object @survey attribute :title attribute :api_id => :uuid node(:description, :if => lambda {|s| !s.description.blank? }){|s| s.description } node(:reference_identifier, :if => lambda {|s| !s.reference_identifier.blank? }){|s| s.reference_identifier } child :sections => :sections do attributes :title, :display_order node(:description, :if => lambda {|s| !s.description.blank? }){|s| s.description } node(:reference_identifier, :if => lambda {|s| !s.reference_identifier.blank? }){|s| s.reference_identifier } child :questions_and_groups => :questions_and_groups do # both questions and question_groups have uuid, text, help_text, reference_identifier, and type attribute :api_id => :uuid node(:text, :if => lambda { |q| q.is_a?(Question)}){ |q| q.split_text(:pre) } node(:text, :if => lambda { |q| q.is_a?(QuestionGroup)}){ |q| q.text } node(:help_text, :if => lambda { |q| !q.help_text.blank? }){ |q| q.help_text } node(:reference_identifier, :if => lambda { |q| !q.reference_identifier.blank? }){ |q| q.reference_identifier } node(:type, :if => lambda { |q| q.display_type != "default" }){ |q| q.display_type } # only questions node(:pick, :if => lambda { |q| q.is_a?(Question) && q.pick != "none" }){ |q| q.pick } node(:post_text, :if => lambda { |q| q.is_a?(Question) && !q.split_text(:post).blank? }){ |q| q.split_text(:post) } child :answers, :if => lambda { |q| q.is_a?(Question) && !q.answers.blank? } do attribute :api_id => :uuid node(:help_text, :if => lambda { |a| !a.help_text.blank? }){ |a| a.help_text } node(:exclusive, :if => lambda { |a| a.is_exclusive }){ |a| a.is_exclusive } node(:text){ |a| a.split_or_hidden_text(:pre) } node(:post_text, :if => lambda { |a| !a.split_or_hidden_text(:post).blank? }){ |a| a.split_or_hidden_text(:post) } node(:type, :if => lambda { |a| a.response_class != "answer" }){ |a| a.response_class } end # both questions and question_groups have dependencies child :dependency, :if => lambda { |q| q.dependency } do attributes :rule child :dependency_conditions => :conditions do attributes :rule_key, :operator node(:question){ |d| d.question.api_id } node(:answer, :if => lambda { |d| d.answer }){ |d| d.answer.api_id } node(:value, :if => lambda { |d| d.answer && d.answer.response_class != "answer" && d.as(d.answer.response_class) }){ |d| d.as(d.answer.response_class)} end end child(:questions, :if => lambda{|x| x.is_a?(QuestionGroup)}) do attributes :api_id => :uuid node(:text){ |q| q.split_text(:pre) } node(:post_text, :if => lambda { |q| !q.split_text(:post).blank? }){ |q| q.split_text(:post) } node(:help_text, :if => lambda { |q| !q.help_text.blank? }){ |q| q.help_text } node(:reference_identifier, :if => lambda { |q| !q.reference_identifier.blank? }){ |q| q.reference_identifier } node(:type, :if => lambda { |q| q.display_type != "default" }){ |q| q.display_type } node(:pick, :if => lambda { |q| q.pick != "none" }){ |q| q.pick } child :answers, :if => lambda { |q| !q.answers.blank? } do attributes :api_id => :uuid node(:help_text, :if => lambda { |a| !a.help_text.blank? }){ |a| a.help_text } node(:is_exclusive, :if => lambda { |a| a.is_exclusive }){ |a| a.is_exclusive } node(:text){ |a| a.split_or_hidden_text(:pre) } node(:post_text, :if => lambda { |a| !a.split_or_hidden_text(:post).blank? }){ |a| a.split_or_hidden_text(:post) } node(:type, :if => lambda { |a| a.response_class != "answer" }){ |a| a.response_class } end child :dependency, :if => lambda { |q| q.dependency } do attributes :rule child :dependency_conditions => :conditions do attributes :rule_key, :operator node(:question){ |d| d.question.api_id } node(:answer, :if => lambda { |d| d.answer }){ |d| d.answer.api_id } node(:value, :if => lambda { |d| d.answer && d.answer.response_class != "answer" && d.as(d.answer.response_class) }){ |d| d.as(d.answer.response_class)} end end end end end