#encoding: utf-8 module Nudge include Enumerable class ProgramPoint def points 1 end def each yield self end end class NilPoint < ProgramPoint def blueprint_parts ["",""] end def blueprint "" end def tidy "" end def go(context = nil) end def points 0 end end class CodeblockPoint < ProgramPoint attr_accessor :contents def initialize(contents = []) raise(ArgumentError,"CodeblockPoint must be passed an Array") unless contents.kind_of?(Array) @contents = contents end def points @contents.inject(1) {|count, daughter| count + daughter.points} end def go(context) @contents.reverse.each {|item| context.stacks[:exec].push(item)} end def tidy(level=1) tt = "block {" indent = level*2 @contents.each {|item| tt += ("\n" + (" "*indent) + item.tidy(level+1))} tt += "}" return tt end def blueprint_parts fn = self.contents.inject("\n") do |fn_accumulator, branch| rhs = branch.blueprint_parts[1].empty? ? "" : "\n#{branch.blueprint_parts[1]}" fn_accumulator + rhs end return [self.tidy, fn.strip] end def blueprint t,b = blueprint_parts return "#{t} \n#{b}".strip end def each yield self @contents.each do |child| child.each {|c| yield c} end end end class ValuePoint < ProgramPoint attr_accessor :type, :raw attr_reader :value def initialize(type,representation=nil) raise(ArgumentError, "Type must be a symbol or string") unless [Symbol,String].include?(type.class) @type = type.to_sym @raw = representation.nil? ? nil : representation.to_s end def go(context) raise(UnassignedValuePointError, "#{self.type} point has no value string") if self.value == nil context.stacks[self.type].push(self) rescue UnassignedValuePointError => exc msg = ValuePoint.new("error", exc.message) context.stacks[:error].push msg end class UnassignedValuePointError < RuntimeError end def clone ValuePoint.new(@type, @raw.dup) end def points 1 end def nudgetype(typename=@type) "#{typename.to_s.camelize}Type" end def nudgetype_defined?(typename=@type) Nudge.const_defined?(nudgetype(typename).to_sym) end def value if @raw && nudgetype_defined? @value ||= nudgetype.constantize.from_s(@raw) else @raw end end def tidy(level=1) "value «" + @type.to_s + "»" end def randomize(context) newType = context.types.sample @type = newType.to_nudgecode @raw = newType.any_value end def blueprint_parts fn = "«#{self.type}» #{self.raw}".strip return [self.tidy, fn] end def blueprint pts = self.blueprint_parts return "#{pts[0]} \n#{pts[1]}" end end class ReferencePoint < ProgramPoint attr_accessor :name alias value name def initialize(var_name) @name = var_name end def go(context) lookedUp = context.lookup(@name) if context.evaluate_references if lookedUp context.stacks[:exec].push(lookedUp) else context.stacks[:name].push(self) context.evaluate_references = true end end def points 1 end def tidy(level=1) "ref " + @name end def randomize(context) which = context.references.sample @name = which end def blueprint_parts [self.tidy,""] end def blueprint return self.tidy end end class InstructionPoint < ProgramPoint attr_accessor :name, :requirements, :effects def initialize(name) @name = name end def className "#{@name.camelize}Instruction" end def classLookup self.className.constantize rescue NameError raise InstructionNotFoundError, "#{self.className} is not an active instruction in this context" end def tidy(level=1) "do " + @name end def points 1 end class InstructionNotFoundError < NameError end def go(context) className = self.classLookup context.instructions_library[className].go rescue InstructionNotFoundError => exc msg = ValuePoint.new("error", exc.message) context.stacks[:error].push msg end def randomize(context) instructionName = context.instructions.sample.to_s @name = instructionName.slice(0..-12).underscore end def blueprint_parts [self.tidy,""] end def blueprint return self.tidy end end end