require "rubygems" require "panda/core" require "panda/cms/railtie" module Panda module CMS class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Panda::CMS engine_name "panda-cms" # Add services directory to autoload paths config.autoload_paths += %W[ #{root}/app/services ] # Basic session setup only initializer "panda.cms.session", before: :load_config_initializers do |app| if app.config.middleware.frozen? app.config.middleware = app.config.middleware.dup end app.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_panda_cms_session" app.config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Cookies app.config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, app.config.session_options end config.to_prepare do ApplicationController.helper(::ApplicationHelper) end # Set our generators config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record, primary_key_type: :uuid g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: true g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot, dir: "spec/factories" g.view_specs false g.templates.unshift File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) end # Make files in public available to the main app (e.g. /panda-cms-assets/favicon.ico) config.app_middleware.use( Rack::Static, urls: ["/panda-cms-assets"], root: Panda::CMS::Engine.root.join("public") ) # Custom error handling # config.exceptions_app = routes) initializer "panda.cms.assets" do |app| if Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:assets) # Add JavaScript paths app.config.assets.paths << root.join("app/javascript") app.config.assets.paths << root.join("app/javascript/panda") app.config.assets.paths << root.join("app/javascript/panda/cms") app.config.assets.paths << root.join("app/javascript/panda/cms/controllers") # Make sure these files are precompiled app.config.assets.precompile += %w[ panda_cms_manifest.js panda/cms/controllers/**/*.js panda/cms/application_panda_cms.js ] end end # Add importmap paths from the engine initializer "panda.cms.importmap", before: "importmap" do |app| if app.config.respond_to?(:importmap) # Create a new array if frozen if app.config.importmap.paths.frozen? app.config.importmap.paths = app.config.importmap.paths.dup end # Add our paths app.config.importmap.paths << root.join("config/importmap.rb") # Handle cache sweepers similarly if app.config.importmap.cache_sweepers.frozen? app.config.importmap.cache_sweepers = app.config.importmap.cache_sweepers.dup end app.config.importmap.cache_sweepers << root.join("app/javascript") end end config.after_initialize do |app| # Append routes to the routes file app.routes.append do mount Panda::CMS::Engine => "/", :as => "panda_cms" post "/_forms/:id", to: "panda/cms/form_submissions#create", as: :panda_cms_form_submit get "/_maintenance", to: "panda/cms/errors#error_503", as: :panda_cms_maintenance get "/*path", to: "panda/cms/pages#show", as: :panda_cms_page root to: "panda/cms/pages#root" end end initializer "#{engine_name}.backtrace_cleaner" do |app| engine_root_regex = Regexp.escape(root.to_s + File::SEPARATOR) # Clean those ERB lines, we don't need the internal autogenerated # ERB method, what we do need (line number in ERB file) is already there Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_filter do |line| line.sub(/(\.erb:\d+):in `__.*$/, "\\1") end # Remove our own engine's path prefix, even if it's # being used from a local path rather than the gem directory. Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_filter do |line| line.sub(/^#{engine_root_regex}/, "#{engine_name} ") end # Keep Umlaut's own stacktrace in the backtrace -- we have to remove Rails # silencers and re-add them how we want. Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! # Silence what Rails silenced, UNLESS it looks like # it's from Umlaut engine Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer do |line| (line !~ Rails::BacktraceCleaner::APP_DIRS_PATTERN) && (line !~ /^#{engine_root_regex}/) && (line !~ /^#{engine_name} /) end end # Set up ViewComponent and Lookbook # config.view_component.component_parent_class = "Panda::CMS::BaseComponent" # config.view_component.view_component_path = Panda::CMS::Engine.root.join("lib/components").to_s # config.eager_load_paths << Panda::CMS::Engine.root.join("lib/components").to_s # config.view_component.generate.sidecar = true # config.view_component.generate.preview = truexw # config.view_component.preview_paths ||= [] # config.view_component.preview_paths << Panda::CMS::Engine.root.join("lib/component_previews").to_s # config.view_component.generate.preview_path = "lib/component_previews" # Set up authentication initializer "panda_cms.omniauth", before: "omniauth" do |app| app.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_panda_cms_session" app.config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Cookies app.config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, app.config.session_options OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger # TODO: Move this to somewhere more sensible? # Define the mapping of our provider "names" to the OmniAuth strategies and configuration auth_path = "#{Panda::CMS.route_namespace}/auth" callback_path = "/callback" available_providers = { microsoft: { strategy: :microsoft_graph, defaults: { name: "microsoft", # Setup at the following URL: # client_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:microsoft, :client_id), client_secret: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:microsoft, :client_secret), # Don't change this or the sky will fall on your head # skip_domain_verification: false, # If your application is single-tenanted, replace "common" with your tenant (directory) ID # from, otherwise you'll likely want to leave # these settings unchanged client_options: { site: "", token_url: "common/oauth2/v2.0/token", authorize_url: "common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" }, # If you assign specific users or groups, you will likely want to set this to # true to enable auto-provisioning create_account_on_first_login: false, create_admin_account_on_first_login: false, # Don't hide this provider from the login page hidden: false } }, google: { strategy: :google_oauth2, defaults: { name: "google", # Setup at the following URL: client_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:google, :client_id), client_secret: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:google, :client_secret), # If you assign specific users or groups, you will likely want to set this to # true to enable auto-provisioning create_account_on_first_login: false, create_admin_account_on_first_login: false, # Options we need scope: "email, profile", image_aspect_ratio: "square", image_size: 150, # Worth setting select_account as default, as many people have multiple Google accounts now: prompt: "select_account", # You should probably also set the 'hd' option, huh?, # Don't hide this provider from the login page hidden: false } }, github: { strategy: :github, defaults: { name: "github", # Setup at the following URL: # with a callback of # In the meantime, as long as you're set to /admin as your login path, and on # http://localhost:3000, you can use these for a first login :) client_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:github, :client_id), client_secret: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:github, :client_secret), scope: "user:email,read:user", create_account_on_first_login: false, create_admin_account_on_first_login: false, # Don't hide this provider from the login page hidden: false } } } available_providers.each do |provider, options| if Panda::CMS.config.authentication.dig(provider, :enabled) auth_path = auth_path.starts_with?("/") ? auth_path : "/#{auth_path}" options[:defaults][:path_prefix] = auth_path options[:defaults][:redirect_uri] = if Rails.env.test? "#{Capybara.app_host}#{auth_path}/#{provider}#{callback_path}" else "#{Panda::CMS.config.url}#{auth_path}/#{provider}#{callback_path}" end provider_config = options[:defaults].merge(Panda::CMS.config.authentication[provider]) app.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider options[:strategy], provider_config end end end end config.before_initialize do |app| # Default configuration Panda::CMS.configure do |config| # Array of additional EditorJS tools to load # Example: [{ url: "" }] config.editor_js_tools ||= [] # Hash of EditorJS tool configurations # Example: { image: { class: 'ImageTool', config: { ... } } } config.editor_js_tool_config ||= {} end end end class MissingBlockError < StandardError; end class BlockError < StandardError; end end end