module Adhearsion class << self ## # Shuts down the framework. # def self.shutdown! ahn_log "Shutting down gracefully at #{}." Events.stop! exit end end class PathString < String class << self ## # Will return a PathString for the application root folder to which the specified arbitrarily nested subfolder belongs. # It works by traversing parent directories looking for the .ahnrc file. If no .ahnrc is found, nil is returned. # # @param [String] folder The path to the directory which should be a # @return [nil] if the subdirectory does not belong to a parent Adhearsion app directory # @return [PathString] if a directory is found # def from_application_subdirectory(folder) folder = File.expand_path folder ahn_rc = nil until ahn_rc || folder == "/" possible_ahn_rc = File.join(folder, ".ahnrc") if File.exists?(possible_ahn_rc) ahn_rc = possible_ahn_rc else folder = File.expand_path(folder + "/..") end end ahn_rc ? new(folder) : nil end end attr_accessor :component_path, :dialplan_path, :log_path def initialize(path) super defaults end def defaults @component_path = build_path_for "components" @dialplan_path = dup @log_path = build_path_for "logs" end def base_path=(value) replace(value) defaults end def using_base_path(temporary_base_path, &block) original_path = dup self.base_path = temporary_base_path ensure self.base_path = original_path end private def build_path_for(path) File.join(to_s, path) end end class Initializer class << self def get_rules_from(location) location = File.join location, ".ahnrc" if location File.exists?(location) ? YAML.load_file(location) : nil end def ahn_root=(path) if Object.constants.include?("AHN_ROOT") Object.const_get(:AHN_ROOT).base_path = File.expand_path(path) else Object.const_set(:AHN_ROOT, end end def start(*args, &block) new(*args, &block).start end def start_from_init_file(file, ahn_app_path) return if defined?(@@started) && @@started start ahn_app_path, :loaded_init_files => file end end attr_reader :path, :daemon, :pid_file, :log_file, :ahn_app_log_directory # Creation of pid_files # # - You may want to have Adhearsion create a process identification # file when it boots so that a crash monitoring program such as # Monit can reboot if necessary or so the init script can kill it # for system shutdowns. # - To have Adhearsion create a pid file in the default location (i.e. # AHN_INSTALL_DIR/, supply :pid_file with 'true'. Otherwise # one is not created UNLESS it is running in daemon mode, in which # case one is created. You can force Adhearsion to not create one # even in daemon mode by supplying "false". def initialize(path=nil, options={}) @@started = true @path = path @daemon = options[:daemon] @pid_file = options[:pid_file].nil? ? ENV['PID_FILE'] : options[:pid_file] @loaded_init_files = options[:loaded_init_files] end def start self.class.ahn_root = path resolve_pid_file_path resolve_log_file_path switch_to_root_directory catch_termination_signal bootstrap_rc daemonize! if should_daemonize? initialize_log_file load_all_init_files init_components_subsystem init_modules init_events_subsystem create_pid_file if pid_file load_components init_events_file ahn_log "Adhearsion initialized!" trigger_after_initialized_hooks join_important_threads self end def default_pid_path File.join AHN_ROOT, '' end def resolve_pid_file_path @pid_file = if pid_file.equal?(true) then default_pid_path elsif pid_file then pid_file elsif pid_file.equal?(false) then nil # FIXME @pid_file = @daemon? Assignment or equality? I'm assuming equality. else @pid_file = @daemon ? default_pid_path : nil end end def resolve_log_file_path @ahn_app_log_directory = AHN_ROOT + '/log' @log_file = File.expand_path(ahn_app_log_directory + "/adhearsion.log") end def switch_to_root_directory Dir.chdir AHN_ROOT end def catch_termination_signal %w'INT TERM'.each do |process_signal| trap process_signal do ahn_log "Shutting down gracefully at #{}." Events.trigger :shutdown exit end end end ## # This step in the initialization process loads the .ahnrc in the given app folder. With the information in .ahnrc, we # can continue the initialization knowing where certain files are specifically. # def bootstrap_rc rules = self.class.get_rules_from AHN_ROOT AHN_CONFIG.ahnrc = rules # DEPRECATION: Check if the old paths format is being used. If so, abort and notify. if rules.has_key?("paths") && rules["paths"].kind_of?(Hash) paths = rules["paths"].each_pair do |key,value| if value.kind_of?(Hash) if value.has_key?("directory") || value.has_key?