module RDF::N3::Algebra::Log ## # Equality in this sense is actually the same URI. A cwm built-in logical operator. class NotEqualTo < SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::SameTerm include RDF::N3::Algebra::Builtin NAME = :logNotEqualTo URI = RDF::N3::Log.notEqualto ## # Returns `true` if the operands are not the same RDF term; returns # `false` otherwise. # # @param [RDF::Term] term1 # an RDF term # @param [RDF::Term] term2 # an RDF term # @return [RDF::Literal::Boolean] `true` or `false` # @raise [TypeError] if either operand is unbound def apply(term1, term2) RDF::Literal(!term1.eql?(term2)) end end end