# # = test/unit/bio/io/flatfile/test_autodetection.rb - unit test for Bio::FlatFile::AutoDetect # # Copyright (C) 2006 Naohisa Goto # # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # # loading helper routine for testing bioruby require 'pathname' load Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 4, 'bioruby_test_helper.rb')).cleanpath.to_s # libraries needed for the tests require 'test/unit' require 'bio' module Bio::TestFlatFile # testing default AutoDetect's behavior class TestDefaultAutoDetect < Test::Unit::TestCase TestDataPath = BioRubyTestDataPath def setup @ad = Bio::FlatFile::AutoDetect.default end def test_genbank # modified from GenBank AB009803.1 # (E-mail and telephone/FAX numbers are removed from original entry) text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ LOCUS AB009803 81 bp DNA linear PRI 14-APR-2000 DEFINITION Homo sapiens gene for osteonidogen, intron 4. ACCESSION AB009803 VERSION AB009803.1 GI:2749808 KEYWORDS osteonidogen. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Ohno,I., Okubo,K. and Matsubara,K. TITLE Human osteonidogen gene: intron-exon junctions and chromosomal localization JOURNAL Published Only in Database (1998) REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 81) AUTHORS Ohno,I., Okubo,K. and Matsubara,K. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-DEC-1997) Ikko Ohno, Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, Molecular Genetics; 1-3 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..81 /organism="Homo sapiens" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /db_xref="taxon:9606" /chromosome="14" /map="14q21-22" /clone_lib="Lambda FIX II STRATAGENE" intron 1..81 /number=4 ORIGIN 1 gtaggatctc ccctccagat tctgatctgt cctccccctt gcatccaaca cctacttatt 61 ggccattcta tcctgaaaca g // __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::GenBank, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_genpept # modified from: NCBI: P04637.2 GI:129369 # (to shorten data, many elements are omitted) text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ LOCUS P04637 393 aa linear PRI 01-JUL-2008 DEFINITION Cellular tumor antigen p53 (Tumor suppressor p53) (Phosphoprotein p53) (Antigen NY-CO-13). ACCESSION P04637 VERSION P04637.2 GI:129369 KEYWORDS 3D-structure; Acetylation; Activator; Alternative splicing; Anti-oncogene; Apoptosis; Cell cycle; Covalent protein-RNA linkage; Cytoplasm; Disease mutation; DNA-binding; Endoplasmic reticulum; Glycoprotein; Host-virus interaction; Li-Fraumeni syndrome; Metal-binding; Methylation; Nucleus; Phosphoprotein; Polymorphism; Transcription; Transcription regulation; Ubl conjugation; Zinc. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 393) AUTHORS Zakut-Houri,R., Bienz-Tadmor,B., Givol,D. and Oren,M. TITLE Human p53 cellular tumor antigen: cDNA sequence and expression in COS cells JOURNAL EMBO J. 4 (5), 1251-1255 (1985) PUBMED 4006916 REMARK NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..393 /organism="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:9606" gene 1..393 /gene="TP53" /note="synonym: P53" Protein 1..393 /gene="TP53" /product="Cellular tumor antigen p53" ORIGIN 1 meepqsdpsv epplsqetfs dlwkllpenn vlsplpsqam ddlmlspddi eqwftedpgp 61 deaprmpeaa ppvapapaap tpaapapaps wplsssvpsq ktyqgsygfr lgflhsgtak 121 svtctyspal nkmfcqlakt cpvqlwvdst pppgtrvram aiykqsqhmt evvrrcphhe 181 rcsdsdglap pqhlirvegn lrveylddrn tfrhsvvvpy eppevgsdct tihynymcns 241 scmggmnrrp iltiitleds sgnllgrnsf evrvcacpgr drrteeenlr kkgephhelp 301 pgstkralpn ntssspqpkk kpldgeyftl qirgrerfem frelnealel kdaqagkepg 361 gsrahsshlk skkgqstsrh kklmfktegp dsd // __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::GenPept, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_medline # PMID: 13054692 text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ PMID- 13054692 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 19531201 DCOM- 20030501 LR - 20061115 PUBM- Print IS - 0028-0836 (Print) VI - 171 IP - 4356 DP - 1953 Apr 25 TI - Molecular structure of nucleic acids; a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. PG - 737-8 FAU - WATSON, J D AU - WATSON JD FAU - CRICK, F H AU - CRICK FH LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - Not Available TA - Nature JT - Nature JID - 0410462 RN - 0 (Nucleic Acids) SB - OM MH - *Nucleic Acids OID - CLML: 5324:25254:447 OTO - NLM OT - *NUCLEIC ACIDS EDAT- 1953/04/25 MHDA- 1953/04/25 00:01 PST - ppublish SO - Nature. 