module Puppet::Pops module Loader # BaseLoader # === # An abstract implementation of Loader # # A derived class should implement `find(typed_name)` and set entries, and possible handle "miss caching". # # @api private # class BaseLoader < Loader # The parent loader attr_reader :parent def initialize(parent_loader, loader_name) super(loader_name) @parent = parent_loader # the higher priority loader to consult @named_values = {} # hash name => NamedEntry @last_result = nil # the value of the last name (optimization) end # @api public # def load_typed(typed_name) # The check for "last queried name" is an optimization when a module searches. First it checks up its parent # chain, then itself, and then delegates to modules it depends on. # These modules are typically parented by the same # loader as the one initiating the search. It is inefficient to again try to search the same loader for # the same name. if @last_result.nil? || typed_name != @last_result.typed_name @last_result = internal_load(typed_name) else @last_result end end # @api public # def loaded_entry(typed_name, check_dependencies = false) if @named_values.has_key?(typed_name) @named_values[typed_name] elsif parent parent.loaded_entry(typed_name, check_dependencies) else nil end end # This method is final (subclasses should not override it) # # @api private # def get_entry(typed_name) @named_values[typed_name] end # @api private # def set_entry(typed_name, value, origin = nil) # It is never ok to redefine in the very same loader unless redefining a 'not found' if entry = @named_values[typed_name] fail_redefine(entry) unless entry.value.nil? end # Check if new entry shadows existing entry and fail # (unless special loader allows shadowing) if typed_name.type == :type && !allow_shadowing? entry = loaded_entry(typed_name) if entry fail_redefine(entry) unless entry.value.nil? #|| entry.value == value end end @last_result =, value, origin) @named_values[typed_name] = @last_result end # @api private # def add_entry(type, name, value, origin) set_entry(, name), value, origin) end # @api private # def remove_entry(typed_name) unless @named_values.delete(typed_name).nil? @last_result = nil unless @last_result.nil? || typed_name != @last_result.typed_name end end # Promotes an already created entry (typically from another loader) to this loader # # @api private # def promote_entry(named_entry) typed_name = named_entry.typed_name if entry = @named_values[typed_name] then fail_redefine(entry); end @named_values[typed_name] = named_entry end protected def allow_shadowing? false end private def fail_redefine(entry) origin_info = entry.origin ? "Originally set #{origin_label(entry.origin)}." : "Set at unknown location" raise ArgumentError, "Attempt to redefine entity '#{entry.typed_name}'. #{origin_info}" end # TODO: Should not really be here?? - TODO: A Label provider ? semantics for the URI? # def origin_label(origin) if origin && origin.is_a?(URI) format_uri(origin) elsif origin.respond_to?(:uri) format_uri(origin.uri) else origin end end def format_uri(uri) (uri.scheme == 'puppet' ? 'by ' : 'at ') + uri.to_s.sub(/^puppet:/,'') end # loads in priority order: # 1. already loaded here # 2. load from parent # 3. find it here # 4. give up # def internal_load(typed_name) # avoid calling get_entry, by looking it up te = @named_values[typed_name] te = parent.load_typed(typed_name) if te.nil? || te.value.nil? te = find(typed_name) if te.nil? || te.value.nil? te end end end end