module ActiveRecord module Pull module Alpha module Core class << self def pull_many(records, q) { |r| pull(r, q) } end def pull(record, q) case q when :*, '*' pull_all(record) when Symbol, String pull_symbol(record, q) when Hash pull_hash(record, q) when Array { |pat| pull(record, pat) }.reduce(&:merge) else raise "Invalid pull syntax: #{q.inspect}" end end private def resolved_value(record, attr) if !(val = record[attr]).nil? val elsif val.nil? and !(reflection = record.class.reflect_on_association(attr)).nil? model = reflection.class_name.constantize p model case reflection when ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection, ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasAndBelongsToManyReflection model.where(reflection.foreign_key => record[record.class.primary_key]) when ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection model.find_by(model.primary_key => record[reflection.foreign_key]) else raise "Don't know how to resolve value for reflection: #{reflection.inspect}" end else nil end end def ref_type?(value) value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) || value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) end def pull_symbol(record, attr) val = resolved_value(record, attr) if ref_type?(val) && val.is_a?(Enumerable) { attr => { |v| pull_all(v) } } elsif ref_type?(val) { attr => pull_all(val) } else { attr => val } end end def pull_hash(record, hash) hash.reduce({}) do |h, (attr, pat)| val = resolved_value(record, attr) if val.nil? h elsif ref_type?(val) && val.is_a?(Enumerable) h.merge!(attr => { |v| pull(v, pat) }) elsif ref_type?(val) h.merge!(attr => pull(val, pat)) else h.merge!(attr => val) end end end # TODO: this should pull all associations def pull_all(record) names = record.class.attribute_names nested = record.class.nested_attributes_options attrs = pull(record, names) if nested.empty? attrs else nested.keys.reduce(attrs) do |h, assoc| assoc_val = record.send(assoc) if assoc_val.nil? || assoc_val.is_a?(Enumerable) && assoc_val.empty? h elsif assoc_val.is_a?(Enumerable) h.merge!(assoc => { |rec| pull_all(rec) }.reject(&:nil?)) else h.merge!(assoc => pull_all(assoc_val)) end end end end end end end end end