1953 Apr 25;171(4356):737-8. __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::MEDLINE, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_embl_oldrelease fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'embl', 'AB090716.embl') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::EMBL, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_embl fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'embl', 'AB090716.embl.rel89') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::EMBL, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_sptr fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'uniprot', 'p53_human.uniprot') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::SPTR, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_prosite fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'prosite', 'prosite.dat') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::PROSITE, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_transfac # Dummy data; Generated from random data text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ AC M99999 XX ID V$XXXX_99 XX DT 13.01.98 (created); ewi. DT 31.12.99 (updated); ewi. XX NA XXXX XX DE example gene protein XX BF T99998; XXXX; Species: human, Homo sapiens. BF T99999; XXXX; Species: mouse, Mus musculus. XX P0 A C G T 01 1 2 2 2 N 02 0 2 2 3 N 03 1 1 5 0 G 04 3 1 1 2 N 05 7 0 0 0 A 06 2 0 1 4 W 07 0 1 6 0 G 08 0 3 0 4 Y 09 6 1 0 0 A 10 1 1 0 5 T XX BA 7 functional elements in 3 genes XX CC compiled sequences XX RN [1] RA Anonymou S., Whoam I. RT Example article title for XXXX RL J. Example. 99:990-999 (1999). __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::TRANSFAC, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_aaindex1 fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'aaindex', 'PRAM900102') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::AAindex1, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_aaindex2 fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'aaindex', 'DAYM780301') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::AAindex2, @ad.autodetect(text)) end # def test_litdb # end # def test_brite # end # def test_orthology # end # def test_drug # end # def test_glycan # end # def test_enzyme # end # def test_compound # end # def test_reaction # end # def test_genes # end # def test_genome # end def test_maxml_cluster # dummy empty data text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Cluster, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_maxml_sequence # dummy empty data text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Sequence, @ad.autodetect(text)) end # def test_pdb # end # def test_chemicalcomponent # end # def test_clustal # end # def test_gcg_msf # end # def test_gcg_seq # end def test_blastxml fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'blast', '2.2.15.blastp.m7') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::Blast::Report, @ad.autodetect(text)) end # def test_wublast # end # def test_wutblast # end def test_blast fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'blast', 'b0002.faa.m0') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::Blast::Default::Report, @ad.autodetect(text)) end # def test_tblast # end # def test_blat # end # def test_spidey # end def test_hmmer fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'HMMER', 'hmmpfam.out') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::HMMER::Report, @ad.autodetect(text)) fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'HMMER', 'hmmsearch.out') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::HMMER::Report, @ad.autodetect(text)) end # def test_sim4 # end def test_fastaformat fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'fasta', 'example1.txt') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::FastaFormat, @ad.autodetect(text)) fn = File.join(TestDataPath, 'fasta', 'example2.txt') text = File.read(fn) assert_equal(Bio::FastaFormat, @ad.autodetect(text)) end def test_fastanumericformat text = <<__END_OF_TEXT__ >sample 30 21 16 11 8 6 3 34 28 34 28 28 35 28 28 37 33 15 27 28 28 27 37 33 17 27 27 28 28 33 26 33 26 28 27 37 33 15 27 26 27 28 37 33 16 34 26 27 33 26 28 33 25 28 28 38 34 23 13 2 __END_OF_TEXT__ assert_equal(Bio::FastaNumericFormat, @ad.autodetect(text)) end end #class TestDefaultAutoDetect end #module Bio::TestFlatFile