# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'spec_helper'
require 'action_mailer/base'

describe Post do
  pending "post specs (deactivated for the moment)"

  # def build_text_only_message
  #   build(:mail_message_to_group)
  # end
  # def build_multipart_message
  #   build(:html_mail_message)
  # end
  # def create_post_from_message( message, options = {} )
  #   Post.create_from_message(message)
  # end
  # def create_text_only_post
  #   create_post_from_message(build_text_only_message)
  # end
  # def create_multipart_post
  #   create_post_from_message(build_multipart_message)
  # end
  # describe ".create_from_message" do
  #   describe "for text-only messages" do
  #     before { @message = build_text_only_message }
  #     subject { Post.create_from_message(@message) }
  #     it "should create a new Post" do
  #       Post.count.should == 0
  #       subject
  #       Post.count.should == 1
  #     end
  #     describe "for an author found in the database" do
  #       before do
  #         @author = create( :user )
  #         @author.email = @message.from.first
  #         @author.save
  #       end
  #       its(:author) { should == @author }
  #     end
  #     its(:subject) { should == @message.subject }
  #     its(:subject) { should be_kind_of String }
  #     its(:sent_at) { should == @message.date }
  #     its(:sent_at) { should be_kind_of Time }
  #     its(:text) { should == @message.body.decoded }
  #     it "should store the entire message for later re-deliveries" do
  #       subject.entire_message.should == @message
  #     end
  #     describe "for an existing group with matching token" do
  #       before do
  #         # the email used is sent to test-group@exmaple.com
  #         @group = create(:group, name: "Test Group")
  #       end
  #       its(:group) { should == @group }
  #     end
  #   end
  #   describe "for a multipart message" do
  #     before { @message = build_multipart_message }
  #     subject { create_post_from_message(@message) }
  #     its(:entire_message) { should == @message }
  #   end
  # end
  # describe ".create_from_message#text" do
  #   subject { Post.create_from_message(@message).text }
  #   describe "for text-only messages" do
  #     before { @message = build_text_only_message }
  #     it { should == @message.body.decoded }
  #   end
  #   describe "for html messages" do
  #     before { @message = build_multipart_message }
  #     it "should not include mail headers" do
  #       subject.should_not include("Return-Path:")
  #     end
  #     it "should not include multipart separators" do
  #       subject.should_not include("--Apple-Mail=")
  #     end
  #     it "should include html tags" do
  #       subject.should include("<div>")
  #     end
  #     it "should include the text" do
  #       # have a look at the spec/factories/mail_message/html_email.eml file.
  #       subject.should include("Liebe Freunde",
  #                              "es ist mir ein besonderes Vergnügen",
  #                              "Viele Grüße!",
  #                              "Fiedl Z! E06")
  #     end
  #     it "should be UTF-8 encoded" do
  #       subject.encoding.to_s.should == "UTF-8"
  #     end
  #     it "should not include html, head or body tag, since this would cause problems embedded in an html document" do
  #       subject.should_not include "<html"
  #       subject.should_not include "<head"
  #       subject.should_not include "<body"
  #     end
  #   end
  # end
  # describe ".create_from_message#text_without_html_tags" do
  #   subject { Post.create_from_message(@message).text_without_html_tags }
  #   describe "for html messages" do
  #     before { @message = build(:html_mail_message) }
  #     it "should include the text" do
  #       # have a look at the spec/factories/mail_message/html_email.eml file.
  #       subject.should include("Liebe Freunde",
  #                              "es ist mir ein besonderes Vergnügen",
  #                              "Viele Grüße!",
  #                              "Fiedl Z! E06")
  #     end
  #     it "should not include html tags" do
  #       subject.should_not include "<html"
  #       subject.should_not include "<body"
  #       subject.should_not include "<div"
  #     end
  #   end
  # end
  # describe "#author=" do
  #   before { @post = Post.new }
  #   describe "for a matching user existing: " do
  #     before { @user = create(:user) }
  #     describe "for the parameter being a user" do
  #       subject { @post.author = @user }
  #       it "should set the author as this user" do
  #         @post.author.should == nil
  #         subject
  #         @post.author.should == @user
  #       end
  #     end
  #     describe "for the parameter being an email string" do
  #       subject { @post.author = @user.email.to_str }
  #       it "should set the author User found by the email string" do
  #         @post.author.should == nil
  #         subject
  #         @post.author.should == @user
  #       end
  #     end
  #   end
  # end
  # describe "#author" do
  #   before { @post = Post.new }
  #   subject { @post.author }
  #   describe "for the author being set as User" do
  #     before do
  #       @user = create(:user)
  #       @post.author = @user
  #     end
  #     it { should == @user }
  #   end
  #   describe "for the author being given as string" do
  #     before do
  #       @user_string = "Foo Bar <foo.bar@example.com>"
  #       @post.author = @user_string
  #     end
  #     it { should == @user_string }
  #     it { should == @post.external_author }
  #   end
  # end
  # # Delivering Post as Email to All Group Members
  # # ==========================================================================================
  # describe "Delivering Group Mails: " do
  #   message_types = [ :build_text_only_message, :build_multipart_message ]
  #   message_types.each do |message_type|
  #     describe "#{message_type}: " do
  #       before do
  #         @message = self.send(message_type)
  #         # the email used is sent to test-group@exmaple.com
  #         @group = create(:group, name: "Test Group")
  #         @group.child_users << create(:user) << create(:user)
  #         @users = @group.child_users
  #         @post = Post.create_from_message(@message)
  #       end
  #       specify "preliminaries" do
  #         @message.should be_kind_of Mail::Message
  #         @post.should be_kind_of Post
  #       end
  #       describe "#messages_to_deliver_to_mailing_list_members" do
  #         subject { @post.messages_to_deliver_to_mailing_list_members }
  #         it "should be an Array of Mail Messages" do
  #           subject.should be_kind_of Array
  #           subject.first.should be_kind_of Mail::Message
  #         end
  #         it "should contain one message per group member" do
  #           subject.count.should == @users.count
  #         end
  #       end
  #       describe "#modified_subject" do
  #         subject { @post.modified_subject }
  #         describe "for a clean subject" do
  #           before { @post.subject = "My Fancy Subject" }
  #           it { should == "[Test Group] My Fancy Subject" }
  #         end
  #         describe "for a Re: subject" do
  #           before { @post.subject = "Re: [Test Group] My Fancy Subject" }
  #           it { should == "Re: [Test Group] My Fancy Subject" }
  #         end
  #       end
  #       describe "#mailing_list_footer" do
  #         subject { @post.mailing_list_footer }
  #         it { should include @group.name }
  #         it "should containt the group's url" do
  #           @group.url.present?.should == true
  #           subject.should include @group.url
  #         end
  #       end
  #       describe "#message_for_email_delivery_to_user" do
  #         before { @user = @users.first }
  #         subject { @post.message_for_email_delivery_to_user(@user) }
  #         it { should be_kind_of Mail::Message }
  #         it "should preserve multipart character" do
  #           subject.multipart?.should == @message.multipart?
  #         end
  #         it "should have the modified subject" do
  #           subject.subject.should == @post.modified_subject
  #         end
  #         it "should still have the group as the recipient" do
  #           subject.to.should == @message.to
  #         end
  #         it "should have the user's email as envelop recipient" do
  #           subject.smtp_envelope_to.should be_kind_of Array
  #           subject.smtp_envelope_to.should include @user.email
  #           subject.smtp_envelope_to.first.should include "@"
  #         end
  #         it "should contain the mailing list footer" do
  #           if subject.multipart?
  #             subject.parts.last.body_in_utf8.should include @post.mailing_list_footer
  #           else
  #             subject.body_in_utf8.should include @post.mailing_list_footer
  #           end
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  #   end
  # end

  # We might have to deal with this, but after switching back to the main mail gem,
  # since this fix is not contained in the branch we are currently using.
  # See: Gemfile, gem 'mail'.
  pending "check for added '=', https://github.com/mikel/mail/issues/533"
