadata_id_3_period: 1, # }, # }, # outputs: [ # required # { # audio_description_names: ["__string"], # caption_description_names: ["__string"], # output_name: "__stringMin1Max255", # output_settings: { # required # archive_output_settings: { # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # extension: "__string", # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # hls_output_settings: { # hls_settings: { # required # audio_only_hls_settings: { # audio_group_id: "__string", # audio_only_image: { # password_param: "__string", # uri: "__string", # required # username: "__string", # }, # audio_track_type: "ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT", # accepts ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT, ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT, AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM # }, # standard_hls_settings: { # audio_rendition_sets: "__string", # m3u_8_settings: { # required # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # ecm_pid: "__string", # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # scte_35_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # name_modifier: "__stringMin1", # segment_modifier: "__string", # }, # ms_smooth_output_settings: { # name_modifier: "__string", # }, # udp_output_settings: { # buffer_msec: 1, # container_settings: { # required # m2ts_settings: { # absent_input_audio_behavior: "DROP", # accepts DROP, ENCODE_SILENCE # arib: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # arib_captions_pid: "__string", # arib_captions_pid_control: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, USE_CONFIGURED # audio_buffer_model: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # audio_frames_per_pes: 1, # audio_pids: "__string", # audio_stream_type: "ATSC", # accepts ATSC, DVB # bitrate: 1, # buffer_model: "MULTIPLEX", # accepts MULTIPLEX, NONE # cc_descriptor: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # dvb_nit_settings: { # network_id: 1, # required # network_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # required # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_sdt_settings: { # output_sdt: "SDT_FOLLOW", # accepts SDT_FOLLOW, SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT, SDT_MANUAL, SDT_NONE # rep_interval: 1, # service_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # service_provider_name: "__stringMin1Max256", # }, # dvb_sub_pids: "__string", # dvb_tdt_settings: { # rep_interval: 1, # }, # dvb_teletext_pid: "__string", # ebif: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # ebp_audio_interval: "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, VIDEO_INTERVAL # ebp_lookahead_ms: 1, # ebp_placement: "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS", # accepts VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS, VIDEO_PID # ecm_pid: "__string", # es_rate_in_pes: "EXCLUDE", # accepts EXCLUDE, INCLUDE # etv_platform_pid: "__string", # etv_signal_pid: "__string", # fragment_time: 1.0, # klv: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # klv_data_pids: "__string", # null_packet_bitrate: 1.0, # pat_interval: 1, # pcr_control: "CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD", # accepts CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD, PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET # pcr_period: 1, # pcr_pid: "__string", # pmt_interval: 1, # pmt_pid: "__string", # program_num: 1, # rate_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scte_27_pids: "__string", # scte_35_control: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH # scte_35_pid: "__string", # segmentation_markers: "EBP", # accepts EBP, EBP_LEGACY, NONE, PSI_SEGSTART, RAI_ADAPT, RAI_SEGSTART # segmentation_style: "MAINTAIN_CADENCE", # accepts MAINTAIN_CADENCE, RESET_CADENCE # segmentation_time: 1.0, # timed_metadata_behavior: "NO_PASSTHROUGH", # accepts NO_PASSTHROUGH, PASSTHROUGH # timed_metadata_pid: "__string", # transport_stream_id: 1, # video_pid: "__string", # }, # }, # destination: { # required # destination_ref_id: "__string", # }, # fec_output_settings: { # column_depth: 1, # include_fec: "COLUMN", # accepts COLUMN, COLUMN_AND_ROW # row_length: 1, # }, # }, # }, # video_description_name: "__string", # }, # ], # }, # ], # timecode_config: { # required # source: "EMBEDDED", # required, accepts EMBEDDED, SYSTEMCLOCK, ZEROBASED # sync_threshold: 1, # }, # video_descriptions: [ # required # { # codec_settings: { # h264_settings: { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # }, # }, # height: 1, # name: "__string", # required # respond_to_afd: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH, RESPOND # scaling_behavior: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT # sharpness: 1, # width: 1, # }, # ], # }, # input_attachments: [ # { # input_id: "__string", # input_settings: { # audio_selectors: [ # { # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # audio_language_selection: { # language_code: "__string", # required # language_selection_policy: "LOOSE", # accepts LOOSE, STRICT # }, # audio_pid_selection: { # pid: 1, # required # }, # }, # }, # ], # caption_selectors: [ # { # language_code: "__string", # name: "__string", # required # selector_settings: { # arib_source_settings: { # }, # dvb_sub_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # embedded_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # scte_20_detection: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, OFF # source_608_channel_number: 1, # source_608_track_number: 1, # }, # scte_20_source_settings: { # convert_608_to_708: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, UPCONVERT # source_608_channel_number: 1, # }, # scte_27_source_settings: { # pid: 1, # }, # teletext_source_settings: { # page_number: "__string", # }, # }, # }, # ], # deblock_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # denoise_filter: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # filter_strength: 1, # input_filter: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, DISABLED, FORCED # network_input_settings: { # hls_input_settings: { # bandwidth: 1, # buffer_segments: 1, # retries: 1, # retry_interval: 1, # }, # server_validation: "CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME", # accepts CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME, CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY # }, # source_end_behavior: "CONTINUE", # accepts CONTINUE, LOOP # video_selector: { # color_space: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, REC_601, REC_709 # color_space_usage: "FALLBACK", # accepts FALLBACK, FORCE # selector_settings: { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # }, # }, # }, # }, # ], # input_specification: { # codec: "MPEG2", # accepts MPEG2, AVC, HEVC # maximum_bitrate: "MAX_10_MBPS", # accepts MAX_10_MBPS, MAX_20_MBPS, MAX_50_MBPS # resolution: "SD", # accepts SD, HD, UHD # }, # name: "__string", # role_arn: "__string", # } # # @!attribute [rw] channel_id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] encoder_settings # @return [Types::EncoderSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] input_attachments # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_specification # @return [Types::InputSpecification] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] role_arn # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateChannelRequest AWS API Documentation # class UpdateChannelRequest < Struct.new( :channel_id, :destinations, :encoder_settings, :input_attachments, :input_specification, :name, :role_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] channel # @return [Types::Channel] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateChannelResponse AWS API Documentation # class UpdateChannelResponse < Struct.new( :channel) include Aws::Structure end # The updated channel's description. # # @!attribute [rw] channel # @return [Types::Channel] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateChannelResultModel AWS API Documentation # class UpdateChannelResultModel < Struct.new( :channel) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] destinations # Destination settings for PUSH type inputs. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # A list of security groups referenced by IDs to attach to the input. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] name # Name of the input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # The source URLs for a PULL-type input. Every PULL type input needs # exactly two source URLs for redundancy. Only specify sources for # PULL type Inputs. Leave Destinations empty. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInput AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInput < Struct.new( :destinations, :input_security_groups, :name, :sources) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateInputRequest # data as a hash: # # { # destinations: [ # { # stream_name: "__string", # }, # ], # input_id: "__string", # required # input_security_groups: ["__string"], # name: "__string", # sources: [ # { # password_param: "__string", # url: "__string", # username: "__string", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] destinations # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] input_id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_groups # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sources # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputRequest AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputRequest < Struct.new( :destinations, :input_id, :input_security_groups, :name, :sources) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] input # @return [Types::Input] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputResponse AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputResponse < Struct.new( :input) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] input # @return [Types::Input] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputResultModel AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputResultModel < Struct.new( :input) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateInputSecurityGroupRequest # data as a hash: # # { # input_security_group_id: "__string", # required # whitelist_rules: [ # { # cidr: "__string", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] input_security_group_id # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] whitelist_rules # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputSecurityGroupRequest AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputSecurityGroupRequest < Struct.new( :input_security_group_id, :whitelist_rules) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] security_group # An Input Security Group # @return [Types::InputSecurityGroup] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputSecurityGroupResponse AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputSecurityGroupResponse < Struct.new( :security_group) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] security_group # An Input Security Group # @return [Types::InputSecurityGroup] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/UpdateInputSecurityGroupResultModel AWS API Documentation # class UpdateInputSecurityGroupResultModel < Struct.new( :security_group) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] element_path # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] error_message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/ValidationError AWS API Documentation # class ValidationError < Struct.new( :element_path, :error_message) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoCodecSettings # data as a hash: # # { # h264_settings: { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] h264_settings # @return [Types::H264Settings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoCodecSettings AWS API Documentation # class VideoCodecSettings < Struct.new( :h264_settings) include Aws::Structure end # Video settings for this stream. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoDescription # data as a hash: # # { # codec_settings: { # h264_settings: { # adaptive_quantization: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF # afd_signaling: "AUTO", # accepts AUTO, FIXED, NONE # bitrate: 1, # buf_fill_pct: 1, # buf_size: 1, # color_metadata: "IGNORE", # accepts IGNORE, INSERT # entropy_encoding: "CABAC", # accepts CABAC, CAVLC # fixed_afd: "AFD_0000", # accepts AFD_0000, AFD_0010, AFD_0011, AFD_0100, AFD_1000, AFD_1001, AFD_1010, AFD_1011, AFD_1101, AFD_1110, AFD_1111 # flicker_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # framerate_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # framerate_denominator: 1, # framerate_numerator: 1, # gop_b_reference: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # gop_closed_cadence: 1, # gop_num_b_frames: 1, # gop_size: 1.0, # gop_size_units: "FRAMES", # accepts FRAMES, SECONDS # level: "H264_LEVEL_1", # accepts H264_LEVEL_1, H264_LEVEL_1_1, H264_LEVEL_1_2, H264_LEVEL_1_3, H264_LEVEL_2, H264_LEVEL_2_1, H264_LEVEL_2_2, H264_LEVEL_3, H264_LEVEL_3_1, H264_LEVEL_3_2, H264_LEVEL_4, H264_LEVEL_4_1, H264_LEVEL_4_2, H264_LEVEL_5, H264_LEVEL_5_1, H264_LEVEL_5_2, H264_LEVEL_AUTO # look_ahead_rate_control: "HIGH", # accepts HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM # max_bitrate: 1, # min_i_interval: 1, # num_ref_frames: 1, # par_control: "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE", # accepts INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE, SPECIFIED # par_denominator: 1, # par_numerator: 1, # profile: "BASELINE", # accepts BASELINE, HIGH, HIGH_10BIT, HIGH_422, HIGH_422_10BIT, MAIN # rate_control_mode: "CBR", # accepts CBR, VBR # scan_type: "INTERLACED", # accepts INTERLACED, PROGRESSIVE # scene_change_detect: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # slices: 1, # softness: 1, # spatial_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # syntax: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, RP2027 # temporal_aq: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, ENABLED # timecode_insertion: "DISABLED", # accepts DISABLED, PIC_TIMING_SEI # }, # }, # height: 1, # name: "__string", # required # respond_to_afd: "NONE", # accepts NONE, PASSTHROUGH, RESPOND # scaling_behavior: "DEFAULT", # accepts DEFAULT, STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT # sharpness: 1, # width: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] codec_settings # Video codec settings. # @return [Types::VideoCodecSettings] # # @!attribute [rw] height # Output video height (in pixels). Leave blank to use source video # height. If left blank, width must also be unspecified. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of this VideoDescription. Outputs will use this name to # uniquely identify this Description. Description names should be # unique within this Live Event. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] respond_to_afd # Indicates how to respond to the AFD values in the input stream. # Setting to "respond" causes input video to be clipped, depending # on AFD value, input display aspect ratio and output display aspect # ratio. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] scaling_behavior # When set to "stretchToOutput", automatically configures the output # position to stretch the video to the specified output resolution. # This option will override any position value. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] sharpness # Changes the width of the anti-alias filter kernel used for scaling. # Only applies if scaling is being performed and antiAlias is set to # true. 0 is the softest setting, 100 the sharpest, and 50 recommended # for most content. # @return [Integer] # # @!attribute [rw] width # Output video width (in pixels). Leave out to use source video width. # If left out, height must also be left out. Display aspect ratio is # always preserved by letterboxing or pillarboxing when necessary. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoDescription AWS API Documentation # class VideoDescription < Struct.new( :codec_settings, :height, :name, :respond_to_afd, :scaling_behavior, :sharpness, :width) include Aws::Structure end # Specifies a particular video stream within an input source. An input # may have only a single video selector. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoSelector # data as a hash: # # { # color_space: "FOLLOW", # accepts FOLLOW, REC_601, REC_709 # color_space_usage: "FALLBACK", # accepts FALLBACK, FORCE # selector_settings: { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] color_space # Specifies the colorspace of an input. This setting works in tandem # with colorSpaceConversion to determine if any conversion will be # performed. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] color_space_usage # Applies only if colorSpace is a value other than follow. This field # controls how the value in the colorSpace field will be used. # fallback means that when the input does include color space data, # that data will be used, but when the input has no color space data, # the value in colorSpace will be used. Choose fallback if your input # is sometimes missing color space data, but when it does have color # space data, that data is correct. force means to always use the # value in colorSpace. Choose force if your input usually has no color # space data or might have unreliable color space data. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] selector_settings # The video selector settings. # @return [Types::VideoSelectorSettings] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoSelector AWS API Documentation # class VideoSelector < Struct.new( :color_space, :color_space_usage, :selector_settings) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoSelectorPid # data as a hash: # # { # pid: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] pid # Selects a specific PID from within a video source. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoSelectorPid AWS API Documentation # class VideoSelectorPid < Struct.new( :pid) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoSelectorProgramId # data as a hash: # # { # program_id: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] program_id # Selects a specific program from within a multi-program transport # stream. If the program doesn't exist, the first program within the # transport stream will be selected by default. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoSelectorProgramId AWS API Documentation # class VideoSelectorProgramId < Struct.new( :program_id) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoSelectorSettings # data as a hash: # # { # video_selector_pid: { # pid: 1, # }, # video_selector_program_id: { # program_id: 1, # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] video_selector_pid # @return [Types::VideoSelectorPid] # # @!attribute [rw] video_selector_program_id # @return [Types::VideoSelectorProgramId] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/VideoSelectorSettings AWS API Documentation # class VideoSelectorSettings < Struct.new( :video_selector_pid, :video_selector_program_id) include Aws::Structure end # @api private # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/medialive-2017-10-14/WebvttDestinationSettings AWS API Documentation # class WebvttDestinationSettings < Aws::EmptyStructure; end end end