module Authlogic module ORMAdapters module ActiveRecordAdapter module ActsAsAuthentic # = Persistence # # This is responsible for all record persistence. Basically what your Authlogic session needs to persist the record's session. # # === Class Methods # # * forget_all! - resets ALL records persistence_token to a unique value, requiring all users to re-login # * unique_token - returns a pretty hardcore random token that is finally encrypted with a hash algorithm # # === Instance Methods # # * forget! - resets the record's persistence_token which requires them to re-login # # === Alias Method Chains # # * #{options[:password_field]} - adds in functionality to reset the persistence token when the password is changed module Persistence def acts_as_authentic_with_persistence(options = {}) acts_as_authentic_without_persistence(options) validates_presence_of options[:persistence_token_field] validates_uniqueness_of options[:persistence_token_field], :if => "#{options[:persistence_token_field]}_changed?".to_sym before_validation "reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]}".to_sym, :if => "reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]}?".to_sym def forget_all! # Paginate these to save on memory records = nil i = 0 begin records = find(:all, :limit => 50, :offset => i) records.each { |record| record.forget! } i += 50 end while !records.blank? end class_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def self.unique_token Authlogic::CryptoProviders::Sha512.encrypt( + (1..10).collect{ rand.to_s }.join) end def forget! self.#{options[:persistence_token_field]} = self.class.unique_token save_without_session_maintenance(false) end def #{options[:password_field]}_with_persistence=(value) reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]} self.#{options[:password_field]}_without_persistence = value end alias_method_chain :#{options[:password_field]}=, :persistence def reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]} self.#{options[:persistence_token_field]} = self.class.unique_token end def reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]}! reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]} save_without_session_maintenance(false) end def reset_#{options[:persistence_token_field]}? #{options[:persistence_token_field]}.blank? end end_eval end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do class << self include Authlogic::ORMAdapters::ActiveRecordAdapter::ActsAsAuthentic::Persistence alias_method_chain :acts_as_authentic, :persistence end end