0.2.11 (2009-07-15) * Add new MapQuest geocoder [Aubrey Holland] 0.2.10 (2009-04-17) * Added #blank? to Location 0.2.9 (2009-04-14) * Remove retired MapQuest geocoder * Slightly more aggressive error handling for Geocoder.us * Extend Numeric with #to_radians and #to_degrees 0.2.8 (2008-10-03) * fixed missing files from gem 0.2.7 (2008-10-03) * Adding Multimap geocoder [Tom Taylor] * Added MapQuest geocoder [Andrew Selder] * Fix google geocoder for responses that only return coordinates [Andrew Selder] 0.2.5 * fixed address mapping for local search maps (again) 0.2.4 (2007-05-15) * fixed address mapping for local search maps (Tom Taylor) 0.2.3 (2007-04-27) * fixed Google for less precise queries * added User-Agent to coerce Google into returning UTF-8 (Jonathan Tron) 0.2.2 (2007-03-27) * fixed LocalSearchMaps 0.2.1 (2007-03-19) * fixed error in command line interface 0.2.0 (2007-03-17) * changed city to locality, state to region, and zip to postal_code * added support for PostcodeAnywhere * added support for Local Search Maps (James Stewart) * added IP-based geocoder * moved geocoders to Graticule::Geocoder namespace * fixed Google geocoder (again) * made Yahoo geocoder consistent with others by returning 1 result * geocoders can how take a Hash (:street, :locality, :region, :postal_code, :country) or a Graticule::Location for the #locate call 0.1.3 (2007-02-14) * fixed Google geocoder * fixed CLI 0.1.2 (2007-02-12) * added "geocode" executable. See "geocode --help" for more information * declared dependency on ActiveSupport 0.1.1 (2006-12-16) * fixed bug in Yahoo that raised error when street address not returned * migrated to Hoe (http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/) * added Haversine, Spherical and Vincenty distance calculations 0.1 (2006-10-31) * Initial release