module Spree module Admin module NavigationHelper # Makes an admin navigation tab (
  • tag) that links to a routing resource under /admin. # The arguments should be a list of symbolized controller names that will cause this tab to # be highlighted, with the first being the name of the resouce to link (uses URL helpers). # # Option hash may follow. Valid options are # * :label to override link text, otherwise based on the first resource name (translated) # * :route to override automatically determining the default route # * :match_path as an alternative way to control when the tab is active, /products would # match /admin/products, /admin/products/5/variants etc. Can be a String or a Regexp. # Controller names are ignored if :match_path is provided. # # Example: # # Link to /admin/orders, also highlight tab for ProductsController and ShipmentsController # tab :orders, :products, :shipments ICON_SIZE = 16 def tab(*args) options = { label: args.first.to_s } # Return if resource is found and user is not allowed to :admin return '' if (klass = klass_for(options[:label])) && cannot?(:admin, klass) options = options.merge(args.pop) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options[:route] ||= "admin_#{args.first}" destination_url = options[:url] || spree.send("#{options[:route]}_path") titleized_label = Spree.t(options[:label], default: options[:label], scope: [:admin, :tab]).titleize css_classes = ['sidebar-menu-item d-block w-100 position-relative'] selected = if options[:match_path].is_a? Regexp request.fullpath =~ options[:match_path] elsif options[:match_path] request.fullpath.starts_with?("#{spree.admin_path}#{options[:match_path]}") else args.include?(controller.controller_name.to_sym) end link = if options[:icon] link_to_with_icon( options[:icon], titleized_label, destination_url, class: 'w-100 p-3 d-flex align-items-center' ) else link_to( titleized_label, destination_url, class: "sidebar-submenu-item w-100 py-2 py-md-1 pl-3 d-block #{'text-success' if selected}" ) end css_classes << 'selected' if selected css_classes << options[:css_class] if options[:css_class] content_tag('li', link, class: css_classes.join(' ')) end # Single main menu item def main_menu_item(text, url: nil, icon: nil) link_to url, 'data-toggle': 'collapse', class: 'd-flex w-100 p-3 position-relative align-items-center' do if icon.ends_with?('.svg') svg_icon(name: icon, classes: 'mr-2', width: ICON_SIZE, height: ICON_SIZE) + content_tag(:span, " #{text}", class: 'text') + svg_icon(name: 'chevron-left.svg', classes: 'drop-menu-indicator position-absolute', width: (ICON_SIZE - 4), height: (ICON_SIZE - 4)) else content_tag(:span, nil, class: "icon icon-#{icon} mr-2") + content_tag(:span, " #{text}", class: 'text') + svg_icon(name: 'chevron-left.svg', classes: 'drop-menu-indicator position-absolute', width: (ICON_SIZE - 4), height: (ICON_SIZE - 4)) end end end # Main menu tree menu def main_menu_tree(text, icon: nil, sub_menu: nil, url: '#') content_tag :li, class: 'sidebar-menu-item d-block w-100' do main_menu_item(text, url: url, icon: icon) + render(partial: "spree/admin/shared/sub_menu/#{sub_menu}") end end # the per_page_dropdown is used on index pages like orders, products, promotions etc. # this method generates the select_tag def per_page_dropdown # there is a config setting for admin_products_per_page, only for the orders page if @products && per_page_default = Spree::Config.admin_products_per_page per_page_options = [] 5.times do |amount| per_page_options << (amount + 1) * Spree::Config.admin_products_per_page end else per_page_default = Spree::Config.admin_orders_per_page per_page_options = %w{25 50 75} end selected_option = params[:per_page].try(:to_i) || per_page_default select_tag(:per_page, options_for_select(per_page_options, selected_option), class: "w-auto form-control js-per-page-select per-page-selected-#{selected_option} custom-select") end # helper method to create proper url to apply per page ing # fixes def per_page_dropdown_params(args = nil) args = params.permit!.to_h.clone args.delete(:page) args.delete(:per_page) args end # finds class for a given symbol / string # # Example : # :products returns Spree::Product # :my_products returns MyProduct if MyProduct is defined # :my_products returns My::Product if My::Product is defined # if cannot constantize it returns nil # This will allow us to use cancan abilities on tab def klass_for(name) model_name = name.to_s ["Spree::#{model_name.classify}", model_name.classify,'_', '/').classify].find(&:safe_constantize).try(:safe_constantize) end def link_to_clone(resource, options = {}) options[:data] = { action: 'clone', 'original-title': Spree.t(:clone) } options[:class] = 'btn btn-primary btn-sm with-tip' options[:method] = :post options[:icon] = 