require_relative "date" module Relaton module Render class Fields def initialize(options) @r = options[:renderer] end def compound_fields_format(hash) name_fields_format(hash) role_fields_format(hash) date_fields_format(hash) edition_fields_format(hash) misc_fields_format(hash) end def name_fields_format(hash) [%i(creatornames creators), %i(host_creatornames host_creators), %i(publisher publisher_raw), %i(distributor distributor_raw), %i(authorizer authorizer_raw)] .each do |k| hash[k[0]] = nameformat(hash[k[1]]) end hash[:publisher_abbrev] = hash[:publisher_abbrev_raw]&.join(", ") hash[:authorcite] = authorciteformat(hash[:creators]) place_format(hash) end def place_format(hash) hash[:place] = nameformat(hash[:place_raw].map { |x| { nonpersonal: x } }) end def role_fields_format(hash) hash[:role] = role_inflect(hash[:creators], hash[:role_raw]) hash[:host_role] = role_inflect(hash[:host_creators], hash[:host_role_raw]) end def edition_fields_format(hash) hash[:edition] = editionformat(hash[:edition_raw], hash[:edition_num]) hash[:draft] = draftformat(hash[:draft_raw], hash) end def misc_fields_format(hash) hash[:series] = seriesformat(hash) hash[:medium] = mediumformat(hash[:medium_raw]) hash[:extent] = extentformat(hash[:extent_raw], hash) hash[:size] = sizeformat(hash[:size_raw], hash) hash[:uri] = uriformat(hash[:uri_raw]) hash end def date_fields_format(hash) [%i(date date), %i(date_updated date_updated), %i(date_accessed date_accessed)].each do |k| hash[k[0]] = dateformat(hash[k[1]], hash, k) k[0] == :date && !%w(standard webresource website).include?(hash[:type]) and hash[k[0]] ||= @r.i18n.get["no_date"] end end # TODO is not being i18n-alised def mediumformat(hash) hash.nil? and return nil %w(content genre form carrier size scale).each_with_object([]) do |i, m| m << hash[i] if hash[i] m end.compact.join(", ") end def seriesformat(hash) parts = %i(series_title series_abbr series_num series_partnumber series_run series_formatted series_dates series_place series_org) series_out = parts.each_with_object({}) do |i, m| m[i] = hash[i] end t = hash[:type] == "article" ? @r.journaltemplate : @r.seriestemplate t.render(series_out) end def nameformat(names) names.nil? and return names parts = %i(surname initials given middle nonpersonal) names_out = names.each_with_object({}) do |n, m| parts.each do |i| m[i] ||= [] m[i] << n[i] end end @r.nametemplate.render(names_out) end def authorciteformat(names) names.nil? || @r.authorcitetemplate.nil? and return names parts = %i(surname initials given middle nonpersonal) names_out = names.each_with_object({}) do |n, m| parts.each do |i| m[i] ||= [] m[i] << n[i] end end @r.authorcitetemplate.render(names_out) end def role_inflect(contribs, role) role.nil? || contribs.empty? || %w(author publisher distributor authorizer).include?(role) and return nil number = contribs.size > 1 ? "pl" : "sg" x = @r.i18n.get[role] x.is_a?(Hash) or return role x[number] || role end def editionformat(edn, num) num || /^\d+$/.match?(edn) or return edn @r.i18n.populate("edition_ordinal", { "var1" => num || edn.to_i }) end def draftformat(num, _hash) num.nil? || (num.is_a?(Hash) && num[:status].nil? && num[:iteration].nil?) and return nil @r.i18n.draft.sub("%", num) end def extentformat(extent, hash) do |e| e1 = e.transform_values { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? range(v) : v } ret = e.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| extentformat1(k, v, m, e1) m end @r.extenttemplate.render(hash.merge(ret)) end.join("; ") end def extentformat1(key, val, hash, norm_hash) if %i(volume issue page).include?(key) hash["#{key}_raw".to_sym] = norm_hash[key] hash[key] = pagevolformat(norm_hash[key], val, key.to_s, false) end end def range(hash) hash[:on] and return hash[:on] hash.has_key?(:from) && hash[:from].nil? and return nil !hash[:from] and return hash hash[:to] && hash[:to] != hash[:from] and return "#{hash[:from]}–#{hash[:to]}" hash[:from] end def sizeformat(size, hash) return nil unless size ret = size.transform_values { |v| @r.i18n.l10n(v.join(" + ")) } .each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| sizeformat1(k, v, m) m end @r.sizetemplate.render(ret.merge(type: hash[:type])) end def sizeformat1(key, val, hash) case key when "volume", "issue", "page" hash["#{key}_raw".to_sym] = val hash[key.to_sym] = pagevolformat(val, nil, key, true) when "data" then hash[:data] = val when "duration" then hash[:duration] = val end end def pagevolformat(value, value_raw, type, is_size) value.nil? and return nil num = "pl" if is_size value == "1" and num = "sg" else value_raw[:to] or num = "sg" end @r.i18n.l10n(@r.i18n.get[is_size ? "size" : "extent"][type][num] .sub("%", value)) end def date_range(hash) hash[:from] && !hash[:to] and return "#{hash[:from]}–" range(hash) end def dateformat(date, hash, type) date.nil? and return nil date.is_a?(String) and return date %i(from to on).each do |k| date[k] = @r.dateklass .new(date[k], renderer: @r, bibitem: hash, type: type).render end date_range(date) end def uriformat(uri) uri.nil? || uri.empty? and return nil "#{uri}" end private def tw_cldr_lang if @r.lang != "zh" then @r.lang.to_sym elsif @r.script == "Hant" then :"zh-tw" else :"zh-cn" end end end end end