("pattern") puts puts *caller puts abort <<-WARNING Deprecation Warning ------------------- The (hidden) .ahnrc file in this app is of an older format and needs to be fixed. There is a rake task to automatically fix it or you can do it manually. Note: it's best if you do it manually so you can retain the YAML comments in your .ahnrc file. The rake task is called "deprecations:fix_ahnrc_path_format". To do it manually, find all entries in the "paths" section of your ".ahnrc" file which look like the following: paths: key_name_could_be_anything: directory: some_folder pattern: *.rb Note: the "models" section had this syntax before: models: directory: models pattern: "*.rb" The NEW syntax is as follows (using models as an example): models: models/*.rb This new format is much cleaner. Adhearsion will abort until you fix this. Sorry for the incovenience. WARNING end end end end gems = rules['gems'] if gems.kind_of?(Hash) && gems.any? && respond_to?(:gem) gems.each_pair do |gem_name,properties_hash| if properties_hash && properties_hash["version"] gem gem_name, properties_hash["version"] else gem gem_name end if properties_hash case properties_hash["require"] when Array properties_hash["require"].each { |lib| require lib } when String require properties_hash["require"] end end end end end def load_all_init_files init_files_from_rc = AHN_CONFIG.files_from_setting("paths", "init").map { |file| File.expand_path(file) } already_loaded_init_files = Array(@loaded_init_files).map { |file| File.expand_path(file) } (init_files_from_rc - already_loaded_init_files).each { |init| load init } end def init_modules require 'adhearsion/initializer/database.rb' require 'adhearsion/initializer/asterisk.rb' require 'adhearsion/initializer/drb.rb' require 'adhearsion/initializer/rails.rb' # require 'adhearsion/initializer/freeswitch.rb' DatabaseInitializer.start if AHN_CONFIG.database_enabled? AsteriskInitializer.start if AHN_CONFIG.asterisk_enabled? DrbInitializer.start if AHN_CONFIG.drb_enabled? RailsInitializer.start if AHN_CONFIG.rails_enabled? # FreeswitchInitializer.start if AHN_CONFIG.freeswitch_enabled? end def init_events_subsystem application_events_files = AHN_CONFIG.files_from_setting("paths", "events") if application_events_files.any? Events.register_callback(:shutdown) do "Performing a graceful stop of events subsystem" Events.framework_theatre.graceful_stop! end Events.framework_theatre.start! else 'No entries in the "events" section of .ahnrc. Skipping its initialization.' end end def init_events_file application_events_files = AHN_CONFIG.files_from_setting("paths", "events") application_events_files.each do |file| Events.framework_theatre.load_events_file file end end def should_daemonize? @daemon || ENV['DAEMON'] end def daemonize! ahn_log "Daemonizing now! Creating #{pid_file}." extend Adhearsion::CustomDaemonizer daemonize log_file end def initialize_log_file Dir.mkdir(ahn_app_log_directory) unless ahn_app_log_directory file_logger ="Main Adhearsion log file", :filename => log_file, :trunc => false) if should_daemonize? Logging::AdhearsionLogger.outputters = file_logger else Logging::AdhearsionLogger.outputters << file_logger end Logging::DefaultAdhearsionLogger.redefine_outputters end def create_pid_file(file = pid_file) if file pid_file, 'w' do |file| file.puts end Events.register_callback :shutdown do File.delete(pid_file) if File.exists?(pid_file) end end end def init_components_subsystem @components_directory = File.expand_path "components" if @components_directory Components.component_manager = @components_directory Kernel.send(:const_set, :COMPONENTS, Components.component_manager.lazy_config_loader) Components.component_manager.globalize_global_scope! Components.component_manager.extend_object_with(Theatre::CallbackDefinitionLoader, :events) else ahn_log.warn "No components directory found. Not initializing any components." end end def load_components if Components.component_manager Components.component_manager.load_components end end def trigger_after_initialized_hooks Events.trigger_immediately :after_initialized end ## # This method will block Thread.main() until calling join() has returned for all Threads in IMPORTANT_THREADS. # Note: IMPORTANT_THREADS won't always contain Thread instances. It simply requires the objects respond to join(). # def join_important_threads # Note: we're using this ugly accumulator to ensure that all threads have ended since IMPORTANT_THREADS will almost # certainly change sizes after this method is called. index = 0 until index == IMPORTANT_THREADS.size begin IMPORTANT_THREADS[index].join rescue => e ahn_log.error "Error after join()ing Thread #{thread.inspect}. #{e.message}" ensure index = index + 1 end end end class InitializationFailedError < Exception; end end end