module GitWakaTime ## # Determines When a file was lasted commit and stores time and hash. class CommitedFile < Sequel::Model many_to_one :commit # No two committed files should have the same name + dependent_date this # means a split tree, and we should split time between the two, or # more, commits. def before_create find_dependent_commit(name) if GitWakaTime.config.git end def to_s format(' %-20s %-40s %-100s '.blue, (dependent_sha[0..8] if dependent_sha), ChronicDuration.output(time_in_seconds.to_f), name ) end private # Call git log for path, loop through till we find a valid commit or run # out of commits to check def find_dependent_commit(name, i = 1) commits = load_dependent_commits(name) loop do commit = commits[i] if commit && allowed_commit(commit) set dependent_sha: commit.sha, dependent_date: check_and_correct_split_tree(commit) end i += 1 break if !dependent_sha.nil? || commit.nil? end end def check_and_correct_split_tree(commit) # This is the magical fix for the split tree issue # Current though is this will fail if more than 2 split tree files split_tree_file = CommitedFile.where( name: name, dependent_sha: commit.sha ).first return unless split_tree_file && split_tree_file.commit if < self.dependent_date = elsif > split_tree_file.update(dependent_date: end end def allowed_commit(commit) return false if commit.sha == sha return false if != GitWakaTime.config.user_name return false if commit.parents.size > 1 true end def load_dependent_commits(name) GitWakaTime.config.git.log.object(sha).path(name) rescue Git::GitExecuteError puts error nil end end end