
The blobstore API provides management and persistent storage of large, immutable blobs.


Interface Summary
BlobstoreService BlobstoreService allows you to manage the creation and serving of large, immutable blobs to users.

Class Summary
BlobInfo BlobInfo contains metadata about a blob.
BlobInfoFactory BlobInfoFactory provides a trivial interface for retrieving BlobInfo metadata.
BlobKey BlobKey contains the string identifier of a large (possibly larger than 1MB) blob of binary data that was uploaded in a previous request and can be streamed directly to users.
BlobstoreServiceFactory Creates BlobstoreService implementations.

Exception Summary
BlobstoreFailureException BlobstoreException is an unchecked exception that is thrown for any unexpected error that occurs while communicating with the blobstore.

Package Description

The blobstore API provides management and persistent storage of large, immutable blobs. This allows applications to accept, save, and later serve files larger than the existing 10MB request limit. More information is available in the on-line documentation.