class ComponentDocitem < ExpressTemplates::Container has_option :examples, "Examples. Keys are partial names. :assigns and :expected_output are passed to component_example.", type: :hash # TODO: See if we could pull this from RDoc has_option :description, "A description of the component." prepends -> { h3(style: 'text-transform: none') { component_class.to_s.demodulize } h4 "General Information" para(style: 'padding: 0 0.25rem 1rem 0.25rem', only_when: !!config[:description]) { config[:description] } table { tbody { tr { th(width: "25%", style: "text-transform: none") { "Builder Method" } td { code "#{builder_method}()" } } tr { th(width: "25%", style: "text-transform: none") { "Module" } td { component_class.to_s.split("::")[0..-2].join("::") } } tr { th(width: "25%", style: "text-transform: none") { "Ancestors" } td { express_ancestors.join("
").html_safe } } tr { th(width: "25%", style: "text-transform: none") { "Capabilities" } td { express_capabilities.join("
").html_safe } } } } if component_class.respond_to?(:supported_arguments) && component_class.supported_arguments.any? h4 "Supported Arguments" table { thead { th { "option" } th { "type" } th { "default" } th { "required" } th { "Description" } } tbody { component_class.supported_arguments.each do |arg, config| tr { td(style: "text-transform: none") { code { arg.inspect } } td { pre { option_types(config[:type]) } } td { pre { config[:default] } } td { pre { config[:required] ? 'yes' : 'no' } } td(width: "50%") { config[:description].html_safe } } end } } end if component_class.respond_to?(:supported_options) h4 "Supported Options" table { thead { th { "option" } th { "type" } th { "default" } th { "required" } th { "Description" } } tbody { component_class.supported_options.each do |option, config| tr { td(style: "text-transform: none") { code { option.inspect } } td { pre { option_types(config[:type]) } } td { pre { config[:default] } } td { pre { config[:required] ? 'yes' : 'no' } } td(width: "50%") { config[:description].html_safe } } end } } end } def component_class ET::Components::Registry[builder_method] end def express_ancestors (component_class.ancestors - [component_class]) .select { |c| c.to_s.match(/Express/) && !c.to_s.match(/Capabilities/) } end def express_capabilities (component_class.ancestors - [component_class]) .map(&:to_s) .select { |c| c.match /Capabilities/ } .map(&:demodulize) end def builder_method config[:id].to_s end def option_types(types) case when types.kind_of?(Hash)', ') when config[:type].kind_of?(Array)', ') when types.nil? '' else types.inspect end end end