ciinabox_version: 0.1 #ciinabox ECS cluster name cluster_name: ciinabox #you may want a different ciinabox-stack name, e.g if you have 2 ciinaboxes stack_name: ciinabox #log level - change to :debug to see the AWS commands being executed log_level: ':info' #change this to your own timezone timezone: GMT #change for internal ELBs internal_elb: false #add if you want ecs root volume != 8GB - must be > 8 #ecs_root_volume_size: 30 #add if you want ecs docker volume != 22GB - must be > 22 #ecs_docker_volume_size: 100 #use this to change volume snapshot for running ciinabox #ecs_data_volume_name: "ECSDataVolume2s" #set the snapshot to restore from #ecs_data_volume_snapshot: snap-49e2b3b5 #set the size of the ecs data volume -- NOTE: would take a new volume - i.e. change volume name #ecs_data_volume_size: 250 #optional ciinabox name if you need more than one or you want a different name #stack_name: ciinabox-tools #for internal elb for jenkins #internal_elb: false #icinga2_image: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.AWS_REGION/base2/icinga2:VERSION_TAG #AWS Availability Zones Idenifers availability_zones: - 'A' - 'B' azId: A: 0 B: 1 C: 2 D: 3 E: 4 #Subnet offsets 10.150.x.0/26 vpc: SubnetOctetA: "0" SubnetOctetB: "1" ecs: SubnetOctetA: "2" SubnetOctetB: "3" lambdaSubnets: SubnetOctetA: "4" SubnetOctetB: "5" #ciinabox environment config Mappings: EnvironmentType: ciinabox: KeyName: ciinabox NetworkPrefix: 10 StackOctet: 150 StackMask: 16 SubnetMask: 26 NatInstanceType: t2.micro ECSInstanceType: t2.large ecs_ami: us-east-1: ami: ami-04351e12 us-east-2: ami: ami-1b90a67e us-west-1: ami: ami-9cbbaffc eu-west-3: ami: ami-914afcec eu-west-2: ami: ami-a48d6bc3 eu-west-1: ami: ami-bfb5fec6 eu-central-1: ami: ami-ac055447 us-west-2: ami: ami-05b5277d ap-southeast-2: ami: ami-4cc5072e ap-southeast-1: ami: ami-acbcefd0 ap-northeast-2: ami: ami-ba74d8d4 ap-northeast-1: ami: ami-5add893c ca-central-1: ami: ami-a535b2c1 ap-south-1: ami: ami-2149114e sa-east-1: ami: ami-d3bce9bf #Webhook access only via https webHooks: #github - #bitbucket cloud - - - - - - - - - - - # if set to true, security group allowing connections from NAT gateway will be assigned to # ecs cluster (useful for windows jenkins slaves) allow_nat_connections: false # This option applies only for docker-in-docker jenkins slave # If slave is volatile, docker images data is not volume-mounted from EBS drive, and is lost once # jenkins slave is stopped (e.g. service task restarted) volatile_jenkins_slave: false # Include docker-in-docker jenkins slave as part of service task definition include_diind_slave: true # Include docker-outside-of-docker jenkins slave as part of service task definition # Docker version will be dependant on underlying ECS host include_dood_slave: false # allows overwrite for ciinabox docker slave version # currently 17.03.2-ce (tagged as latest) and 17.06.1-ce are supported # see for further details docker_slave_version: 17.03.2-ce # Feature toggle for ECR Credentials helper, controlled via USE_ECR_CREDENTIAL_HELPER environment variable # If ecr credential helper is configured, it will fail on docker login command docker_slave_enable_ecr_credentials_helper: false # Uncomment line below if you want to use external IAM role for Instance Profile # Note that if this options is used, permissions from 'ecs_iam_role_permissions_default' # and 'ecs_iam_role_permissions_extras' are disregarded # ciinabox_iam_role_name: 'ciinabox' # Indicates whether bastion stack allowing user to access ciinabox host # from public network will be created or not include_bastion_stack: false # if set to true, docker volume will be formatted as ext4 and volume-mounted under /var/lib/docker. # Used if ECS AMI is configured with overlay2 driver. Defaults to false, as Amazon ECS AMIs (default) # are using devicemapper, which gets configured automatically. Main advantage of using overlay2 over devicemapper is # device size limitation ecs_docker_volume_volumemount: false # if set to true, EBS data volumes will be tagged to be backed up with shelvery aws backup manager # also, retention periods can be controlled from here data_volume_shelvery_backups: true data_volume_retain_daily_backups: 7 data_volume_retain_weekly_backups: 4 data_volume_reatin_monthly_backups: 12 ecs_iam_role_permissions_default: - name: assume-role actions: - sts:AssumeRole resource: '*' - name: read-only actions: - ec2:Describe* - s3:Get* - s3:List* resource: '*' - name: s3-write actions: - s3:PutObject - s3:PutObject* resource: '*' - name: Route53 actions: - route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets - route53:ListHostedZonesByName resource: '*' - name: ecsServiceRole actions: - ecs:CreateCluster - ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance - ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint - ecs:Poll - ecs:RegisterContainerInstance - ecs:StartTelemetrySession - ecs:Submit* - ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress - ec2:Describe* - elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer - elasticloadbalancing:Describe* - elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer resource: '*' - name: ssm-run-command actions: - ssm:DescribeAssociation - ssm:GetDocument - ssm:ListAssociations - ssm:UpdateAssociationStatus - ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation - ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage - ec2messages:DeleteMessage - ec2messages:FailMessage - ec2messages:GetEndpoint - ec2messages:GetMessages - ec2messages:SendReply - cloudwatch:PutMetricData - ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus - ds:CreateComputer - ds:DescribeDirectories - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:DescribeLogGroups - logs:DescribeLogStreams - logs:PutLogEvents - s3:PutObject - s3:GetObject - s3:AbortMultipartUpload - s3:ListMultipartUploadParts - s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads resource: '*' - name: ecr actions: - ecr:* resource: '*' - name: packer actions: - cloudformation:* - ec2:AttachVolume - ec2:CreateVolume - ec2:DeleteVolume - ec2:CreateKeypair - ec2:DeleteKeypair - ec2:CreateSecurityGroup - ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup - ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress - ec2:CreateImage - ec2:RunInstances - ec2:TerminateInstances - ec2:StopInstances - ec2:DescribeVolumes - ec2:DetachVolume - ec2:DescribeInstances - ec2:CreateSnapshot - ec2:DeleteSnapshot - ec2:DescribeSnapshots - ec2:DescribeImages - ec2:RegisterImage - ec2:CreateTags - ec2:ModifyImageAttribute - ec2:GetPasswordData - iam:PassRole - dynamodb:* resource: '*' #extra_stacks: # elk: # #define template name? - optional # file_name: elk # parameters: # RoleName: search # CertName: x # StackOctetA: 11 # StackOctetB: 12 bastionInstanceType: t2.micro bastionAMI: us-east-1: ami: ami-55ef662f us-east-2: ami: ami-c5062ba0 us-west-2: ami: ami-e689729e us-west-1: ami: ami-02eada62 ap-southeast-1: ami: ami-0797ea64 ap-southeast-2: ami: ami-8536d6e7 eu-west-1: ami: ami-acd005d5 eu-west-2: ami: ami-1a7f6d7e eu-central-1: ami: ami-c7ee5ca8 acm_auto_issue_validate: true