# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the elephas gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Elephas::Entry do let(:backend) { ::Elephas::Backends::Hash.new } subject { ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY", "VALUE") } describe "#initialize" do it "should initialize with good defaults" do allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(123.456) expect(subject.key).to eq("KEY") expect(subject.value).to eq("VALUE") expect(subject.hash).to eq("5ca24005b740717ba4f3f6bc48a230700e68c2a4b11ecedb96f169f4efaf1f21") expect(subject.ttl).to eq(360000) expect(subject.updated_at).to eq(123.456) allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(123.789) other = ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY 1", "VALUE 1", "HASH", 7200) expect(other.key).to eq("KEY 1") expect(other.value).to eq("VALUE 1") expect(other.hash).to eq("HASH") expect(other.ttl).to eq(7200) expect(other.updated_at).to eq(123.789) end end describe "#refresh" do before(:each) do allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(123.123) end it "should update the updated_at field" do expect(subject.updated_at).to eq(123.123) allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(456.456) subject.refresh expect(subject.updated_at).to eq(456.456) end it "should save to the cache" do expect(backend.read(subject.hash)).not_to eq(subject) subject.refresh(true, backend) expect(backend.read(subject.hash)).to eq(subject) end end describe "#valid?" do before(:each) do allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(100) end it "should return true if the ttl is still valid" do allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(1000) expect(subject.valid?(backend)).to be_true end it "should return true if the ttl has expired" do allow(::Time).to receive(:now).and_return(10000) subject.updated_at = 1000 expect(subject.valid?(backend)).to be_false end end describe "==" do it "should correctly compare with other entries" do expect(subject == subject).to be_true expect(subject == ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY", "VALUE")).to be_true expect(subject == ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY", "VALUE 1")).to be_false expect(subject == ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY 1", "VALUE")).to be_false expect(subject == ::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY", "VALUE", "HASH")).to be_false end it "should return false for other type" do expect(subject == nil).to be_false expect(subject == "A").to be_false end end describe ".hashify_key" do it "should compute a good hash" do expect(::Elephas::Entry.hashify_key("HASH 1")).to eq("88e1f3572122e2605c1fab09efa8d4e99f5a064ae0230ca0aeced839796aba35") expect(::Elephas::Entry.hashify_key("HASH 2")).to eq("38589cee32e00f700cf958dfe98f17d6da231700c41586e3c32b00314bb3cb58") end end describe ".ensure" do it "should wrap the value" do expect(::Elephas::Entry.ensure(nil, "KEY 1")).to eq(::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY 1", nil)) expect(::Elephas::Entry.ensure("A", "KEY 2")).to eq(::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY 2", "A")) expect(::Elephas::Entry.ensure([], "KEY 3")).to eq(::Elephas::Entry.new("KEY 3", [])) end it "should not alter Entry objects" do expect(::Elephas::Entry.ensure(subject, "ANOTHER KEY")).to eq(subject) end end end