# README for Roo

This is the semi-official roo repository. I've been unable to contact the maintainer so this
repository should allow us to continue in the interim. If you'd like to contribute I'm happy 
to pull your changes in and will be making periodic releases from here until we can get
the gems on RubyForge. 

## Installation

    # Run the following if you haven't done so before:
    gem sources -a http://gems.github.com/

    # Install the gem:
    sudo gem install hmcgowan-roo

## Usage:

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'roo'

    s = Openoffice.new("myspreadsheet.ods")      # creates an Openoffice Spreadsheet instance
    s = Excel.new("myspreadsheet.xls")           # creates an Excel Spreadsheet instance
    s = Google.new("myspreadsheetkey_at_google") # creates an Google Spreadsheet instance
    s = Excelx.new("myspreadsheet.xlsx")         # creates an Excel Spreadsheet instance for Excel .xlsx files

    s.default_sheet = s.sheets.first  # first sheet in the spreadsheet file will be used

    # s.sheet is an array which holds the names of the sheets within
    # a spreadsheet.
    # you can also write
    # s.default_sheet = s.sheets[3] or
    # s.default_sheet = 'Sheet 3'

    s.cell(1,1)                                 # returns the content of the first row/first cell in the sheet
    s.cell('A',1)                               # same cell
    s.cell(1,'A')                               # same cell
    s.cell(1,'A',s.sheets[0])                   # same cell

    # almost all methods have an optional argument 'sheet'.
    # If this parameter is ommitted, the default_sheet will be used.
    s.info                                      # prints infos about the spreadsheet file

    s.first_row                                 # the number of the first row
    s.last_row                                  # the number of the last row
    s.first_column                              # the number of the first column
    s.last_column                               # the number of the last column

see http://roo.rubyforge.org for a more complete tutorial