require 'active_support' require 'active_record' require 'sham' module Machinist def self.with_save_nerfed begin @@nerfed = true yield ensure @@nerfed = false end end @@nerfed = false def self.nerfed? @@nerfed end module ActiveRecordExtensions def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def blueprint(&blueprint) @blueprint = blueprint if block_given? @blueprint end def make(attributes = {}, &block) lathe =, attributes) unless Machinist.nerfed?! lathe.object.reload end lathe.object(&block) end def plan(attributes = {}) lathe =, attributes) lathe.assigned_attributes end def make_unsaved(attributes = {}) returning(Machinist.with_save_nerfed { make(attributes) }) do |object| yield object if block_given? end end end end module ActiveRecordAssociationExtensions def make(attributes = {}, &block) lathe =, attributes) unless Machinist.nerfed?! lathe.object.reload end lathe.object(&block) end def plan(attributes = {}) lathe =, attributes) lathe.assigned_attributes end end class Lathe def, attributes = {}) blueprint = object.class.blueprint raise "No blueprint for class #{object.class}" if blueprint.nil? returning, attributes) do |lathe| lathe.instance_eval(&blueprint) end end def initialize(object, attributes = {}) @object = object @assigned_attributes = {} attributes.each do |key, value| @object.send("#{key}=", value) @assigned_attributes[key.to_sym] = value end end # Undef a couple of methods that are common ActiveRecord attributes. # (Both of these are deprecated in Ruby 1.8 anyway.) undef_method :id undef_method :type def object yield @object if block_given? @object end attr_reader :assigned_attributes def method_missing(symbol, *args, &block) if @assigned_attributes.has_key?(symbol) @object.send(symbol) elsif @object.class.reflect_on_association(symbol) && !@object.send(symbol).nil? @object.send(symbol) else @object.send("#{symbol}=", generate_attribute(symbol, args, &block)) end end def generate_attribute(symbol, args) value = if block_given? yield elsif args.first.is_a?(Hash) || args.empty? klass = @object.class.reflect_on_association(symbol).class_name.constantize klass.make(args.first || {}) else args.first end @assigned_attributes[symbol] = value end end end class ActiveRecord::Base include Machinist::ActiveRecordExtensions end class ActiveRecord::Associations::AssociationProxy include Machinist::ActiveRecordAssociationExtensions end