h3. 2011-06-29 - Version 0.1.3: Fancier receivers * can now mix activemodel into a receiver, getting all its validation and other awesomeness * added receiver_model as an experimental 'I'm a fancy cadillac-style receiver' h3. 2011-06-24 Version 0.1.2: Receiver body fixes * Better @Object.try@ (via active_support) * Receiver body can now be an interpolated string or a hash; this lets you use anonymous classes. Added tuple methods (does an in-order traversal). * Bugfix for inclusion order in ActsAsHash h3. Version 0.1.0: Hashlike refactor, Receiver arrives v0.1.0 brings * Receiver module * refeactoring of hash decorations into a new hashlike class * ability to inject hashlike behavior into Struct h3. Version 0.0.7: full test coverage!
        |-- gorillib.rb
        `-- gorillib
            |-- array
            |   |-- compact_blank.rb
            |   |-- deep_compact.rb
            |   `-- extract_options.rb
            |-- base.rb
            |-- datetime
            |   |-- #flat.rb#
            |   |-- flat.rb
            |   `-- parse.rb
            |-- enumerable
            |   `-- sum.rb
            |-- hash
            |   |-- compact.rb
            |   |-- deep_compact.rb
            |   |-- deep_merge.rb
            |   |-- keys.rb
            |   |-- reverse_merge.rb
            |   |-- slice.rb
            |   `-- zip.rb
            |-- logger
            |   `-- log.rb
            |-- metaprogramming
            |   |-- aliasing.rb
            |   |-- cattr_accessor.rb
            |   |-- class_attribute.rb
            |   |-- delegation.rb
            |   |-- mattr_accessor.rb
            |   |-- remove_method.rb
            |   `-- singleton_class.rb
            |-- numeric
            |   `-- clamp.rb
            |-- object
            |   |-- blank.rb
            |   |-- try.rb
            |   `-- try_dup.rb
            |-- some.rb
            `-- string
                |-- constantize.rb
                |-- human.rb
                |-- inflections.rb
                `-- truncate.rb