require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe ShortMessage do before(:each) do @valid_attributes = { :destination => "0046707293274", :body => "ShortMessage", :originator_type => "numeric", :originator => "46707293274", :message_type => "text" } end it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do ShortMessage.create!(@valid_attributes) end describe "assosiations" do before(:each) do @short_message = end it "should have many receipts" do @short_message.should have_many(:delivery_receipts) end end describe "validation" do describe "destination" do before(:each) do @short_message = end it "should be valid destination number" do @short_message.destination = "0046707293274" @short_message.should be_valid end it "should not be valid destination number" do @short_message.destination = "0707293274" @short_message.should_not be_valid end it "should validate presence of destination number" do @short_message.destination = "" @short_message.should_not be_valid end end describe "body" do it "should validate precense of body" do @short_message = => "")) @short_message.should_not be_valid end it "should allow up to 918 chars when concat is set to 6" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 6 @short_message = => "a" * 918)) @short_message.should be_valid end it "should allow 919 chars when concat is set to 6" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 6 @short_message = => "a" * 919)) @short_message.should_not be_valid end it "should allow 160 chars" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 1 @short_message = => "a" * 160)) @short_message.should be_valid end it "should not allow more then 160 chars" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 1 @short_message = => "a" * 161)) @short_message.should_not be_valid end end describe "orginator_type" do it "should not allow blank else as originator type" do @short_message = => "")) @short_message.should_not be_valid end it "should not allow nil else as originator type" do @short_message = @short_message.originator_type = nil @short_message.should_not be_valid end describe "numeric" do before(:each) do @short_message = => 'numeric')) end it "should be valid" do @short_message.should be_valid end it "should allow up to 15 chars" do @short_message.should validate_length_of(:originator, :within => 1..15) end it "should validate format of originator" do @short_message.originator = "0046707293274" @short_message.should_not be_valid end it "should be valid format of originator" do @short_message.originator = "46707293274" @short_message.should be_valid end end describe "shortcode" do before(:each) do @short_message = => "shortcode")) end it "should allow shortcode as originator type" do @short_message.should be_valid end it "should allow up to 15 chars" do @short_message.should validate_length_of(:originator, :within => 1..15) end end describe "alpha" do before(:each) do @short_message = => "alpha")) end it "should allow shortcode as originator type" do @short_message.should be_valid end it "should allow up to 11 chars" do @short_message.should validate_length_of(:originator, :within => 1..11) end it "should validate format of originator" do @short_message.originator = "Equipe" @short_message.should be_valid end it "should not be valid format of originator" do @short_message.originator = "1234567890123" @short_message.should_not be_valid end end end end describe "default settings" do before(:each) do @short_message = end it "should have default settings for type given at setup" do @short_message.message_type.should eql('text') end it "should have default settings for originator type given at setup" do @short_message.originator_type.should eql('alpha') end it "should have default settings for originator given at setup" do @short_message.originator.should eql('COMPANYNAME') end it "should have default setting for allow concat" do @short_message.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat].should eql(6) end it "should have max body text length" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 6 @short_message.max_length.should eql(918) # 6 * 153 end it "should have max body text dependent on allow concat" do ShortMessage.acts_as_sms_options[:allow_concat] = 1 @short_message.max_length.should eql(160) end end describe "configuration file from disk" do it "should raise error if configuration file is not found" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(false) lambda { ShortMessage.sms_configuration }.should raise_error end it "should load configuration" do ShortMessage.instance_eval { @sms_configuration = nil } File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(true) YAML.should_receive(:load).once.and_return({"sms_url"=>"http://...", "username"=>"user", "password"=>"pass"}) ShortMessage.sms_configuration end end describe "send message" do before(:each) do @short_message = @short_message.class.stub!(:post).and_return("OK: fc444ec93ac7ebdf6a93816a11d23041") end it "should send a standard sms with less then 160 chars" do @short_message.class.should_receive(:post).and_return("OK: fc444ec93ac7ebdf6a93816a11d23041") @short_message.send_message end it "should create a delivery receipt with response from cellsynt" do @short_message.send_message @short_message.should have(1).delivery_receipts end it "should know that the message is sent" do @short_message.send_message @short_message.should be_sent end it "should not be sent" do @short_message.should_not be_sent end describe "sms status" do before(:each) do @short_message.class.stub!(:post).and_return("OK: fc444ec93ac7ebdf6a93816a11d23041,bc444ec93ac7ebdf6a93816a11d23041") @short_message.send_message end it "should be delivered" do @short_message.delivery_receipts.update_all("status = 'delivered'") @short_message.should be_delivered end it "should be buffered" do @short_message.delivery_receipts.first.update_attribute(:status, 'buffered') @short_message.should be_buffered end it "should be be failed" do @short_message.delivery_receipts.first.update_attribute(:status, 'failed') @short_message.should be_failed end end end end