require "spec_helper" describe A9n::Loader do let(:env) { "test" } let(:root) { File.expand_path("../../../test_app", __FILE__) } let(:file_path) { File.join(root, "config/configuration.yml") } subject {, env) } describe "#intialize" do it { expect(subject.env).to eq(env) } it { expect(subject.local_file).to eq(file_path) } it { expect(subject.example_file).to eq("#{file_path}.example") } end describe "#load" do let(:example_config) { { app_url: "", api_key: "example1234" } } let(:local_config) { { app_host: "", api_key: "local1234" } } let(:env){ "tropical" } let(:config) { subject.get } context "when no configuration file exists" do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.example_file, env).and_return(nil) expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.local_file, env).and_return(nil) expect(subject).to receive(:verify!).never end it "raises expection" do expect { subject.load }.to raise_error(A9n::MissingConfigurationData) end end context "when only example configuration file exists" do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.example_file, env).and_return(example_config) expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.local_file, env).and_return(nil) expect(described_class).to receive(:verify!).never subject.load end it { expect(config.app_url).to eq("") } it { expect(config.api_key).to eq("example1234") } it { expect { config.app_host }.to raise_error(A9n::NoSuchConfigurationVariable) } end context "when only local configuration file exists" do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.example_file, env).and_return(nil) expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.local_file, env).and_return(local_config) expect(described_class).to receive(:verify!).never subject.load end it { expect(config.app_host).to eq("") } it { expect(config.api_key).to eq("local1234") } it { expect { config.app_url }.to raise_error(A9n::NoSuchConfigurationVariable) } end context "when both local and base configuration file exists without defaults" do context "with same data" do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.example_file, env).and_return(example_config) expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.local_file, env).and_return(example_config) subject.load end it { expect(config.app_url).to eq("") } it { expect(config.api_key).to eq("example1234") } it { expect { config.app_host }.to raise_error(A9n::NoSuchConfigurationVariable) } end context "with different data" do before do expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.example_file, env).and_return(example_config) expect(described_class).to receive(:load_yml).with(subject.local_file, env).and_return(local_config) end let(:missing_variables_names) { example_config.keys - local_config.keys } it "raises expection with missing variables names" do expect { subject.load }.to raise_error(A9n::MissingConfigurationVariables, /#{missing_variables_names.join(', ')}/) end end end end describe ".load_yml" do let(:env) { "test" } subject { described_class.load_yml(file_path, env) } context "when file not exists" do let(:file_path) { "file_not_existing_in_the_universe.yml" } it{ expect(subject).to be_nil } end context "when file exists" do shared_examples "non-empty config file" do it "returns non-empty hash" do expect(subject).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(subject.keys).to_not be_empty end end before { ENV["DWARF"] = "erbized dwarf" } context 'when file has erb extension' do let(:file_path) { File.join(root, "config/a9n/cloud.yml.erb") } it_behaves_like "non-empty config file" end context "having env and defaults data" do let(:file_path) { File.join(root, "config/configuration.yml") } it_behaves_like "non-empty config file" it "contains keys from defaults scope" do expect(subject[:default_dwarf]).to eq("default dwarf") expect(subject[:overriden_dwarf]).to eq("already overriden dwarf") end it "has symbolized keys" do expect(subject.keys.first).to be_kind_of(Symbol) expect(subject[:hash_dwarf]).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(subject[:hash_dwarf].keys.first).to be_kind_of(Symbol) end it "parses erb" do expect(subject[:erb_dwarf]).to eq("erbized dwarf") end end context "having no env and only defaults data" do let(:file_path) { File.join(root, "config/configuration.yml") } let(:env) { "production" } it_behaves_like "non-empty config file" it "contains keys from defaults scope" do expect(subject[:default_dwarf]).to eq("default dwarf") expect(subject[:overriden_dwarf]).to eq("not yet overriden dwarf") end end context "having only env and no default data" do let(:file_path) { File.join(root, "config/no_defaults.yml") } context "valid env" do let(:env) { "production" } it_behaves_like "non-empty config file" end context "invalid env" do let(:env) { "tropical" } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } end end end end end