# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 module OpenTelemetry module Instrumentation module ActiveJob module Patches # Module to prepend to ActiveJob::Base for instrumentation. module ActiveJobCallbacks def self.prepended(base) base.class_eval do around_enqueue do |job, block| span_kind = job.class.queue_adapter_name == 'inline' ? :client : :producer span_name = "#{otel_config[:span_naming] == :job_class ? job.class : job.queue_name} publish" span_attributes = job_attributes(job) otel_tracer.in_span(span_name, attributes: span_attributes, kind: span_kind) do OpenTelemetry.propagation.inject(job.metadata) block.call end end end end def perform_now span_kind = self.class.queue_adapter_name == 'inline' ? :server : :consumer span_name = "#{otel_config[:span_naming] == :job_class ? self.class : queue_name} process" span_attributes = job_attributes(self).merge('messaging.operation' => 'process', 'code.function' => 'perform_now') executions_count = (executions || 0) + 1 # because we run before the count is incremented in ActiveJob::Execution extracted_context = OpenTelemetry.propagation.extract(metadata) OpenTelemetry::Context.with_current(extracted_context) do if otel_config[:propagation_style] == :child otel_tracer.in_span(span_name, attributes: span_attributes, kind: span_kind) do |span| span.set_attribute('messaging.active_job.executions', executions_count) super end else span_links = [] if otel_config[:propagation_style] == :link span_context = OpenTelemetry::Trace.current_span(extracted_context).context span_links << OpenTelemetry::Trace::Link.new(span_context) if span_context.valid? end root_span = otel_tracer.start_root_span(span_name, attributes: span_attributes, links: span_links, kind: span_kind) OpenTelemetry::Trace.with_span(root_span) do |span| span.set_attribute('messaging.active_job.executions', executions_count) super rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException span.record_exception(e) span.status = OpenTelemetry::Trace::Status.error("Unhandled exception of type: #{e.class}") raise e ensure root_span.finish end end end ensure # We may be in a job system (eg: resque) that forks and kills worker processes often. # We don't want to lose spans by not flushing any span processors, so we optionally force it here. OpenTelemetry.tracer_provider.force_flush if otel_config[:force_flush] end private def job_attributes(job) otel_attributes = { 'code.namespace' => job.class.name, 'messaging.destination_kind' => 'queue', 'messaging.system' => job.class.queue_adapter_name, 'messaging.destination' => job.queue_name, 'messaging.message_id' => job.job_id, 'messaging.active_job.provider_job_id' => job.provider_job_id, 'messaging.active_job.scheduled_at' => job.scheduled_at, 'messaging.active_job.priority' => job.priority } otel_attributes['net.transport'] = 'inproc' if %w[async inline].include?(job.class.queue_adapter_name) otel_attributes.compact end def otel_tracer ActiveJob::Instrumentation.instance.tracer end def otel_config ActiveJob::Instrumentation.instance.config end end end end end end