class Jets::Cfn::TemplateBuilders class ApiGatewayBuilder include Interface include Jets::AwsServices def initialize(options={}) @options = options @template = {}) end # compose is an interface method def compose return if @options[:stack_type] == :minimal puts "Building API Gateway template." add_gateway_rest_api add_gateway_routes end # template_path is an interface method def template_path Jets::Naming.api_gateway_template_path end # do not bother writing a template if routes are empty def write super unless Jets::Router.routes.empty? end # If the are routes in config/routes.rb add Gateway API in parent stack def add_gateway_rest_api add_resource("RestApi", "AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi", Name: Jets::Naming.gateway_api_name ) stage_name = Jets::Cfn::TemplateMappers::ApiGatewayDeploymentMapper.stage_name add_output("RestApi", Value: "!Ref RestApi") add_output("RestApiUrl", Value: "!Sub 'https://${RestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}{stage_name}/'") add_output("Region", Value: "!Ref AWS::Region") add_output("RootResourceId", Value: "!GetAtt RestApi.RootResourceId") end # Adds route related Resources and Outputs def add_gateway_routes # The routes required a Gateway Resource to contain them. # TODO: outputing all routes in 1 template will hit the 60 routes limit # Will have to either output them as a joined string or # break this up to multiple tempaltes. # # Outputs: Maximum number of outputs that you can declare in your AWS CloudFormation template. 60 outputs # Output name: Maximum size of an output name. 255 characters. # # Note we must use .all_paths, not .routes here because we need to # build the parent ApiGateway::Resource nodes also Jets::Router.all_paths.each do |path| homepage = path == '' next if homepage # handled by RootResourceId output already map = unless homepage # no AWS::ApiGateway::Resource for the top level route add_resource(map.logical_id, "AWS::ApiGateway::Resource", ParentId: map.parent_id, PathPart: map.path_part, RestApiId: "!Ref RestApi" ) end add_output(map.logical_id, Value: "!Ref #{map.logical_id}") end end end end