class Organization < ApplicationRecord include Mumuki::Domain::Syncable include Mumuki::Domain::Helpers::Organization include Mumukit::Login::OrganizationHelpers serialize :profile, Mumuki::Domain::Organization::Profile serialize :settings, Mumuki::Domain::Organization::Settings serialize :theme, Mumuki::Domain::Organization::Theme markdown_on :description validate :ensure_consistent_public_login belongs_to :book has_many :usages validates_presence_of :contact_email, :locale validates :name, uniqueness: true, presence: true, format: { with: Mumukit::Platform::Organization.anchored_valid_name_regex } validates :locale, inclusion: { in: Mumukit::Platform::Locale.supported } after_create :reindex_usages! after_update :reindex_usages!, if: lambda { |user| user.saved_change_to_book_id? } has_many :guides, through: 'usages', source: 'item', source_type: 'Guide' has_many :exercises, through: :guides has_many :assignments, through: :exercises has_many :exams has_many :courses resource_fields :name, :book, :profile, :settings, :theme defaults do self.class.base.try do |base| self.theme = base.theme if theme.empty? self.settings = base.settings if settings.empty? self.contact_email ||= base.contact_email ||= self.locale ||= base.locale end end def in_path?(item) usages.exists?(item: item) || usages.exists?(parent_item: item) end def notify_recent_assignments!(date) notify_assignments! assignments.where('assignments.updated_at > ?', date) end def notify_assignments_by!(submitter) notify_assignments! assignments.where(submitter_id: end def silent? test? end def reindex_usages! transaction do drop_usage_indices! book.index_usage! self exams.each { |exam| exam.index_usage! self } end reload end def drop_usage_indices! usages.destroy_all end def index_usage_of!(item, parent) Usage.create! organization: self, item: item, parent_item: parent end def accessible_exams_for(user) { |exam| exam.accessible_for?(user) } end def has_login_method?(login_method) self.login_methods.include? login_method.to_s end def explain_error(code, advice) errors_explanations.try { |it| it[code.to_s] } || I18n.t(advice) end def self.accessible_as(user, role) { |it| it.public? || user.has_permission?(role, it.slug) } end def title_suffix central? ? '' : " - #{}" end def site_name central? ? 'mumuki' : name end # Tells if the given user can # ask for help in this organization # # Warning: this method does not strictly check user's permission def ask_for_help_enabled?(user = nil) report_issue_enabled? || community_link.present? || can_create_discussions?(user) end # Tells if the given user can # create discussion in this organization # # This is true only when this organization has a forum and the user # has the discusser pseudo-permission def can_create_discussions?(user = nil) forum_enabled? && (!user || user.discusser_of?(self)) end def import_from_resource_h!(resource_h) attrs = self.class.slice_resource_h resource_h attrs[:book] = Book.locate! attrs[:book] update! attrs end def to_resource_h super.merge(book: book.slug) end private def ensure_consistent_public_login errors.add(:base, :consistent_public_login) if settings.customized_login_methods? && public? end def notify_assignments!(assignments) assignments.each { |assignment| assignment.notify! } end class << self def central find_by name: 'central' end def base find_by name: 'base' end def silenced? !Mumukit::Platform::Organization.current? || current.silent? end def sync_key_id_field :name end # Answers organizations that have the given item # in their paths. # # Warning: unlike `in_path?`, this method does only work with # content - child - items instead of both kind of items - content and content containers. # # See `Organization#in_path?` def in_path(content) joins(:usages).where('usages.item': content).distinct end end end