{%-comment-%} inputs: include.url: override the author's displayed url include.name: override the author's displayed name include.image: override the author's displayed image include.handle: override the author's displayed handle include.position: override the author's displayed position include.excerpt: override the author's displayed excerpt include.show_social: boolean for whether to show social icon links or not include.show_next: boolean for whether to show the next post line or not dependencies: site.posts: used to find `next_post` by author local: authored: calculated boolean that determines
layout author the author object to render auth the author's handle, included only on authored pages; `auth` also determines the `authored` boolean value {%-endcomment-%} {%-assign peeps = site.collections | where: "label", 'people' | first-%} {%-assign next_post = site.posts | where_exp: 'item', "item.author contains auth" | where_exp: 'item', "item.url != page.url" | first %} {%-if auth != empty and auth != "" and auth != nil-%}{%-assign authored = true-%}{%-else-%}{%-assign authored = false-%}{%-endif-%} {%-if include.show_next == false %-}{%-assign show_next = false-%}{%-else-%}{%-assign show_next = true-%}{%-endif-%} {%-if include.show_social == false %-}{%-assign show_social = false-%}{%-else-%}{%-assign show_social = true-%}{%-endif-%}