# coding: ascii-8bit # frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.3 # 2011-03-30 # Brendan Coles # Updated regex to decrease false positives & merged EscenicEngine5 plugin ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "Escenic" do @author = "Erik Inge Bolsø & nikosk " @version = "0.3" @description = "Escenic is a commercial CMS popular in the Nordic region." @website = "http://escenic.com/" # Google results as at 2011-03-19 # # 273 for filetype:ece # Dorks # @dorks = [ 'filetype:ece' ] # Matches # @matches = [ # HTML Comment { text: '' }, # Meta Author { certainty: 75, text: '' }, # Search Form { certainty: 25, regexp: /
]*>/ }, # GHDB # Filetype { certainty: 75, ghdb: "filetype:ece inurl:article" }, # escenic 4.x image storage structure { certainty: 25, regexp: /]+src="[^"^>]+\/archive\/\d{5}\/[^"^>]+"[^>]*>/ }, # escenic .ece url match { certainty: 25, regexp: /]+href="[^"^>]+\/article[\d]{5,10}\.ece">[^<]*<\/a>/ }, ] end