h1. rails_best_practices rails_best_practices is a code metric tool to check the quality of rails codes. ************************************************* h2. Usage At the root directory of rails app
rails_best_practices .
notice the period at the end, it can be the relative or absolute path of your rails app.
And default rails_best_practices will do parse codes in vendor, spec, test and stories directories. If you need, see the command options:
$ rails_best_practices -h
Usage: rails_best_practices [options]
-d, --debug Debug mode
--vendor include vendor files
--spec include spec files
--test include test files
--stories include stories files
-x, --exclude PATTERNS Don't analyze files matching a pattern
(comma-separated regexp list)
-v, --version Show this version
-h, --help Show this message
h2. Helpful links
Homepage: "http://rails-bestpractices.com":http://rails-bestpractices.com
Repository: "http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices":http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices
Wiki: "http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices/wiki":http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices/wiki
h2. Install
gem install rails_best_practices
h2. Issue
If you got NoMethodError or any syntax error, you should use debug mode to detect which file rails_best_practices is parsing and getting the error.
rails_best_practices -d .
Then give me the error stack and the source code of the file that rails_best_practices is parsing error.
h2. Customize Configuration
Copy rails_best_practices.yml
in the root directory of rails_best_practices gem to config
Now you can customize the configuration, the default configuration is as follows:
MoveFinderToNamedScopeCheck: { }
UseModelAssociationCheck: { }
UseScopeAccessCheck: { }
AddModelVirtualAttributeCheck: { }
ReplaceComplexCreationWithFactoryMethodCheck: { attribute_assignment_count: 2 }
MoveModelLogicIntoModelCheck: { called_count: 4 }
OveruseRouteCustomizationsCheck: { customize_count: 3 }
NeedlessDeepNestingCheck: { nested_count: 2 }
NotUseDefaultRouteCheck: { }
KeepFindersOnTheirOwnModelCheck: { }
LawOfDemeterCheck: { }
UseObserverCheck: { }
IsolateSeedDataCheck: { }
AlwaysAddDbIndexCheck: { }
UseBeforeFilterCheck: { }
MoveCodeIntoControllerCheck: { }
MoveCodeIntoModelCheck: { }
MoveCodeIntoHelperCheck: { array_count: 3 }
ReplaceInstanceVariableWithLocalVariableCheck: { }
DryBundlerInCapistranoCheck: { }
UseSayWithTimeInMigrationsCheck: { }
UseQueryAttributeCheck: { }
h2. Implementation
* Move code from Controller to Model
## Move finder to named_scope (rails2 only)
## Use model association
## Use scope access
## Add model virtual attribute
## Replace Complex Creation with Factory Method
## Move Model Logic into the Model
* RESTful Conventions
## Overuse route customizations
## Needless deep nesting
## Not use default route
* Model
## Keep Finders on Their Own Model (rails2 only)
## the Law of Demeter
## Use Observer
## Use Query Attribute
* Migration
## Isolating Seed Data
## Always add DB index
## Use Say with Time in Migrations
* Controller
## Use before_filter
* View
## Move code into controller
## Move code into model
## Move code into helper
## Replace instance variable with local variable
* Deployment
## Dry bundler in capistrano
h2. Contribute
If you want to add your rails best practices into the gem, please post your best practices on "http://rails-bestpractices.com":http://rails-bestpractices.com
h2. Contact
Follow us on twitter: "http://twitter.com/railsbp":http://twitter.com/railsbp
Send us email: "team@rails-bestpractices.com":mailto:team@rails-bestpractices.com
Copyright © 2010 Richard Huang (flyerhzm@gmail.com), released under the MIT license