'clone.svg' button_link_to '', clone_object_url(resource), options end def link_to_clone_promotion(promotion, options = {}) options[:data] = { action: 'clone', 'original-title': Spree.t(:clone) } options[:class] = 'btn btn-warning btn-sm with-tip' options[:method] = :post options[:icon] = 'clone.svg' button_link_to '', clone_admin_promotion_path(promotion), options end def link_to_edit(resource, options = {}) url = options[:url] || edit_object_url(resource) options[:data] = { action: 'edit' } options[:class] = 'btn btn-primary btn-sm' link_to_with_icon('edit.svg', Spree.t(:edit), url, options) end def link_to_edit_url(url, options = {}) options[:data] = { action: 'edit' } options[:class] = 'btn btn-primary btn-sm' link_to_with_icon('edit.svg', Spree.t(:edit), url, options) end def link_to_delete(resource, options = {}) url = options[:url] || object_url(resource) name = options[:name] || Spree.t(:delete) options[:class] = 'btn btn-danger btn-sm delete-resource' options[:data] = { confirm: Spree.t(:are_you_sure), action: 'remove' } link_to_with_icon 'delete.svg', name, url, options end def link_to_with_icon(icon_name, text, url, options = {}) options[:class] = (options[:class].to_s + " icon-link with-tip action-#{icon_name}").strip options[:title] = text if options[:no_text] text = options[:no_text] ? '' : content_tag(:span, text, class: 'text') options.delete(:no_text) if icon_name icon = if icon_name.ends_with?('.svg') svg_icon(name: icon_name, classes: "#{'mr-2' unless text.empty?} icon icon-#{icon_name}", width: ICON_SIZE, height: ICON_SIZE) else content_tag(:span, '', class: "#{'mr-2' unless text.empty?} icon icon-#{icon_name}") end text = "#{icon} #{text}" end link_to(text.html_safe, url, options) end def spree_icon(icon_name) if icon_name.ends_with?('.svg') icon_name ? svg_icon(name: icon_name, classes: icon_name, width: ICON_SIZE, height: ICON_SIZE) : '' else icon_name ? content_tag(:span, '', class: icon_name) : '' end end # Override: Add disable_with option to prevent multiple request on consecutive clicks def button(text, icon_name = nil, button_type = 'submit', options = {}) if icon_name icon = if icon_name.ends_with?('.svg') svg_icon(name: icon_name, classes: "icon icon-#{icon_name}", width: ICON_SIZE, height: ICON_SIZE) else content_tag(:span, '', class: "icon icon-#{icon_name}") end text = "#{icon} #{text}" end button_tag( text.html_safe, options.merge( type: button_type, class: "btn btn-primary #{options[:class]}", 'data-disable-with' => "#{Spree.t(:saving)}..." ) ) end def button_link_to(text, url, html_options = {}) if html_options[:method] && !html_options[:method].to_s.casecmp('get').zero? && !html_options[:remote] form_tag(url, method: html_options.delete(:method)) do button(text, html_options.delete(:icon), nil, html_options) end else if html_options['data-update'].nil? && html_options[:remote] object_name, action = url.split('/')[-2..-1] html_options['data-update'] = [action, object_name.singularize].join('_') end html_options.delete('data-update') unless html_options['data-update'] html_options[:class] = html_options[:class] ? "btn #{html_options[:class]}" : 'btn btn-outline-secondary' if html_options[:icon] icon = if html_options[:icon].ends_with?('.svg') svg_icon(name: html_options[:icon], classes: "icon icon-#{html_options[:icon]}", width: ICON_SIZE, height: ICON_SIZE) else content_tag(:span, '', class: "icon icon-#{html_options[:icon]}") end text = "#{icon} #{text}" end link_to(text.html_safe, url, html_options.except(:icon)) end end def configurations_sidebar_menu_item(link_text, url, options = {}) is_selected = url.ends_with?(controller.controller_name) || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name}/edit") || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name.singularize}/edit") options[:class] = 'sidebar-menu-item d-block w-100' options[:class] << ' selected' if is_selected content_tag(:li, options) do link_to(link_text, url, class: "#{'text-success' if is_selected} sidebar-submenu-item w-100 py-2 py-md-1 pl-3 d-block") end end def main_part_classes if cookies['sidebar-minimized'] == 'true' 'col-12 sidebar-collapsed' else 'col-9 offset-3 col-md-10 offset-md-2' end end def main_sidebar_classes ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-DEPRECATION, caller) Admin::NavigationsHelper#main_sidebar_classes is deprecated and will be removed in Spree 5.0. DEPRECATION if cookies['sidebar-minimized'] == 'true' 'col-3 col-md-2 sidebar' else 'p-0 col-3 col-md-2 sidebar' end end def wrapper_classes ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-DEPRECATION, caller) Admin::NavigationsHelper#wrapper_classes is deprecated and will be removed in Spree 5.0. DEPRECATION 'sidebar-minimized' if cookies['sidebar-minimized'] == 'true' end end end end